2023-1-10 P&TC minutes Final CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Parking and Traffic Commission SUBCOMMITTEE: None LOCATION: Beverly City Hall Council Chambers DATE: January 10, 2023 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Richard Benevento (Chair), Darlene Wynne (Vice Chair), Michael Collins, George Binns, Jonathan Salt, Sergeant Michael Henebury BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Captain Jake Kreyling, John Lozada OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Naomi Moca Benevento chairs and opens the meeting at 8:30 a.m. 1. Recommendation to Planning Board: Special Permit#183-22 & Site Plan Review#159-22—128 Boulder Lane—Oak Forest Farm LLC Tom Alexandar Esq., of Alexander& Femino is present as well as the applicant, Gary Corsetti. The proposed project is a 15-unit storage building for the purpose of storing equipment and vehicles for contractors, such as plumbing, heating, carpentry, etc. on Boulder Lane. Boulder Lane has been in existence in Beverly and Wenham for over 50 years and currently there is a cell tower on the site. Alexander states there is a need for this type of project in the City due to contractors needing extra storage for the times that storing equipment on work sites is not an option. Alexander summarizes the history of the site, stating that in the early 2000s a senior housing project went before the Zoning Board of Appeals,but due to the economic downturn in 2008 the developer abandoned the project. Benevento recalls that there was an issue of providing water to the site at that time. Alexander explains that the present project does not call for connecting to City of Beverly water or sewer, and that the senior housing project proposed more than 50 units and thus had a much greater need for water. Bob Griffin of Griffin Engineering presents the site plan. The lot is 30 acres and is zoned for industrial use. The project site is 1.67 acres, and there is a telecom cell tower with a couple of small equipment buildings on the lot,which will remain unimpeded and undisturbed. Griffin points out various features of the lot such as wetlands and a certified vernal pool with Bordering Vegetated Wetland (BVW). He explains the drainage flow and the topography of the lot. The project proposes to construct a 50-foot by 100-foot long metal storage building with doors located on the side opposite the highway, with 20-foot bays. The drive onto the Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission January 10,2023 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 site features a hammerhead turnaround. There will be two parking spaces per unit with trash storage in the back corner of the site. The site's lights are placed on the opposite side from the highway, so that they do not cast light toward the highway. It will be dry storage, with no water source, so there is no way for anyone to "set up camp." Benevento asks what zoning requires for this type of facility and whether the applicant is accommodating it. Alexander states that one parking space is required per 1000 square feet. Griffin elaborates that there is room for 30 spaces in front of building. Griffin states that a trip-generation study was not conducted,but Alexander points out that the project is the least traffic-intensive type of project possible. Griffin states that the type of traffic is anticipated to be mainly smaller contractor-type vehicles. Griffin states he does not know if an indirect access permit is needed, and the Commission recommends that the applicant check on that information, as it may because it abuts a state highway. Griffin clarifies the riprap stabilizing drainage area on the site map, with room for storm water drainage into the soil. He states that the Fire Department determined that the largest fire truck can turn around in the hammerhead driveway. The Commission discusses runoff from the building, the types of floor drains, and the property owner's right of access. Binns cautions that the applicant may want to plan on vehicles bigger than small box trucks using the site, such as large trucks of the type used for transporting sheet rock. Alexander states that the applicant is not anticipating larger vehicles. Griffin states that a tractor trailer can turn around on the drive. Benevento points out that even if trucks cannot maneuver on the property, it is a site closed off from Beverly traffic. The Commission discusses the width of the access road, which parts of the road are located in Wenham, and whether an emergency vehicle can access the site to service a breakdown. Wynne observes that the access road is unpaved, but in good condition, and that grading and cutting may be needed to widen it at some points. Alexander points out that a less optimal condition of the road may discourage crime/trespassing on the site. The Commission refers to Captain Kreyling's comments about the size of building and the need for sprinklers. The Commission discusses the scale and intensity of the use of the property,the assumed size of the vehicles, and whether the limitations of the site, such as the lack of bathrooms, will keep the activity to a minimum. Alexander states that the owner will pre-screen potential renters who can use the property and thereby regulate and control what vehicles can go down that road. The Commission requests that the applicant provide the firetruck turn analysis to Wynne. Wynne moves for the Parking and Traffic Commission to recommend that the Planning Board approve the Special Permit 9183-22 and Site Plan Review 9159-22, subject to the conditions that it demonstrate compliance with parking requirements in the zoning ordinance to the Planning Board, that the applicant satisfy the safety concerns of the Fire Department relative to emergency access, and that the applicant provide documentation relative to Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission January 10,2023 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 whether an indirect access permit from MassDOT is required, and if so, has been applied for. Seconded by Binns. Motion passes 6-0. 2. Approval of Minutes: December 12,2022 Binns moves to approve the December 12, 2022 minutes. Seconded by Kreyling. Motion passes 6-0. 3. General or New Business a. Anything not known by the Chair prior to 48 hours before the meeting, if any, that cannot wait until a future meeting. The Commission discusses the change to State law, effective January 1, 2023, stating that vehicles must give at least four feet of clearance when passing cyclists and pedestrians, and what impact this change may have on future decisions. The Commission discusses the spirit of the law, the degree to which it may be enforceable,whether there is overlap in the respective responsibility of cyclists and drivers,the fact that this law encompasses all users of the roads including joggers, skateboarders, etc., whether this law conflicts with existing traffic laws such as crossing a double yellow line,what kind of signage and infrastructure may be needed, what the laws are in other states, and whether the average State resident is aware of this change. Salt states that he will discuss the four-foot clearance law with the Beverly Bike Committee as well. Collins states that there is also a change to the school zone regulations. Collins moves to adjourn. Seconded by Binns. Motion passes 6-1. Adjournment Meeting ends at 9:10 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, February 7, 2023.