Library Trustees Minutes May 23 2023.docx City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: May 23, 2023, 5:00 P.M.
Place: Remote Meeting on Zoom
Board members present: Margaret Altman, Mary Behrle, Marshall Handly, Cathryn Keefe
O'Hare, Colleen Michaels, Kevin O'Reilly, Joanne Panunzio
Board members absent: Ivy Mahan, Myron Schirer-Suter
Others present: Allison Babin, Meghan Karasin
Recorder: Meghan Karasin
Kevin O'Reilly presided. Meghan Karasin stated that the meeting was being recorded.
Mary Behrle made the motion, seconded by Cathryn Keefe O'Hare, to accept the minutes of the
meeting of April 25, 2023. Roll call vote approved, 6 to 0, with Altman, Behrle, Handly, Michaels,
Keefe O'Hare, and O'Reilly voting in favor. Motion passed.
Public Presentation
Committee Reports
Personnel (at 6:50PM): Joanne Panunzio reported that only 2 trustees have completed the Director's
review survey so far. She asked that the rest of the trustees complete the review in the next couple
of weeks.
Administration: No report.
Finance: No report.
Long Range Planning: Mary Behrle and Allison Babin met and determined the 12 members for the
committee, who all enthusiastically agreed to participate in the May 31 and June 12 meetings.
Allison Babin shared the list to the screen.
Report of the Library Director
1. Budget Updates: Allison Babin shared the FY23 budget report to the screen. Everything is on
track for FY23 though she is still waiting on some transfers to go through. Kevin O'Reilly asked
why the electric line was underspent. Allison Babin explained that Bryant Ayles handles this billing
and it will get rectified at the end of the year. However, the FY24 budget does see a decrease in this
Allison Babin shared her FY24 budget spreadsheet to screen. She reminded the group of Bryant's
previous visit to the meeting and his request that she trim her initial FY24 request by approximately
$50k. Allison highlighted where some reductions from her original ask were made. The part-time
line is funded at the same level as FY23. This will still allow for raises for most staff members. The
repair line decreased by $5k. The books and subscriptions line decreased by $26k. To meet the state
requirements, the library still must spend approximately $290k. The difference ($17k)will come
from a combination of trust funds and state aid.
Marshall Handly asked about the van. Allison Babin stated that she will go before the City Council,
tentatively scheduled for June 5, to request a free cash appropriation for both the van and the
elevator repair. Allison Babin will present the budget to the City Council on Thursday June 1.
Trustees are welcome to attend.
2. Building/Bookmobile Issues: It's become clear that it's not feasible for the main library to stay
open during the HVAC construction. The building could close for a period of about 4 months, but
it's too early in planning to know. Allison Babin and Meghan Karasin have been brainstorming how
to provide services during this time, utilizing both the Farms branch and the Bookmobile. There is
the possibility of using a temporary space on Cabot Street(former Rent-a-Center, Family Dollar
building) and staff are thinking about what the best use of that space may be. Allison and Meghan
will be visiting other libraries who are currently in temporary spaces to get ideas. The timeline for a
potential closure is still up in the air but it could be December 2023-March 2024. Marshall Handly
asked what kind of access the staff will have to the stacks. Allison Babin replied that it's not clear
yet. However, the library will continue to have access to collections from other NOBLE libraries via
the delivery. Colleen Michaels offered to put Allison in touch with Montserrat staff if there's a need
for space for library programming.
The peeling paint in the library main stairwell has been an ongoing concern. The city is hopeful that
it will be repaired as part of the larger HVAC project and is currently working to determine why the
paint doesn't adhere to this area. The Sohier Room AV upgrade is scheduled for June 12-14.
Security cameras have been installed in the Farms branch. On Thursday May 8th a driver struck the
Bookmobile while it was parked at Apple Village Apartments. There was not much damage but the
driver wasn't insured. An appraiser is coming out tomorrow.
3. Community Engagement: The Summer Reading Kickoff is scheduled for Wednesday June 14,
from 6:30-8PM on Beverly Common. Children's librarians will be attending Beverly Bootstraps
Summer Book Fair on Friday July 14. Allison Babin shared the library's Annual Survey results to
screen. There was a lower response rate this year than last. Overall, 93% of respondents rated the
library's customer service as Excellent or Good.
4. Update on North of Boston Library Exchange (NOBLE): NOBLE has hired Kathy Lussier,
current Executive Director of SAILS library network to be their new Executive Director. NOBLE
has also hired Michael Ahearn as a computer support specialist.
5. Programs: Childrens has Lego Club, Saturday Story Times, and Music & Movement with
MaryBeth Maes. Teens have Candy Sushi, Downtown Cleanup, and Creative Writing Club. Adults
have Community Zen, a Monday Mornings lecture on Julia Child, and two new book groups
(romance and science fiction).
Joanne Panunzio joined the meeting at 6:OOPM.
Unfinished Business
New Business
List of Documents/Exhibits
• Draft minutes from the April 25, 2023 meeting
• Fiscal Year 2023 budget to date (5/23/23)
• FY 24 budget spreadsheet
• April 2023 Annual Survey Results
• Committee Membership for Strategic Planning process
The next regular meeting of the board is June 27, 2023 at 5pm in person at the main library
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:56 PM.