1-8-2024 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING JANUARY 8,2024 LOCATION: 50 L.P. Henderson Rd., Beverly Airport East Side PRESENT: Commissioners Vice Chair Aaron Henry, Khris Hendricks, Jason Reulet, Jessie Zuberek, Josh Doxsee, Kyle Retallack and Bill Kossowan OTHERSPRESENT: Airport Manager Gabe Hanafin and Craig Schuster of ASG Group ABSENT: None PUBLIC: Mark Zuberek RECORDER: Christine Martin Barraford A. CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Henry called the meeting to order at approximately 6:05PM, which is being audio and video recorded as a hybrid meeting. Roll call was taken and members present were: Vice Chair Henry, Mr. Retallack, Mr. Hendricks, Mr. Reulet, Mr. Doxsee, Mr. Kossowan and Ms. Zuberek. 1. Pledge of Allegiance Vice Chair Henry led those in attendance in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Approval of Regular Open Meeting Minutes—December 11,2023 Upon motion duly made by Mr. Hendricks and seconded by Mr. Doxsee, it was unanimously voted to approve the above minutes as amended. Motion passed 7-0.unamimously. B. PUBLIC COMMENT Tenant Comments There were none. General Public Comment Mark Zuberek of Glendale Drive in Danvers appeared before the Commission.He stated that the Commission is "in disarray and needs to be reorganized."He stated that all residents need to be heard on issues, and it is important that an organization be respected for the functions it provides. He stated that"he has called for resignations in the past and will call for resignations in the future.He added that residents had had an interesting meeting this afternoon with the legislative body. Paul Trefry of Glidden St. appeared before the Commission.He expressed thanks for Anderson Krieger in facilitating negotiations with the city. The FAA was involved in the decision to facilitate the intervention and hold the city accountable for paying fair market value to the airport for airport land. He emphasized there is much more to do by way of noise abatement and Wayside Trailer lease negotiations with the city and FEMA. He stated emphatically that the Airport Manager works for the Commission as the leadership and management of the airport and does not work for the city. 1 C. PRESENTATIONS Airport Solutions Group—Craig Schuster Mr. Schuster reviewed the Airport Solutions Group monthly status report including the following highlights: EA/EENFfor five yearAMPUprojects included reconstruction of'RW 16-34 and TW`E'and Access Rd.lSingle EIR total project cost based on CIP est. Status: Prepare MassDOT preapplication and sent to BVY for signatures. ASG, FAA and MassDOT and BVY held scoping meeting on December 11 th. ASG in process of developing scope of work. Expecting the scope of work to be submitted for review next week. FAA grant deadline is Marh 1, 2023. Aeronautical study Runway 16-34 and 9-27(FY2023.) Status: ASG waiting for site data information from Bluesky to perform aeronautic analysis. Bluesky noted they are three quarters finished with processing the data with completion expected in the next couple of weeks. Miscellaneous. None. D. AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT Financial and Operations Report Mr. Hanafin gave a shoutout to the maintenance crew in keeping the runways clear for traffic during the recent snowstorm. Mr. Hanafin reviewed the financial and operations report for the previous month and year-to-date as of December as detailed in the attached spreadsheet. Update on Wildlife Control Activities Mr. Hanafin reported that the coyote population is slowly decreasing, and he is working with the state to get the mitigation project off the ground, starting with the fence replacement. Permits are in place and the first section of the fence to be replaced is on the Danvers side. Discussion ensued on going forward with fence replacement with enterprise funds and being reimbursed by the state with proper documentation. Discussion also ensued on the permanent solution of control of the population. The present hunter monitors the deer herd but does not work consistent hours. Discussion ensued on hunters collaborating with the Tower in culling the herd. Mr. Bettencourt appeared before the Commission. Having monitored wildlife for the last sixteen years,he stated that fixing the fence will not stop the coyotes or deer. There are spaces under the fence and deer can jump over the fence. Coyotes in a pack of six or seven pose a real danger to aircraft,and the deer even more so. Discussion ensued on the significant safety issue. It was agreed that members of the Commission would meet with Mr. Hanafin and the Tower to collect data and determine the safety impact as well as getting wildlife monitoring underway with additional hunter on a consistent schedule and working in tandem with the Tower. 2 It was the consensus of the Commission that it must do everything it can to address this safety issue and have followup discussion as a regular agenda item. Update on Airport Road lease negotiations Mr. Hanafin reported that the lease submitted to the carpenter shop has been returned red-lined with a few minor tweaks. In February he is expecting to move forward with the Wayside Trailer lease. Discussion on Commissioner Emails Mr. Hanafin reported that the city does not have the capacity to set up Commissioner email accounts. Discussion ensued on Commissioners' setting up their own personal email accounts dedicated to airport business only. Following discussion, Mr. Hanafin agreed to set up Commissioner email accounts under the airport main email account. Mr. Hanafin confirmed that the city had passed its ordinance stating that, in order to avoid any conflict of interest, Commissioners are not allowed to have any business interest in the airport. Questions can be referred to the state Ethics Division for clarification on specific instances. Update on Vacant Airport Commission Seats Mr. Hanafin announced that there are currently two Beverly seats available on the Commission and urged members to refer interested parties to the Mayor's office. E. REPORTS OF SUBCOMMITTEES Noise Abatement Subcommittee— Update on Noise Abatement Guidelines and Announcement of Upcoming Public Forum Mr. Retallack, Chair of the Noise Abatement Subcommittee,gave the following update. The subcommittee met on December 28'and decided to distribute the draft of the noise abatement policy to the public for input. Hard copies were distributed, and Mr. Henry emailed to Danvers residents inviting their feedback. A meeting has been scheduled for January 16'at 6:OOPM at the airport for public input, and a like meeting for Danvers residents on January 18'at 6:OOPM at the senior center. Information on flight data patterns will be presented. Feedback from both meetings will be discussed at the regular February meeting of the Commission. Mr. Zuberek appeared before the Commission. He stated that the noise abatement policy must include all public input comments heretofore submitted as well as the two scheduled meetings above. Mr. Henry stated that,insofar as public comment informed the drafting of the noise abatement policy,they were in fact incorporated into the `journey to the text"of the document. Insofar as Mr. Zuberek was interested in tracking the "backstory of the process"and ensuring that all comments were shared and identified,he will share his thoughts for such a model for incorporation of public comments to Mr. Hanafin before the January 16'scheduled meeting. F. NEW BUSINESS Discussion and Nomination of Chairman of Airport Commission Vice Chair Henry thanked Mr. Trefry for his eight years of service to the Commission. He noted that the big issues to be addressed by the Commission going forward were the Airport Road lease, Building 45,unleaded gas,noise abatement policy and controlling wildlife. Mr. Hemicks had suggested the formation of an innovation subcommittee to look into the best practices of other airports in the areas of airport safety,good neighbor approach, etc.that may benefit consideration by the Commission. 3 He asked for members to come forward to express their interest in the chairmanship. Mr. Kossowan "threw his hat in the ring"by noting that he has been a participant at Beverly Airport for twenty-three years and held seats on various aviation committees and pilots associations. He expressed his opinions on Building 45, leaded fuel and noise abatement and felt he had the experience and knowledge to lead the Commission to address all issues. Mr. Retallack expressed his interest in the chairmanship,noting that as a member on the Commission for the last year,he has a proven track record of strategic planning and his blend of a collaborative approach, open communication and passion can empower the Commission to navigate challenges toward a brighter future. Nominations for Chair were made as follows: Mr. Hendricks nominated Mr. Retallack and was seconded by Mr. Kossowan. Ms. Zuberek nominated Mr. Kossowan and was seconded by Mr. Hendricks. Upon motion duly made by Mr. Hendricks to nominate Mr. Retallack, it was voted to approve the nomination of Mr. Retallack. The motion passed 4-3. Upon motion duly made by Ms. Zuberek and seconded by Mr. Hendricks, it was voted to approve the nomination of Mr. Kossowan. The motion failed 3-4. Congratulations to Mr. Retallack as the new Chair of the Commission. G. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Chairman's Comments There are none. Miscellaneous Commissioner Comments Discussion ensued on the change in leadership in terms of the annual requirement for elections. Since the election was last held in September,the new Chair would only serve six months before the next election. Discussion ensued. Upon motion duly made by Ms. Zuberek and seconded by Mr. Doxsee, it was unanimously voted to make the two terms of Chair and Vice Chair concurrent. Motion passed 7-0,unanimous. Mr. Retallack nominated Mr. Doxsee as Vice Chair Mr. Henry nominated Mr. Kossowan as Vice Chair Upon motion duly made by Mr. Retallack and seconded by Mr. Reulet, it was voted to approve the nomination of Mr. Doxsee as Vice Chair. Motion passed 5-2. Upon motion duly made by Mr. Henry and seconded by Mr. Doxsee, it was voted to approve the nomination of Mr. Kossowan as Vice Chair. Motion failed 3-4. Mr. Hanafin stated that the charter stated leadership of airport commissions included chair only, and that there was no need for the appointment of a secretary. Mr. Kossowan stated that safety seminars are critical to keeping and maintain proficiency, and he is planning another one in the future. Mr. Zuberek congratulated the Commission on the election of Chair and Vice Chair. 4 H. ADJOURNMENT Vice Chair Henry adjourned the meeting at 8:OOPM. 5