August 2019 Veterans Council Meeting MinutesBuddy Rehal called the meeting to order at 5:00pm.
Veterans council members present:
Charles “Buddy” Rehal, Vice President
Donald O’Connor
Ron Genest
David Perinchief
Corey Paulette
Chuck Clark
Advisory members and guests:
Reading and Approval of the Minutes
The minutes were emailed to all members prior to the meeting for review. Buddy Rehal made a motion to accept the minutes. Motion was seconded and carried.
Financial Report – Pending until completion of City budget.
Comedy Night – A committee is needed for the comedy night. There will be 5 comics for an event at half price $1,000.00. Discussion was tabled and will be discussed at a later date.
Welcome Home Breakfast – September 10 in Danvers
Vittori Rocci Veterans Day Breakfast – Need to get the word out all over the City.
Good of the Order –
American Legion 100th Anniversary is October 20th. The event is $30 per person.
DPW will raise and lower the flags at City Hall when necessary.
Adjournment -. Motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded and carried.
The next meeting will be Sept. 25, 2019