January 2023 Veterans Council MinutesVeterans Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes
January 26, 2023
Present:Buddy Rehal, Chuck Clark, Ron Genest, Paul Lantz, Bob Laws, David Perinchief, Cory Paulette, Paul Weinberg, Jan Pierce, Susan Moran
Next meeting:February 23, 2023, 5pm, Beverly City Hall, 3rd FloorCall to Order – Buddy Rehal called the meeting to order at 5pm.
Introduction of Guests – Kevin Gannon
Reading and Approval of the Minutes – Paul Weinberg made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected that Vietnam Veterans Day is March 29 every year. Motion was seconded and carried.
Financial Report – Per David Perinchief the balance remains the same at $13, 085.13. Buddy Rehal made a motion to accept the financial report. Motion was seconded and carried.
Unfinished Business
Chairman – Paul Weinberg nominated Bubby Rehal. Jan Pierce nominated Chuck Clark. Paul Weinberg made a motion to close the nominations. Motion was seconded and carried. Buddy Rehal
declined the nomination for Chairman. Chuck Clark was elected by acclamation. Chuck is the new Chairman of the veterans advisory council.
Vice Chairman – Bob Laws nominated Cory Paulette. Paul Weinberg made a motion to close the nominations. Motion was seconded and carried. Cory Paulette was elected by acclamation.
Cory is the new Vice Chairman of the veterans advisory council.
Secretary – Buddy Rehal nominated Susan Moran. Paul Weinberg made a motion to close the nominations. Motion was seconded and carried. Susan Moran was elected by acclamation. Susan
will continue on as the secretary of the veterans advisory council.
Term Limits and By-Laws – The by-laws state that the term limits are one year. Chuck Clark read the by-laws for the City of Beverly Mass General Provisions. Part A -“Each multiple member
body shall at a minimum annually elect from its membership a Chair, Vice Chair, and Clerk. Multiple member bodies may further elect a treasurer and such other officer or officers are
deemed necessary or a required by statute. The annual elections shall occur in July of each year or as near after the appointment of new members as may be practical. The Mayor, the
City Council and the City Clerk shall be notified of the officers of the multiple member body upon their election.” David Perinchief will scan this information and send it out.
Part B - “The Chair shall preside over all meetings of the multiple member body and shall be the official representative of the multiple member body in all proceedings before the Mayor,
City Council, and other officials of the City. The Vice Chair shall perform the Chairs functions in the
absence of the Chair. The Clerk shall be responsible for the certification of the boards meeting minutes, observance of the public records law and maintenance of other records of the
board.” Bob Laws made a motion to continue the discussion of the term limits at the next meeting. Motion was seconded and carried.
Dedication for square signs- The dedication will be April 1st. Two big wreaths will be ordered, and four small wreaths will be ordered for the poles. Super Sub will be used for the
collation for approximately 100 people.
Independence Park Sign – The sign has been completed. Chuck and Cory will put it up.
New Business
Honoring Jerry Guilebbe – There was a discussion on how to honor Jerry Guilebbe. It was decided to try to place a granite bench at West Beach. Kevin Gannon will talk to the West Beach
Committee. David Perinchief will talk to O’Rourke Brothers Memorials about the bench. A cookout at the beach was also discussed. Discussion was continued to the next meeting.
Street Square Signs for Gold Star Families – A discussion was held regarding getting signs for two Gold Star families. David Perinchief made a motion to table this discussion. Motion
was seconded and carried.
Recognizing Older Veterans – They will be honored at Memorial Day with a plaque.
Warrior Weekend – An update was given. Every branch of service is onboard. The Air Force is bringing mini jets. ROTC will run sports competitions. The Navy Band is coming. There
will be a police detail in the evenings. It will be advertised on all social media for every branch of service. Cummings Center has said that their parking lot can be used. There
will be secondary parking at the Middle School. David Perinchief is trying to get food truck vendors. State Police is bringing their search and rescue drone. The VA hospital blood
truck has been requested. A representative from Endicott College is coming. One area that is lacking is classic cars. There will not be a parade. There is a logistics meeting at
FEMA on February 16 from 12-2pm.
Adjournment – Chuck Clark made a motion to adjourn. Motion was seconded and carried.