BOH minutes 7-19-23 n, City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Board of Health Date: July 19,2023 Place: Beverly Council on Aging Building Suites A& B Board members present: Dr.Justin Jordan,Rachel Morse,Dr. Sheryl Silva Others present: Laura DelleChiaie,Director, Teresa Kirsch,Public Health Nurse, Recorder: Lynne DePiero Dr. Jordan called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. The minutes from the June 21, 2023 meeting were tabled until next Board meeting— awaiting Assistant City Solicitor, Beth Oldmixon to review them. The Kestrel Camp decided on the afternoon of 7/19/23 that a variance was no longer needed— other arrangements were made. The B Hernandez tobacco license application was reviewed, at this time there was no representation from the establishment. The license was held previously by Prime Gas/IR Fuel on 491 Cabot Street—this would be a transfer of the license. The Board confirmed that there were no previous violations from the former owner. The Board did notice that Ms. Hernandez did not sign her application. Dr. Jordan suggested approval of the license with the condition of Ms. Hernandez signing the application and understanding the City's regulations. Dr. Silva motioned to transfer the license with the condition of the owner's signature, Ms. Morse seconded— all in favor. Ms. Hernandez came in late to the meeting and agreed to stop by the office tomorrow and sign the application and she also agreed that she understands the City's regulations. Anti-racism efforts update—the state approved for the Health Department to partner with North Shore Health Project to use the syringe exchange program that was presented to the Board last meeting. The results from the City's racial and equity audit that was conducted and showed the need for more diversified staff, which Ms. Fahari will be spearheading. Dr. Silva inquired from previous conversations if Ms. Fahari would be attending the Block Parry and if she has looked into transportation options for cultural events. Thoughts from people have been that"Beverly is inviting but not inclusive." Opioid Settlement funds update—Ms. DelleChiaie told the Board that she has asked Be Healthy Beverly to assist the Health Department with some concrete ideas in ways the funds could be used. The Board agrees that educational videos have already been done and are available. Dr. Jordan suggested looking at youths at risk—possibly focusing on kids without extracurricular activities that tend to be at risk. Ms. Kirsch commented that most of the younger opioid deaths are not school age children. It tends to be the young adults who are out of the school system and who don't have access to a support system. Ms. Kirsch will gather the demographic information to see what age group is most affected. Dr. Silva added that it is easier to get treatment for substance abuse than for mental health. The Board also added that we can talk with North Shore Health Project to see how they can help. Ms. DelleChiaie will work on drafting a proposal for the Mayor to present in September. Dumpster regulations —Ms. DelleChiaie is reviewing the language of the city ordinance and recommends that it needs to be amended, she will discuss with Ms. Oldmixon, the City Assistant Solicitor. Ms. DelleChiaie will work on a proposed draft for early fall. Ms. DelleChiaie reported that the camps are underway. Beach testing is improving. She is working on revising the animal regulations for the September Board meeting. In addition, she is also working on the Body Art regulations and revising them. Ms. DelleChiaie will also revisit the permit fees by the end of the year. Dr. Silva suggested that we should check the Cummings Center to see how many Biotech companies are in that building and which ones should be permitted. Teresa Kirsch, Public Health Nurse, Updates for the Board: She reported that they are still a few cases of COVID around the North Shore. The top 3 reported illnesses, besides COVID, being reported in the last month are, Lyme disease, other tick-borne and foodborne illnesses. She continues to investigate infectious diseases through MAVEN (Massachusetts Virtual Epidemiologic Network). Camp inspections are scheduled and continuing through August. Ms. Kirsch is planning on providing Naloxone at community events this summer, such as, the Farmers Market and during Homecoming. The Board voted that it would recess in August and meet again September 27, 2023. Dr. Silva motioned to recess in August, Ms. Morse seconded—all in favor—approved. Dr. Silva motioned to adjoin the meeting—Ms. Morse seconded—All in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45p.m. The next meeting will be scheduled for September 27, 2023 at 6:OOp.m. Respectfully submitted, Lynne DePiero Secretary I