2023-11-14 Parking and Traffic Commission minutes City of Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission November 14,2023 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Parking and Traffic Commission LOCATION: City Hall, 3rd floor Council Chambers DATE: November 14, 2023 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Richard Benevento, Vice Chair Darlene Wynne, Jonathan Salt, Dayna Morton, Sergeant Dana Nicholson BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Captain Jake Kreyling, City Commissioner Michael Collins OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Naomi Moca Welcome and Call to Order Benevento chairs and opens the meeting at 8:37 a.m. Welcome and Call to Order 1. Recommendation to the Planning Board: Special Permit#188-23 & Site Plan review #163-23-478 Rantoul Street—478 Rantoul Street LLC Principal of the project William Lyons, applicant Vincent Orlando, and Tom Alexander of Alexander& Femino are present. Alexander states that the applicant has reduced the number of units from 44 to 39 and has widened the entryway drive aisle from 13 feet to 20 feet. Orlando states that the applicant has prepared a turning movement analysis demonstrating that an ambulance can access the site. Materials added to the record: • Ambulance movement analysis dated October 23, 2023 Vice Chair Wynne clarifies that the Planning Board has not yet reviewed the application and it is on today's Planning Board agenda. Orlando states that six of the seven bullet points in the letter from Kreyling have been complied with, and the seventh bullet point will be complied with as soon as the construction management plan is completed. Orlando states that the parking spaces total 98% of what is required, thus the project is short two spaces. Orlando clarifies that in the existing building, there is one two-bedroom unit and one commercial space that are allotted two parking spaces each, one of which is on Rantoul Street corresponding with the commercial unit. Salt asks what bicycle accommodations are available and Orlando states the design now has a designated bicycle room on the second floor in what was previously the common room. There is enough space on the elevator for a bicycle. Furthermore, there is a 700-square-foot foot common Page 1 of 5 City of Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission November 14,2023 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 space on each floor that may also be used for bicycle storage. There is a bicycle rack on the ground-level parking to the right of the EV charging station. Nicholson asks whether there is access to the rear of the building from the Kaminski property for emergency purposes. Lyon states that while the project has not been given access rights by Kaminski, in an emergency, access is permissible. Benevento asks how the dimensions of the site accommodate the wider aisle. Orlando explains that the bump-out by the existing building was removed. The entrance from Rantoul Street transitions from 20 feet to 22 feet, for which the applicant is requesting a Special Permit since 24 feet is required for two-way traffic. Nicholson confirms that the parking spaces are not metered in the vicinity of the project site. Benevento asks whether the work necessitates digging into Rantoul Street when tying in to City services and Lyons states that yes, it will be necessary to connect the project to City services. Alexander adds that he met with City Engineer Lisa Chandler, who advised that the applicant will likely have to repave curb-to-curb on Rantoul Street. Alexander states that the project will be presented at today's Planning Board meeting and he anticipates the matter will be continued. The Commission discusses that its December 5, 2023 meeting will be prior to the December 19, 2023, Planning Board meeting and that Kreyling will not be able to attend. Wynne: Motion to continue to the December 5, 2023 meeting. Salt seconds. Motion carries (5-0). 2. Recommendation to the Planning Board: Request for a Minor Modification—Special Permit application #182-22 and Site Plan review #155-22—40 Dunham Ridge—Dunham OC, LLC Miranda Siemasko of Glovsky and Glovsky is present on behalf of applicant Lauren Jezienicki. Senior Project Manager Karen Staffier of VHB is present. Siemasko states that today's request is to modify the elderly housing project approved by the Commission in 2022. The applicant obtained a Special Permit to reduce parking to 1.33 spaces per unit, equaling 217 spaces total. The minor modification became necessary due to tightening capital, so as a cost-saving measure, the underground garage will have 36 fewer spaces, while surface parking will be increased by 36 spaces. The applicant plans to approach the Planning Board and ZBA as well. Siemasko presents the site plan and explains the changes in circulation of the site's surface and underground parking. Staffier states that the location of the underground parking was somewhat dictated by grading. Benevento asks if there is any change in the number of spaces. Siemasko states the number remains the same and there is still the option to convert ten of the standard spaces to compact spaces, creating two additional spaces. Siemasko points out areas where the site could be expanded and states there are 62 bedrooms in the new design. Page 2 of 5 City of Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission November 14,2023 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 Benevento asks why land banking is being used as an option for additional parking. Siemasko states that there is a deficit in parking because the ratio is 1.33 spaces per unit when the requirement is two spaces per unit. The applicant has a partial space-sharing agreement with Cummings at the adjacent property with a walking path to access the lot. Siemasko summarizes that the number of spaces remains the same as before, with the option to add two compact spaces and/or create piggyback parking. Wynne asks if the design revision is primarily because of the cost of construction of the underground garage. Siemasko states yes, and additionally, the number of one-bedroom units has been increased, and the number of three-bedroom units has been decreased, netting a reduction of the total number of bedrooms to 220. The Commission discusses that it is presumed that there will be fewer cars associated with the one-bedroom units. Benevento asks how the permeable surface area will be impacted, and Siemasko states that the applicant will speak to the Conservation Commission today. The Commission discusses that the modification does not create any net change. Salt asks if visually the surface parking can be made to appear less austere. Siemasko states that the applicant is balancing the concerns of the Commission, Planning Board, and Conservation Commission. Nicholson asks what the timeline is for the project and Siemasko states that the applicant hopes to have the modification approved by the end of 2023,to close the financing for the project in Spring 2024, and to start construction in 2024. The Commission discusses that coordinating the traffic impacts via a construction management plan is a condition of the approved plan. Morton asks if the spaces are numbered and assigned to units, and Siemasko states that it is not finalized yet but it will be professionally managed. Wynne: Motion to recommend that the Planning Board approve the minor modification as presented. Morton seconds. Motion carries (5-0). 3. Request for Review: Temporary Traffic Control Plan Amendment—Site Plan review #156-22—SW Rantoul Gateway("Amara")—6 Rantoul Street— Southwest Rantoul Gateway LLC c/o Procopio Companies Tyler Palermo and Will Nuccio of Procopio Companies are present.Nuccio states that as discussed at previous meetings, the applicant is ready to remove the motion-activated traffic signal. This is due to the signal controlling a driveway that no longer exists. It brings all traffic to a stop needlessly when activated by construction vehicles. Benevento states that the first step is to consult with City Commissioner Michael Collins, DPS, and the intersection's designer. Palermo expresses gratitude to Nicholson for coordinating the site's traffic control thus far. Nuccio explains the logistics of the site: due to the building's large size, tractor-trailers will need to access the site to deliver loads of wood, panels, and steel trusses. Furthermore, it was found that the water line was not located where anticipated, so the water access and hydrant will be installed in a different location while upgrading the site to an eight-inch line. The upgrade is a Page 3 of 5 City of Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission November 14,2023 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 courtesy to the Goat Hill Lane and Cox Court neighborhood to avoid taking away water pressure. Thus, with the goal of keeping the intersection circulating while keeping bikers and pedestrians safe, the plan is to close half of Goat Hill Lane,from January 2024 to early June 2024. Vehicles will still be able to pull into Goat Hill Lane. To exit Goat Hill Lane vehicles will have to travel through Summit Avenue to School Street. Palermo states that the applicant has been using an email list to communicate updates with neighbors, which has been somewhat well-received. The applicant will attend the next Ward 2 meeting.Nuccio states that the drilling into bedrock is ending today. Salt observes that a lot of vehicles exit Goat Hill Lane onto Rantoul Street and asks how vehicles will make the left turn from Cox Court. Nuccio states that signage and detours will guide vehicles. Benevento emphasizes that robust communication with neighboring residents,Al's Bait and Tackle, the Anchor, and others in advance of traffic changes will prevent citizens from complaining to the Commission. Morton asks if the detour will be effective from January 2024 through June 1, 2024, and Nuccio states yes. Benevento advises the applicant to also think about snow. Wynne asks if City plows and trash trucks will be able to fit through the remaining lane and Nuccio states yes. Nicholson predicts that the Police Department will have to hire traffic details for both sides of the road because no matter how many signs are in place, vehicles will travel the wrong way until they get used to it. Nicholson states that traffic details will exercise their judgment on whether to close off the street completely, as their priority is always safety. Wynne states that Kreyling commented about the closing of both lanes. Nuccio states that the work day is 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.,that there is a delivery staging area in Salem, and that when deliveries show up on site can be controlled. Palermo expresses the applicant's commitment to communicate with all departments and neighbors. The applicant will return to discuss at the December 5, 2023 meeting with a revised plan. No vote was taken. 4. Approval of Minutes: a. October 3,2023 The members review the October 3, 2023 draft meeting minutes. Nicholson: Motion to accept the October 3, 2023 meeting minutes as written. Salt seconds. Motion carries (5-0). Adjournment Wynne: Motion to adjourn. Nicholson seconds. Motion carries unopposed. Meeting adjourns at 9:56 a.m. Page 4 of 5 City of Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission November 14,2023 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 The next regular meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, December 5, 2023. Page 5 of 5