September 2019 Veterans Council Meeting MinutesJerry Guilebbe called the meeting to order at 5:00pm.
Veterans council members present:
Jerry Guilebbe, President
Charles “Buddy” Rehal, Vice President
Corey Paulette
Ron Genest
Chuck Clark
Bob Laws
David Perinchief
Paul Lantz
Paul Weinberg
Donald O’Connor
Advisory members and guests:
Jan Pierce
Reading and Approval of the Minutes
The minutes were emailed to all members prior to the meeting for review. Paul Weinberg made a motion to accept the minutes. Motion was seconded and carried.
Financial Report – Pending until completion of City budget.
Homecoming cookout – July 31, 2020. David Perinchief will submit paperwork for a band for next year.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial – The Grant Writer for the City is working on the Schrab Grant to help pay for the memorial. Chuck Clark made a motion to have the Veterans Day Ceremony @
the Vietnam Veterans Plaza. The motion was seconded and carried.
Plaques for Middle School – Per Mike Collins they are ready to go and just need to be mounted.
Veterans Event – Jan Pierce will be hosting an event for veterans and their families and friends on November 7 @ 6pm. The location is 723 Hale Street, Beverly Farms. There will food,
drinks, and a service dog.
Vittori Rocci Veterans Day Breakfast – November 9th, 8:30-10:30am. Hosted by the Veterans Council. Bob Laws made a motion to reimburse the Vittori Rocci Post for up to $300.00 for
the breakfast. The motion was seconded and carried.
Holiday Parade – Per Jerry Guilebbe, the application has been submitted.
Council Funds – David Perinchief made a motion to use council funds to cover the VFW bill for food low-income veterans. The motion was seconded and carried.
Good of the Order –
Adjournment -. Bob Laws made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded and carried.
The next meeting will be Oct. 31, 2019