July 2019 Veterans Council Meeting MinutesJerry Guilebbe called the meeting to order at 5:00pm.
Veterans council members present:
Jerry Guilebbe, President
Charles “Buddy” Rehal, Vice President
Susan Moran
Donald O’Connor
Ron Genest
Robert Laws
Paul Lantz
David Perinchief
Paul Weinberg
Advisory members and guests:
Jan Pierce
Joaney Gallagher, Rainforest Reptiles
Reading and Approval of the Minutes
The minutes were emailed to all members prior to the meeting for review. Buddy Rehal made a motion to accept the minutes. Motion was seconded and carried.
Financial Report – Connolly Bros. donated $3,600. A $200 donation was given to Ken Mckay for the Veterans Counsel, because he fixed her Uncles plaque.
Veterans Cookout – Bob Laws made a motion to allow the Beverly to have a banner at the cookout. Motion was seconded and denied. A $300 donation was received from North Shore Veterans
Counseling Services. A donation of $75 was also received from Jay Lahey. Northshore Music Theatre donated 3 large bags of popcorn.
Memorial Day – Next year more boxes of flags will be needed for cemetery flagging.
Upcoming fundraisers – Rainforest Reptiles has offered to help with a fundraiser. David Perinchief will contact the city regarding liability.
Plaques for Middle School – Representatives from the Veterans Counsel will attend the next school committee meeting.
Santa Parade- The parade will be on 12/1/2019. David Perinchief will ask the National Guard for a truck.
Beverly Farms Memorial Day Parade- The counsel will try to get a bus from the counsel on ageing.
Veterans Day- Jan Peirce would like to hold an event at her new office in Beverly Farms on 11/7/2019 for Veterans Day. Buddy Rehal would like to hold a Veterans breakfast at the Vittori-Rocci
Post the Saturday before Veterans Day.
Good of the Order
Adjournment - Bob Laws made a motion to adjourn. Motion was seconded and carried.
The next meeting will be Aug 29, 2019