20230501 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes City of Beverly Regular City Council Meeting Public Meeting Minutes 37 Monday,May 1, 2023, 7:00pm City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot St. -7 _0 Julie Flowers, City Council President, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. City Clerk,Lisa Kent,took attendance by roll call. Members Present: Hannah Bowen, Steven Crowley, Kathleen Feldman, Scott Houseman, Brendan Sweeney, Estelle Rand, Todd Rotondo,Julie Flowers Members Absent: Matthew St. Hilaire Crowley led the pledge of allegiance. A motion to take the agenda out of order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting Regular City Council Meeting March 20,2023 A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Regular City Council Meeting April 18, 2023 A motion to approve the minutes with the corrected record of the vote of Order#072 was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Communications from His Honor the Mayor Order#121-Grant-A$5,000 grant from Citizen Corps Program-Community Emergency Response Team to the Emergency Management Task Force to support emergency services at the municipal and regional level. Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#122-Grant-A$23,700 grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council to support the Local Cultural Council. Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#123-Donation-A 2007 Nissan Pathfinder from Jonathan Palm has been donated to the Beverly Fire Department to be used for jaws of life training exercises. Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Communications from other City Officers and Boards Order#124-Finance Director Bryant Ayles-A request for approval to use FY2023 appropriated funds toward the payment of two (2)prior year invoices totaling$60,980.04. Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#125-Assistant Solicitor Jesse Dole-A proposed ordinance approving the transfer of the care, custody,management, and control of nine(9) city owned parcels of land located in the area of Pole Swamp Lane to the Conservation Commission,pursuant to M.G.L. c 40, section 8C. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#126-City Clerk-A new application for one (1) Livery License for Santo Pichardo Martinez, 26 Grant Street,Apt#3. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#127-City Clerk-A renewal application for a Second Hand Junk Dealers License for Lena Nargozian Gallery at 130 Cabot Street. Unit 2. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#128-City Clerk-A renewal application for a Second Hand Junk Dealers for Beverly Bootstraps, 198 Rantoul Street. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#129-City Clerk-A renewal application for a Second Hand Junk Dealers License for Nyan Group Inc. d/b/a Cash Point located at 77 Bridge Street. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#130-City Clerk-A renewal application for a Pawnbrokers license for Nyan Group, Inc. d/b/a Cash Point, located at 77 Bridge Street. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#131-City Clerk-A renewal application for an lee Cream Truck Vending Permit for Steven Wright, 116B Collins Street, Danvers, MA. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#132-City Clerk-A renewal application for an Ice Cream Truck Vending Permit for Anwar Katatbeh, 4 Woodland Ct, Lawrence, MA. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#133-City Clerk-Renewal applications for Petroleum Storage Registrations for 2023. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Communications,Application and Petitions Order#134-Adelyn Shreffler, Director, Beverly Food Collaborative-Requesting permission to hold the Beverly Farmers Market Rand recused herself from the vote. A motion to approve was made and seconded. Bowen asked how the construction around the area might impact the area and if the National Grid advisory committee could check on that as well. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0, Rand recused herself). Order#135-National Grid-Plan#30758714-To install Electric Conduits-Lovett Street Referred to Committee on Public Services to set a public hearing. A motion to break for committee work was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). The meeting recessed at 7:13pm. The meeting was called back to order at 7:30pm. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—May 1,2023 page 2 of 9 Public Hearin Order#120-7:30 PM-A proposed order approving an appropriation that will be used to pay for the taking by eminent domain of the properties located at 218-226 Cabot Street(also known as 218-224 Cabot Street) and 8 Chapman Street (also known as 18 Federal Street). The order would authorize the City to appropriate the sum of Eight Million Dollars ($8,000,000.00) The public hearing was opened. Mayor Michael Cahill stated the City has leased that parking with 108 spaces for probably fifteen years. From the start of the proposed project, we cautioned that we needed a way to save those spaces. The City got an appraisal of the property. When the appraisal came in at about the amount the City would have had to put in to get some parking,we realized we could just own the parcel. Cahill stated the City wanted to protect parking and realized there was the opportunity to put an RFP [Request for Proposal] for a"right-sized" affordable housing project there of about 50 units as opposed to 113. It's also clear that we'll need space while renovating City Hall. Other than the larger meetings, all we do in this building can be met across the street. About a year from now, we need to move out for up to two years. After that time, we would no longer need the building and will create an RFP for that. Finance Director Bryant Ayles stated this is an$8,000,000 request with$6,000,000 in a loan order and $2,000,000 in free cash. We also would like to commit to pay it down so that by the time that we are selling we can pay down most of the obligation. Rich Vincent, 1 Mulberry St., stated he and his wife have lived there for about 18 years and have watched Cabot Street come to life during that time. This developer has every right to do what he's doing. It would bring employees and consumers to downtown businesses and add housing. However, it would affect downtown by losing those 100+parking spaces, which would be detrimental. Taking away the parking would take away customers. Vincent asked the Council to really think about this. Leslie Gould, executive director of the Greater Beverly Chamber of Commerce, stated the chamber of commerce is in support of this. Lindsay Barth, executive director of Beverly Main Streets, recognized some of the biggest issues are parking and affordable housing. Barth expressed support for the proposal. This timeline gives the time to build a relationship with the right developer and businesses for the space. George Gomes, 63 Bridge Street, asked the Council to oppose this proposal. It is a bad use of public funds. Gomes stated his first concern is fiscal responsibility. It is more expensive than finding other office space. Gomes asked if the city has looked into a commercial lease or phasing the renovations so other city property might be used as a swing space. Gomes stated that really the city is paying for the parking spots at a very high price per spot. Gomes stated he also opposes it for environmental concerns. It's not green, sustainable, or climate leadership to be spending millions of dollars to build or buy parking lots. Subsidizing private car storage in the heart of downtown shows the city's real priorities. There are other strategies that would encourage alternative transportation. Gomes stated the third concern is housing. 113 apartments are permitted on this spot with 12 of them affordable. In its place,the city says a different private developer will buy the Family Dollar building and build up to 50 units and we won't lose any parking. Gomes asked if anyone seriously thought this would happen and why a developer would want to take on a smaller project. Prioritizing 108 homes for cars over 113 homes for people Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—May 1,2023 page 3 of 9 defies common sense. Steve Moffett, 32 Eastern Avenue, stated he had a lot of the same questions. Moffett asked what traffic studies say about the parking and stated the parking lot is currently empty. Moffett asked if the money could be used for better bike infrastructure, better busing which could also alleviate public parking, or other improved public transportation. Moffett asked the city to look into actually making real public low-income housing instead of selling back to a developer. A motion to recess the public hearing on Order#120 to 8:20pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). A motion to recess the meeting for a couple minutes to get the Planning Board set up was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). The meeting recessed at 8:02pm. Joint Public Hearing with the Beverly Planning Board The joint public hearing was called to order at 8:04pm. Planning Board members present: Ellen Hutchinson, Sarah Bartley, Derek Beckwith, Ellen Flannery, George Gomes, Wayne Miller Order#075-8:00 PM-Relative to a proposed zoning ordinance amendment regarding a rezoning of 8 Summit Avenue,Assessors Map 1 Lot 69, from the RMD Multifamily District to the CC District Attorney Thomas Alexander of Alexander & Femino stated this is across from the Anchor Pub and will allow for 12-18 parking spaces and presented a petition of support from the neighborhood. Feldman stated she was going to recuse herself and stepped out of the room. Rand asked for confirmation that this would not be considered spot zoning. Alexander stated this lot already abuts the CC district. It is highly unlikely this could be challenged. Darlene Wynne, Director of Planning & Development, concurred with that interpretation and stated this is similar to the Cell Signaling rezoning. Rand asked about the permeability of the lot. Alexander stated a special permit would still be needed if this rezoning was approved and it would be back before the Planning Board. Dan Finn, Beverly resident, spoke in support. Gomes asked if this change is consistent with the City's goals for this area and what the City's goals are. Wynne spoke in support of it and of working on solving parking problems in this area. Public Hearine(Continued) Order#120-7:30 PM/8:20 PM-A proposed order approving an appropriation that will be used to pay for the taking by eminent domain of the properties located at 218-226 Cabot Street (also known as 218-224 Cabot Street) and 8 Chapman Street(also known as 18 Federal Street). The order would authorize the City to appropriate the sum of Eight Million Dollars ($8,000,000.00) Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes-Allay 1,2023 page 4 of 9 A motion to recess the public hearing on Order#120 to 8:35pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). Joint Public Hearing with the Beverly Planning Board (Continued) Order#075-8:00 PM-Relative to a proposed zoning ordinance amendment regarding a rezoning of 8,Summit Avenue,Assessors Map 1 Lot 69, from the RMD Multifamily District to the CC District Miller asked about permeable parking. Alexander stated the engineer could not be here tonight. The plan is to make it permeable, probably crushed stone, not pavement with runoff. This would allow for seepage. If this goes through, the planning board will see the specifications with the special permit application. Bowen stated she was curious if at some point this parking is not needed,this would be available for high density housing and stated she was curious what planning has gone into this. Alexander stated if that were to come to pass,more units would be potentially available if it was CC not RMD. Hutchinson asked if there was discussion with direct abutters. Alexander stated he believed the owner, Mr. Boudreau, spoke with a couple of the direct abutters who were not inclined to sign a petition but did not indicate they were opposed. The City Council hearing was closed, and the item was referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. The Planning Board moved to the conference room to continue their public hearing immediately. A motion for a brief recess was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8- 0). The meeting recessed at 8:25pm. The meeting was called back to order at 8:34pm. Public Hearing(Continued) Order#120-7:30 PM/8:35 PM-A proposed order approving an appropriation that will be used to pay for the taking by eminent domain of the properties located at 218-226 Cabot Street (also known as 218-224 Cabot Street) and 8 Chapman Street (also known as 18 Federal Street). The order would authorize the City to appropriate the sum of Eight Million Dollars ($8,000,000.00) Rotondo asked if this was considered before the developer came into the process and if the St. Mary's parcel was considered. Cahill stated the city spent the better part of two years trying to figure out how to partner with the developer. Every way we looked at it, it kept coming back to well over seven million dollars to try to buy into their project and recreate spaces that they would be taking away in order to cover the parking requirements for the housing they wanted to build. There was a point sometime last summer where we finally said we can't make it work. That's when we decided to go for an appraisal. The value of the agreement is that this would be a friendly taking and no concern they may decide they want to go to court to look for any damages. We did look at other alternatives downtown to see if they would meet the same needs.Nothing else could meet the combination of needs together. Rotondo asked how much it would cost the city to rent space in the open market per year. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—Allay 1,2023 page 5 of 9 Cahill stated it would be potentially two years out of this City Hall building for roughly 18,000 square feet, roughly at$27 a square foot. It would be about a half a million per year. There would be build out costs across the street, so it wouldn't be a full million in savings, but some net amount. Rand commented that this is an important investment and can be great. Rand stated she is also thinking about pedestrian and bike transportation. When this project first came forward one of the main concerns was losing artist studios; are those disappearing? Rand asked if the city has thought about how to incorporate artist space in a final RFP or in another space in the city. Cahill stated the family that owned the property before has said all the tenants already moved out. They were working with the YMCA. When City Hall is in there, we may need all that space. We, or whoever is in these seats in the future, will have time to figure the RFP out together. Rand asked about the process for protecting parking and what kind of restrictions there would be on the property. Cahill stated if the city takes the property, it will own the parcel. When we RFP out development rights above the parking, then we'll be looking at how to protect the parking. There would be some variables to figure out as we go. The Family Dollar parcel is much deeper than retail space tends to be these days. Cutting off the back of the building would allow for more flexibility for parking. The city would take 108 spaces. If somebody were to come in and develop it, it's very viable with a model of about 50 units with second-story decked parking and third floor or third and fourth story housing financed in a similar model to the way Briscoe is financed. This is how we could require it in an RFP and secure permanent affordability in those units. These are just some options. City Solicitor Stephanie Williams stated criteria could be put in the RFP. There are a couple different ways to retain legal rights to the surface level parking as municipal property. Sweeney stated as a resident of Federal Street he uses the lot frequently and sees it being used by people going downtown. Sweeney asked if the expectation is that$650,000, as the difference between the taking agreement price and the appropriation, would cover the renovation costs. Ayles stated it is too soon to tell with certainty. It would not be an elaborate build out but enough to be functional. If it was under,the money would be returned to the general fund, and if it was over, we would have some space in the City Hall renovation project to absorb some of the costs. Sweeney asked if there were any preliminary calculations of what the city could expect to see back when selling the property afterwards. Cahill stated the conversation as to what we want out of that transaction could lead to different outcomes. Cahill stated it would be nice to know, but he doesn't think we can predict what a purchase price will be when we don't yet know what the RFP requirements will be. City Council Budget Analyst Gerard Perry stated he is comfortable with the two million from free cash and would be comfortable with utilizing even one more million from free cash this year, but not more than that. Perry referenced the memo he sent to the Council and stated if we were to do all these things,the City Hall renovation and McPherson renovation will not be detrimental to the bond rating. Perry recommended the following strategies to have this comfortably fit within the city's debt capacity: the city should use the vast majority of future free cash over the next two to four years to pay down the loan orders for the Family Dollar parcel, the McPherson Center and if possible some of the City Hall project,therefore avoiding expensive Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—May 1,2023 page 6 of 9 borrowing costs; the administration and City Council needs to be disciplined when both preparing and approving the FY24 and the FY25 budgets; the city needs to have a strong certified balance sheet with appropriate free cash over the next two to four years so as to have enough free cash to pay down a large segment of these loan orders; and over the next couple years, Beverly will need to raise the levy limit by 21/2%plus our traditional new growth as well as minimizing the expansion of municipal and educational services during these periods. The administration also needs to transfer appropriate unexpected FY23 funds,retained earnings and/or the SESD undesignated fund balance for Beverly to eliminate the culvert loan of one million dollars that was approved last fall. Eventually,whenever the city sells the Family Dollar parcel, those funds should be utilized to offset these loan orders. Different strategies may need to be adopted depending on how things change. Houseman asked the mayor about his level of commitment to following these specific areas Mr. Perry laid out, especially that of budget discipline going forward. Cahill stated he is committed to partnering with the City Council to make this all happen and make this work. We collectively have been able to do some pretty great things over the last decade. We've built our reserves, we continue to manage our operating budgets from our department heads, we've been able to deliver quality services throughout the city and our schools, and we have been able to utilize free cash to get projects done. We have great resources in Mr. Perry and Mr. Ayles and their expertise. Cahill stated he agrees with much of what Mr. Perry said. It's a thoughtful set of recommendations. We'll work through it together because things can change. Flowers offered another opportunity for members of the public to speak. Jim Younger, 32 Butman Street, stated he thinks this is an incredible opportunity and is in favor of this project. Peter Johnson, 677 Hale Street, stated he is in favor of the project as long as when it comes time to sell the property there is robust public and council involvement in devising the RFP. Johnson stated his main concerns are affordable housing and maintaining the character of downtown. Cahill stated the administration would have to come back to the City Council at the point that the property becomes available for disposition so there would be discussion at that time as well. Bowen asked about a downtown parking study update. Wynne stated the review is still underway, but preliminary work helped lead to this decision. Bowen requested to see what was determined so far. Bowen asked about the financial implications of converting leased parking to owned parking. Ayles stated the City would save $40,000-$45,000 per year by not having a lease. Bowen asked what if the property wasn't used for city hall temporary offices and if there was availability at other city-owned properties like the GAR building,the new police station, or the senior center. Ayles stated in looking at the city's own properties, office space is a premium. Relocating to other buildings isn't a luxury we have. In looking at other properties, with the need for 18,000 square feet and keeping it centrally located, there aren't a lot of larger alternatives. Bowen stated she was not clear on whether 18,000 square feet is the whole building or the first floor. It sounds like maybe the second floor is not needed. Bowen stated she would love to see Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—May I,2023 page 7 of 9 some other use coexist and she hopes to see as much public value as possible extracted from every day the city owns that property. Cahill stated he thinks the city could utilize all that space and still be tight on running operations. The intent is to utilize it all for city needs. The hearing was closed, and the item was referred to Committee on Finance and Property. A motion to break for committee work was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). The meeting recessed at 9:44pm. The meeting was called back to order at 9:53pm. Reports of Committees Finance and Property Order#120-A proposed order approving an appropriation that will be used to pay for the taking by eminent domain of the properties located at 218-226 Cabot Street (also known as 218-224 Cabot Street) and 8 Chapman Street (also known as 18 Federal Street). The order would authorize the City to appropriate the sum of Eight Million Dollars ($8,000,000.00) A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Order#121-Grant-A$5,000 grant from Citizen Corps Program-Community Emergency Response Team to the Emergency Management Task Force to support emergency services at the municipal and regional level. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Order#122-Grant-A $23,700 grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council to support the Local Cultural Council. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Order#123-Donation-A 2007 Nissan Pathfinder from Jonathan Palm has been donated to the Beverly Fire Department to be used for jaws of life training exercises. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). Order#124-Finance Director Bryant Ayles-A request for approval to use FY2023 appropriated funds toward the payment of two (2)prior year invoices totaling$60,980.04. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Public Services Order#135-National Grid-Plan#30758714-To install Electric Conduits-Lovett Street A motion to set the public hearing for May 15 at 8:00pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). Order#326-Councilor Bowen-Regarding Beverly Regional Airport The order was referred back to the Council from Committee on Public Services so that it could be referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—May 1,2023 page 8 of 9 Legal Affairs Order#102-Appointment-Purvi Harley, 8 James Street to serve on the Human Rights Committee. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Order#119-A proposed order approving the taking by eminent domain,pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 79, of the properties located at 218-226 Cabot Street(also known as 218-224 Cabot Street) and 8 Chapman Street(also known as 18 Federal Street). A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Order#126-City Clerk-A new application for one (1) Livery License for Santo Pichardo Martinez, 26 Grant Street, Apt#3. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Order#127-City Clerk-A renewal application for a Second Hand Junk Dealers License for Lena Nargozian Gallery at 130 Cabot Street. Unit 2. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Order#128-City Clerk-A renewal application for a Second Hand Junk Dealers for Beverly Bootstraps, 198 Rantoul Street. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Order#129-City Clerk-A renewal application for a Second Hand Junk Dealers License for Nyan Group Inc. d/b/a Cash Point located at 77 Bridge Street. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Order#130-City Clerk-A renewal application for a Pawnbrokers license for Nyan Group, Inc. d/b/a Cash Point, located at 77 Bridge Street. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Order#131-City Clerk-A renewal application for an Ice Cream Truck Vending Permit for Steven Wright, 116B Collins Street, Danvers, MA. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). Order#132-City Clerk-A renewal application for an Ice Cream Truck Vending Permit for Anwar Katatbeh, 4 Woodland Ct, Lawrence, MA. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Order#133-City Clerk-Renewal applications for Petroleum Storage Registrations for 2023. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). Order#125-Assistant Solicitor Jesse Dole-A proposed ordinance approving the transfer of the care, custody, management, and control of nine (9) city owned parcels of land located in the area of Pole Swamp Lane to the Conservation Commission,pursuant to M.G.L. c 40, section 8C. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). The meeting adjourned at 10:13pm. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—May 1,2023 page 9 of 9 Estelle M. Rand-Chair Todd C. Rotondo Brendan S. Sweeney LEGAL AFFAIRS /CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES Monday, May 1, 2023, 7:OOPM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting City Council Chambers, 3,d Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St. Rand called the meeting to order. Members present: Todd Rotondo, Brendan Sweeney, Estelle Rand Members absent: None Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee #282 11/14/2022 Councilor Bowen-A letter regarding Accessory Dwelling Units Held Appointment-Purvi Harley, 8 James Street to serve on the Human #102 4/18/2023 Rights Committee Approved(3-0) City Clerk-New Class I Motor Vehicle Dealers License for Beverly #117 4/18/2023 port Marina, Inc. located at 43 Water Street Held A proposed order approving the taking by eminent domain, pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 79, of the #119 4/18/2023 properties located at 218-226 Cabot Street(also known as 218-224 Approved(3-0) Cabot Street) and 8 Chapman Street(also known as 18 Federal Street) Assistant Solicitor Jesse Dole-A proposed ordinance approving the transfer of the care, custody,management, and control of nine (9) #125 5/l/2023 city owned parcels of land located in the area of Pole Swamp Lane Approved(3-0) to the Conservation Commission,pursuant to M.G.L. c 40, section 8C City Clerk-A new application for one (1) Livery License for Santo #126 5/1/2023 Pichardo Martinez, 26 Grant Street,Apt#3 Approved(3-0) City Clerk-A renewal application for a Second Hand Junk Dealers #127 5/l/2023 License for Lena Nargozian Gallery at 130 Cabot Street. Unit 2 Approved (3-0) City Clerk-A renewal application for a Second Hand Junk Dealers #128 5/1/2023 for Beverly Bootstraps, 198 Rantoul Street Approved(3-0) City Clerk-A renewal application for a Second Hand Junk Dealers #129 5/l/2023 License for Nyan Group Inc. d/b/a Cash Point located at 77 Bridge Approved(3-0) Street City Clerk-A renewal application for a Pawnbrokers license for #130 5/1/2023 Nyan Group, Inc. d/b/a Cash Point, located at 77 Bridge Street Approved(3-0) City Clerk-A renewal application for an Ice Cream Truck Vending #131 5/1/2023 Permit for Steven Wright, 116B Collins Street, Danvers, MA Approved (3-0) City Clerk-A renewal application for an Ice Cream Truck Vending #132 5/1/2023 permit for Anwar Katatbeh, 4 Woodland Ct, Lawrence, MA Approved(3-0) City Clerk-Renewal applications for Petroleum Storage #133 5/1/2023 Registrations for 2023 Approved (3-0) Relative to a proposed zoning ordinance amendment regarding a #075 5/1/2023 rezoning of 8 Summit Avenue, Assessors Map 1 Lot 69, from the Held RMD Multifamily District to the CC District The motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion passed (3-0). The meeting adjourned. Beverly City Council Committee on Legal Affairs Meeting Minutes—play 1,2023 page 2 of 2 Kathleen M. Feldman-Chair Hannah L. Bowen Steven M. Crowley PUBLIC SERVICES /CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MINUTES Monday, May 1, 2023 7:OOPM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting City Council Chambers, 3 d Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St. The meeting was called to order at 7:15pm. Members present: Hannah Bowen, Steven Crowley, Kathleen Feldman Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee Refer out to go to #326 12/20/2022 Councilor Bowen-Regarding Beverly Regional Airport Committee on Finance and Property 3-0 National Grid-Plan#30758714-To install Electric Set public hearing #135 5/l/2023 Conduits-Lovett Street for May 15 at 8:00 m 3-0 A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion passed(3-0). The meeting adjourned at 7:18pm.