HDC minutes_ 11.17 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES COMMISSION: Historic District Commission DATE: November 17, 2022 LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, City Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: William Finch (Chair), Suzanne LaMont (Vice Chair), Caroline Baird Mason,John Leahy, Wendy Pearl, Gregory Howard MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Victoria Healey,Associate Planner OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Sharlyne Woodbury Call to Order Chair Finch calls the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Chair Finch recesses for public hearing. 1. Public Hearing: Certificate of Appropriateness-James Finn a. Certificate of Appropriateness for various work at 42 Water Street(Assessor's Map 2— Lot 17 Dan Finn represents the applicant.The applicant renovated the top half of the New England Divers building about 4-5 years ago.There are 3 windows along Water Street they would like to renovate.They are using anodized bronze windows by Anderson.The front door will be the exact same materials,with slightly larger milling on the frame. Chair Finch closes the public hearing. Reconvene for Regular Meeting Members agree with the proposed window replacements and the upgrades appropriate to the building. There being no further comments or questions regarding the matter: Motion: Leahy moves to grant Certificate of Appropriateness for 42 Water Street as submitted. LaMont seconds. Motion carries unanimous, 6-0. 2. Determination of Historical Significance—St.John's Church Joseph Mallard represents St.John's.This building is 120 years old. Retains the original slate roof.The roof needs replacement due to water intrusion. Some of the windows will also require attention.This building is of great historical significance to Beverly Farms.They are seeking guidance on necessary structural repairs as well as historically preserving the building. There being no further comments or questions regarding the matter: Historic District Commission November 17,2022 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 Motion: Leahy moves to determine St.John's Episcopal Church, 705 Hale Street is historically significant to the city of Beverly by its history, architecture, and social associations. Mason seconds. Motion carries unanimous, 6-0. 3. Bruce Doig—Gillis Park Construction Update Bruce Doig provides the updates on Gillis Park plans.The construction company consultant was not available for tonight's rescheduled meeting. Doig reviews the scope of work from the construction consultant, Robert Tremblay of Murray Masonry Corp.The plans presented will closely match the brick and mortar onsite.There are about 200 bricks to replace.The work will most likely take place in the spring of 2023. Doig confirms CPC extended funding until 6/30/23. Members are adamant about seeing a sample of the brick and mortar before repairs begin. Doig will return to the commission with samples. Howard asks about other projects completed around the city by Murray Masonry Corp for comparison. LaMont confirms with Doig the price point remains at$9,900.00. Finch would like confirmation the stucco cap will be matched in the plans presented. Members discuss what is "sensible mortar". Members ask for clarification on the salt guard and confirm there will be no high-pressure washes or sandblasting. There being no further comments or questions regarding the matter, no further action at this time. 4. 2023 Schedule Members discuss and agree to keep the meeting on the fourth Thursday of the month for 2023 at 7:00 pm. Members discuss location and agree to meet at City Hall, City Council Chambers. Members will change the meeting as appropriate to their availability regarding vacations, schedules, and holidays. November will be loosely scheduled the week before Thanksgiving and December is loosely scheduled for Wednesday December 14, 2023. 5. Approval of Minutes a. May 26, 2022 b. June 23, 2022 c. July 13, 2022(Special Meeting) Tabled to the next meeting. 6. New/Other Business Finch informs Healey that a Certificate of Non-Applicability is appropriate for 18-20 Front Street. A hearing is not necessary. Healey provides the last page of the CLG for member's review. Mason brings up the NCD ordinance and Finch discusses the presupposition by the memo regarding the ordinance. Finch clarifies, it is not about setting up an NCD, it is setting up legislation that allows for the establishment of an NCD district in a particular area. Members briefly debate the subtle nuances and agree to continue to the next meeting as a major agenda item. 7. Adiournment Motion: Howard moves to adjourn. LaMont seconds.The motion carries 6-0. Meeting adjourned 6:53 p.m. Next meeting scheduled 12/14/22.