OSRC minutes_2.1 City of Beverly Community Preservation Committee February 1, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: None LOCATION: Beverly City Hall Conference Room A DATE: February 1, 2023 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: David Alden-St. Pierre (Chair), David Brewster (Vice Chair), Marilyn McCrory, Todd Callaghan, Wayne Miller, Elizabeth Dunne, Alison Dudley (left early), Gregory Sharp, Charlie Mann (late arrival) BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: James Passanisi, Amber Redmond STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Victoria Healey (City of Beverly Planning Department) OTHERS PRESENT: Mario Tricome RECORDER: Naomi Moca 1. Call to order Chair Alden-St.Pierre calls the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 2. Updates from other boards and commissions a. Community Preservation Committee (CPC): McCrory states that the CPC received five applications, including one from the Beverly Recreation Department requesting eight pickleball courts to be built in the Birch Plains area, which was accompanied by several letters in support of that application. A few neighbors, mostly residents of Trask Lane, have expressed concern about potential noise and parking generated by the project. The public comment period closes today. The Recreation Department also applied for improvements at Gillis Park. The remaining three applications were historic preservation projects. b. Planning Board: Miller states that equity and justice issues have not been widely discussed in the Planning Board meetings, and Miller suggests that is appropriate to have those discussions with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) members. Miller states that access to the area of the Trustees at Moraine Farm and community garden has been a topic of discussion. There are many different proposals on the table, and the Memorandum of Understanding states that 1.75 acres is designated for the community garden, but whether that includes parking is unclear. The number of parking spaces and number of plots is being discussed by the Planning Board. The OSRC members discuss public versus Trustee access to the site, the City's position on whether to give up the parcel on Cole Street, bringing 1 City of Beverly Community Preservation Committee February 1, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 water to the location so that gardeners can tend their plots, and what department or person is responsible for or in charge of the Beverly community gardens. c. Harbor Management Authority: Callaghan states that a grant interest form has been started for the Municipal Vulnerability Program to investigate the sea level rise and its impact on flooding. 3. Sally Milligan Bridge update: Healey states that she received quotes from MetroSign for updating the two current kiosks to add the trail connection path to the site map, and to add a third kiosk. The Committee discusses the installation cost, and whether the kiosk will be installed by MetroSign or by the Department of Public Services (DPS). Healey states that she will speak to the Director of Parks and Recreation. The Committee discusses where the kiosk should be placed and whether parking should be designated on the map. Healey states that there is not a firm timeline yet for the work to be done, because the next steps are to finalize the budget, submit the grant initiation form to Director of Planning and Development Darlene Wynne for review, submit it to MassTrails for review, and submit an RDA to the Conservation Commission. The pre-cut materials will be brought out and assembled on site. Alden-St. Pierre adds that there is a corner of the new trail that is of concern because it gets muddy and also cuts into private property, so he plans to redirect the trail around it. Alden-St. Pierre plans to speak to Sergeant James Henebury regarding parking. The Committee discusses which lots are gated, and the possible reasons for them being gated. The Committee agrees that the parking lots being gated is a question to ask Director of Parks and Recreation Bruce Doig, and also discusses asking Doig whether there is a way to redirect bikers. 4. Norwood Pond update The conservation commission conducted a site visit with Alden-St. Pierre. Alden-St. Pierre states that one issue pending on the project is answering a comment from the State DEP regarding the BVM mitigation plan, despite it being a small area. The second issue is that the bridge is in the potential fall path of a compromised tree, resulting in a tree removal request being necessary. The Committee discusses the chance of the tree falling before the construction, the circumference of the tree, different tree service companies, and the locations of the wetland flags. 7:45 p.m. Mann joins the meeting, Dudley leaves. 5. Eagle Scout updates There is one pending project proposed by Eagle Scout candidate Ryan Whiting, who plans to make signs along the J.C. Phillips Nature Preserve Trail. The Committee agrees that going forward, there should be a member of the Committee with Scouts at all times while implementing approved projects. 2 City of Beverly Community Preservation Committee February 1, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 6. Encroachment Policy The Committee discusses whether the principle of adverse possession applies on public property. Healey will check with the Solicitor's office as to whether it is possible on public property. Mann gives the example of a property at the end of Folger Avenue. Healey states that the OSRC working draft of the Encroachment Correction Procedural Guidelines is now streamlined. The Committee discusses the document and offers edits. The encroachment violation is based on Massachusetts law, not on City Ordinance. The Committee discusses the next steps in the process, time frames, and deadlines. The restoration may be under the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission, depending on whether it encroaches on a wetland. The Committee discusses alerting and/or ccing the appropriate Councillor, At-Large Councillors, and the City Council President as well. Once the edits are finalized and there is a final review with the Committee, Healey will forward the document to Wynne. 7. Other business a. Otis Road Easement - Continued to the next meeting. b. Beverly Hospital: Alden-St. Pierre states that he communicated with Beverly Hospital about how they could possibly direct funding towards improving signage. The members discuss the use of the WhatThreeWords W3W technology worldwide, how first responders can use the software for locating patients, and how it could enhance trail experience. c. City Compost site—Members discuss potential public access through the Beverly Compost site, as Callaghan occasionally jogs on the path through the back of the Camp Paradise site and Waring School and suggests that it could be a good place for a trail. Members discuss the boundaries and whether clearing some plants would be necessary. Member of the public Mario Tricome notes that he "got yelled at"when he attempted to cross the area with his children. 8. Other related topics, if any The members discuss prioritizing the items for Healey to follow up with in preparation for the Mayor attending a future meeting. Items discussed include the Norwood Pond bridges, the encroachment proceedings, the 27A (Bass River)property, and the Otis easement. 9. Approval of meeting minutes, as available—No minutes to review. 10. Adjourn Motion: Callaghan moves to adjourn. Seconded by Dunne. The motion carries 8-0. 3 City of Beverly Community Preservation Committee February 1, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 Meeting adjourned 9:15 p.m. Next meeting: March 1, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. 4