2022 12 07 School Committee Minutes BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Regular School Committee Meeting
Hybrid In-Person Beverly Middle School & Remote Access (Zoom)
Members &Administrators: 502 Cabot Street, Library
Community Access: Broadcast BevCam Channel 99 &
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
7:30 p.m.
A Hybrid In-Person and remote access meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held
on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, following the guidance from Governor Baker's Office.
Ms.Abell announced that BevCam would be streaming the meeting live on YouTube and
broadcasting on Channel 99.
Members Participating: Rachael Abell, Kaarin Robinson, Dr. Jeffrey Silva, Dr. Kenann
McKenzie; Remote: Lorinda Visnick, Kimberley Coelho
Not in Attendance: Mayor Michael Cahill
Also Participating: In Person: Dr. Suzanne Charochak, Superintendent; Dr. Dorothy
Flaherty,Assistant Superintendent; Bethany Splansky,Administrator of
Special Education and Student Services; Erin Brown, Director of
Information and Human Resources; Dr.Andre Morgan, Director of
Opportunity,Access and Equity; Donna Bergeron,Administrative
Assistant to the Superintendent; Kailey Quintino, Student
Representative Remote: Jodi Elder, Nurse Leader
Call to Order: Ms.Abell called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
Ms.Abell stated that this was a hybrid meeting with remote participation, noting that the Governor
signed legislation for an extension for the remote meetings to continue through March 31, 2023.
Beverly adopted remote participation on May 16, 2016 and thus will also be able to continue.A
quorum of School Committee members and Administrators were in-person and the remote
platform was offered for leadership and some members. BevCam was broadcasting on Channel
99 for Community access with a captioning tool available.
Pledge of Allegiance:
Ms. Robinson led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Student Representative Report - Kailey Quintino (BevCam 1:14:34)
Kailey reported the following happenings at BHS: December 8th the Scholars Breakfast
will be held recognizing the John &Abigail Adams,Advanced Placement and College
Board Commended Scholars. She stated they are almost half way through the second
quarter with Parent's Afternoon Back scheduled for December 15th. BHS is looking for
students to serve as mentors to Beverly Middle School students. Ms. Femino is the
contact person and will be accepting applications until December 16th. The BHS winter
concert will take place on December 20th at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Kailey
extended her congratulations to the cast and crew of"She Kills Monsters" that was
performed this past weekend.The National Art Society is holding their annual holiday
hoopla and the high school will be celebrating World Cultures Day on December 161n
Approval of Meeting Records (BevCam 1:16:25)
2022 11 09 School Committee Minutes
A motion was made by Dr. Silva to approve the November 9, 2022 School
Committee minutes. The motion was seconded by Dr. McKenzie and approved by a
roll call vote.
The following roll call votes were recorded:
Kimberley Coelho -Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie -Yes
Kaarin Robinson -Yes
Dr. Jeffrey Silva -Yes
Lorinda Visnick-Yes
Rachael Abell -Yes
Motion passed 6:0
Open Forum for Resident Voice or Input into Agenda-Related Items
The President will consider requests to address the School Committee on items either
included or not included as part of the agenda at this time.Any person wishing to
make such a request should email residentvoiceZ-beverlyschools.ora before 7 p.m.
with their comments (<3 minutes)to be read by the chair or to receive a link to
address the body themselves at—7:40 p.m. remotely via Zoom. (Please Note:this is
an opportunity to simply address the body and is not a discussion.
Items by Consensus (BevCam 1:17:34)
The Superintendent recommends the School Committee vote to approved
a. Warrant#23017 in the amount of$331,107.00
b. Warrant#23018 in the amount of$472,299.07
c. Warrant#23019 in the amount of$249,363.47
d. Warrant#23020 in the amount of$319,230.13
A motion was made by Ms. Robinson to approve Warrants 23017 through 23020.
The motion was seconded by Ms. Visnick.
The following roll call vote was recorded:
Kimberley Coelho -Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie -Yes
Kaarin Robinson -Yes
Dr. Jeffrey Silva -Yes
Lorinda Visnick-Yes
Rachael Abell -Yes
Motion passed 6:0.
School Committee Chair Update (BEVCAM 1:18:13)
A. Reappointment of Paul Manzo to serve as the Beverly Representative on the
Essex North Shore Agricultural Technical District School Committee *
Ms.Abell stated that Mayor Cahill has submitted a letter reappointing Paul
Manzo to serve as the Beverly Representative on the Essex North Shore
Agricultural Technical District School Committee. She stated that the Committee
would need to vote to approve the reappointment.
A motion was made by Dr. Silva to approve the reappointment of Paul Manzo to
serve as the Beverly Representative on the Essex North Shore Agricultural
Technical District School Committee. The motion was seconded by Dr.
Ms.Abell expressed her appreciation to Mr. Manzo for his past and present
The following roll call votes were recorded:
Kimberley Coelho -Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie -Yes
Kaarin Robinson -Yes
Dr. Jeffrey Silva -Yes
Lorinda Visnick-Yes
Rachael Abell -Yes
Motion passed: 6:0
B. Appointments (BevCam 1:19:32)
Ms.Abell extended her appreciation to Ms. DiGenova, who has volunteered to fill
the vacant seat as a citizen representative on the Finance and Facilities
Committee, as well as, the citizen representative seat on the City's Financial
Forecasting Subcommittee. Ms.Abell noted that due to some timing conflicts,
she also has stepped in for Ms. Visnick on the Financial Forecasting Committee.
Ms.Abell noted that Dr. McKenzie also sits on that Financial Forecasting
Subcommittee and that the intent of the Committee is to finish the report before
the end of the calendar year.
Ms.Abell added that she will also be appointing two members, of the School
Committee, to the BHS Principal Search Committee, asking members if they are
interested to please let the chair know.
C. 2022-2023 School District Calendar Snow Days - Last Day of School (BevCam
Ms.Abell noted that there was an error in the 2022-2023 School District
Calendar. She stated that the last day of school in 2023, with the inclusion of five
(5) snow days, will be June 28, 2023.
D. Upcoming Meetings & Dates (BevCam 1:21:30)
December Dates to Remember
Ms.Abell stated that the Finance and Facilities and Committee of the Whole
meetings will be held next Wednesday, December 14th beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Superintendent Report
A. High School Principal Search (BevCam 1:21:51)
Dr. Charochak reported that Principal Taylor has submitted her formal
retirement notification to her staff and the community. Dr. Charochak stated she wanted
to acknowledge how fortunate we have been to have Mrs. Taylor as part of our school
community for the last 33 years, as a teacher, assistant principal, and principal. We are
very grateful to her for her service and leadership. Dr. Charochak introduced Ms.
Brown, Director of Information and Human Resources to present information on the
principal search process.
Ms. Brown's presentation outlined the process and timeline. She stated they will be
moving along quickly as it is a very long process and also to get the best candidate
pool possible. Ms. Brown went over the details of the four(4) phases: 1. Recruitment-
advertising of the position, 2. Informational - pre and post interview meetings, 3.
Screening -the members of the screening committee, resume review and
recommendation of candidates to the interview committee, 4. Interview-who the
interview committee members will include, a required training meeting and the
recommendation of finalists to Dr. Charochak. The interview phase includes finalist
visitation to BHS, then Dr. Charochak will conduct the final interview.
Ms. Brown reviewed the search timeline beginning with the posting of the position on
December 12th, followed by a staff/family survey, applications and review of resumes.
There will be an interview committee training, formal interviews of the candidates, BHS
visitations days, a meet the candidate night and reference checks. Dr. Silva asked,
regarding the reference checks, if there is any reporting on that piece. Ms. Brown
stated that it is generally internal. On March 1 st Dr. Charochak will appoint the new
high school principal.
Mrs. Brown stated she is excited to get the process started and said for anyone
interested in being on the committee to forward their information to either her, or her
assistant,Annie Davidson.
Dr. Charochak added any questions or comments to please reach out to them. Ms.
Abell thanked them for their presentation.
Committee Reports
Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities - Lorinda Visnick, Chairperson (BevCam 1:32:36)
Ms. Visnick reported at the November 16th meeting the Committee's main focus was the proposed
outdoor learning classroom at the Hannah Elementary School, with the main goal being to design,
plan, and construct the classroom by the 2023-2024 school year. Ms. Visnick provided information
on the structure and cost. She stated that the Committee voted unanimously to allow for this change
to the Hannah Elementary School facilities. Dr. Charochak brought forward the budget calendar and
the Committee reviewed the move of two (2) full time equivelent paraprofessional positions to two (2)
math interventionists positions. Dr. Charochak also presented information on the revolving accounts
and where and how we use that money.
Ms.Abell stated that the full committee does need to vote on the Hannah Elementary School
outdoor proposal. It was noted that it would be brought forward to the COTW meeting for a vote.
The next Finance and Facilities meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 6:30
Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life (BevCam 1:35:43)
Ms. Robinson reported at the earlier CISL meeting the Committee was treated to a great
performance by the BHS Chorale group. The Committee received middle and high school student
representative reports and Dr. Flaherty shared a detailed presentation on last year's MCAS data.
The next CISL meeting will be held on January 11, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
Negotiations Subcommittee - Rachael Abell, Chair (BevCam 1:37:40)
Ms.Abell stated the Committee last met on November 16th.At that meeting Dr. Charochak shared
her goals and objectives that were then brought forward to the Committee of the Whole Meeting for
approval. Ms.Abell said they do not have another meeting scheduled as of yet. She anticipates they
will be entering into bargaining soon.
Policy Subcommittee- Dr. Kenann McKenzie, Chair(BevCam 1:38:25)
Dr. McKenzie reported that last time they met they talked about the committee organizing the
numerous pieces/policies that need some fine tuning.
Communications (BevCam 1:39:00)
Ms.Abell remarked it was wonderful to see the number of students that participated in the holiday
parade. She reported she attended the BHS performance of "She Kills Monsters" remarking on what
a fantastic production it was. She said she is looking forward to the upcoming holiday concerts.
Motion to Adjourn (BevCam 1:39:55)
A motion was made by Ms. Robinson to adjourn the School Committee meeting. The motion
was seconded by Dr. McKenzie and approved by a roll call vote.
The roll call vote resulted in the following:
Kimberley Coelho -Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie -Yes
Kaarin Robinson -Yes
Dr. Jeffrey Silva -Yes
Lorinda Visnick-Yes
Rachael Abell -Yes
Motion passed 6:0
The meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kaarin Robinson, Secretary
Beverly School Committee
Documents Reviewed at the meeting: 2022 11 09 School Committee Minutes
Letter of Reappointment- Paul Manzo
2022-2023 School District Calendar