20230206 City Council Public Services Committee Meeting Minutes Kathleen M. Feldman-Chair Hannah L. Bowen Steven M. Crowley PUBLIC SERVICES/CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MINUTES Monday, February 6,2023, 6:30PM City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St. Feldman called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. Members present: Hannah Bowen, Steven Crowley,Kathleen Feldman Other Councilors present: Estelle Rand(arrived 6:44pm) Also present: Josh Doxsee(member of the Airport Commission) Order Date to Number Committee Description Action Taken #326 12/20/2022 Councilor Bowen-Regarding Beverly Regional Airport Hold(3-0) Notice of Availability Public Comment Draft Phase III Remedial Refer out to #331 12/20/2022 Action Plan-Former Varian Facility Site, 150 Sohier Road Council for discussion(3-0) Discussion on Order 4326 Feldman stated that she spoke with Josh Doxsee last week and had two questions come up from that conversation. One, can the City of Beverly move business under the commission when there is a gap in leadership? Two,with any of the buildings on the airport property, does the city have the right of first refusal and is there an RFP process for the buildings and property? Bowen pulled up the ordinance regarding the Airport Commission on her laptop and read portions of it. There was some discussion about the ordinance section that states what the commission may do with the approval of the mayor. Crowley stated that maybe this is a clarification that can be made as part of the ordinance review coming up. Feldman asked if this item could be held for one more meeting. A motion to hold the item was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion passed(3-0). Rand joined the meeting at 6:44pm. Discussion on Order#331 Bowen handed out a draft response for the committee members to review. Committee members expressed their appreciation and agreement with the things in the letter. The motion to refer#331 back out to the full Council with the draft letter from Councilor Bowen was made and seconded. The motion passed(3-0). A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion passed(3-0). The meeting adjourned at 6:58pm.