BOH minutes 11-20-23 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Board of Health Date: November 20,2023 Place: Beverly Council on Aging Building Suites A& B Board members present:Dr.Justin Jordan,Rachel Morse,Esq.,Dr. Sheryl Silva Others present: Laura DelleChiaie,Director, Teresa Kirsch,Public Health Nurse,Joyce Redford, Director at North Shore/Cape Ann Tobacco Policy Program Recorder: Lynne DePiero,Administrative Assistant Dr. Jordan called the meeting to order at 6:31p.m. The minutes from the October 18, 2023 were approved with one amendment to add"during the apprenticeship" to Ms. Mondello's conditions. So it reads as follows: Ms. Morse motioned to approve the variance for a permit with the following conditions: 200 hour apprenticeship with the agreement if the Board enacts revisions to the regulations during the apprenticeship that Ms. Mondello abides to them. A representative from Lighthouse Wine and Spirits of 144-9 Brimbal Avenue, Beverly,was present to contest his violation of having multiple products containing Delta-8 (synthetic cannabinoid) available for sale in his establishment. The Board stated that the new and revised regulations were mailed out to tobacco establishments in June. Their violation was found at the end of August. The Board stated that each permit holder has a level of responsibility to make sure products are compliant. Ms. Morse motioned to deny the request—Dr. Silva seconded—All in favor -the Board of Health upholds the original decision of a fine of$1,000. The owners of Elliott Beer&Wine of 242 Elliott Street, Beverly,were present and provided testimony of their violation of an unlocked, self-serve humidor. The Board stated that the lock should be sufficient at all times. Dr. Silva motioned to deny the request—Ms. Morse seconded— All in favor-the Board of Health upholds the original decision of a$2,000 fine (2"d offense) and a 7-day suspension. Mr. Boudreau was present for his variance request for his chicken permit for 3 Monument Square. His chicken coop is falling short of the 25 foot setback from a portion of his house that is outlined in Article IV of the Board of Health regulations. Ms. Morse motioned to deny the variance request and move to a correction order with a time limit of 180 days for compliance with the current Board of Health regulations. Dr. Silva abstained from the vote due to a conflict- All in favor. Ms. Vanessa Brea of Lush Ink was served a Cease and Desist Order on her establishment and practitioner business for operating without valid body art permits. Ms. Brea attended the hearing and presented her testimony. Dr. Silva motioned to uphold the fines —Ms. Morse seconded— The Board unanimously voted to issue the $100 fine for operating an establishment without a permit and a $100 fine for practicing body art without a practitioner permit-totaling $200. The Board will review her application for renewal at the December Board meeting. Old Business Anti-racism efforts—Dr. Silva mentioned a concern about our Jewish population with all that is going on with the Mid-East and if the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Director has any plans for the Jewish Community. Ms. DelleChiaie will reach out to the Director,Ms. Fahari. Opioid Funds Settlement—Ms. DelleChiaie and Dr. Jordan will try to schedule a meeting with the Mayor to discuss the proposed Social Services Navigator position. Community Programs—It was brought to Dr. Jordan's attention that due to the Family Dollar of 224 Cabot Street, Beverly, closing down, that Goat Hill has become a food desert. Dr. Silva is going to work on a letter for the Board to review at the December meeting that will be addressed to the City Council explaining the food desert concern and inquiring about tax incentives for food establishments (e.g. grocery stores) to go in. Laura DelleChiaie, Director, Updates for the Board: Ms. DelleChiaie and Mr. Stephen Casey of the Health Department, attended the Massachusetts Health Officers Association Annual Conference. Ms. DelleChiaie continues to work on the revised regulations for Body Art, Keeping of Animals and Dumpster permits as well as a revised Fee Schedule. The Board has requested a final draft of the revised body art regulations for the January meeting. The Beverly Public Schools Health& Wellness Advisory Committee held their quarterly meeting on 11/2/23. The Food Services Director presented a brief overview of the breakfast/lunch program. Dr. Silva will continue to meet with the Food Services Director and Dietician to discuss possible directions for healthy choices. Ms. DelleChiaie handed out the City Physician job description for the City of Peabody to use as a starting point to talk about the Medical Director position. Dr. Silva and Ms. Kirsch will review and amend the job description for the Medical Director to discuss at the December Board meeting. Ms. DelleChiaie has talked with Dr. Rizos and he is happy to meet or talk via zoom. The Health Department is looking to hire a part-time Dental Clerk due to Ms. Babb leaving the position on 11/22/23. As of l/l/24 The Health Department will be replacing their online permitting system from Central Square to OpenGov. Teresa Kirsch, Public Health Nurse, Updates for the Board: Regional Flu Clinics are completed—additional clinics may be added to December. COVID vaccine clinics are underway— attendance has been low. Ms. Kirsch is working with a few individuals who would like to obtain body art and establishment permits. There are two summer camps that would like to operate during the February and April breaks, one of which may be an extension of the summer permit and the other may have a change with the Director and location. Ms. Kirsch continues to monitor the infectious disease network(MAVEN). The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. The next meeting will be scheduled for December 11, 2023 at 6:30p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lynne DePiero Administrative Assistant