2022 10 12 School Committee Minutes BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Regular School Committee Meeting
Hybrid In-Person Beverly Middle School & Remote Access (Zoom)
Members &Administrators: 502 Cabot Street, Library
Community Access: Broadcast BevCam Channel 99 &
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
7:30 p.m.
A Hybrid In-Person and remote access meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held
on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, following the guidance from Governor Baker's Office.
Ms.Abell announced that BevCam would be streaming the meeting live on YouTube and
broadcasting on Channel 99.
Members Participating: Rachael Abell, Kaarin Robinson, Lorinda Visnick, Dr. Jeffrey
Silva, Mayor Michael Cahill, Kimberley Coelho
Not in Attendance: Dr. Kenann McKenzie
Also Participating: In Person: Dr. Suzanne Charochak, Superintendent; Dr. Dorothy
Flaherty,Assistant Superintendent; Jean Sherburne, Director of
Finance and Operations; Bethany Splansky,Administrator of
Special Education and Student Services; Erin Brown, Director of
Information and Human Resources; Dr.Andre Morgan, Director of
Opportunity,Access and Equity; Megan Sudak, Coordinator of City
Connects, Donna Bergeron,Administrative Assistant to the
Call to Order: Ms.Abell called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.
Ms.Abell stated that this was a hybrid meeting with remote participation, noting that the Governor
signed legislation for an extension for the remote meetings to continue through March 31, 2023.
Beverly adopted remote participation on May 16, 2016 and thus will also be able to continue.A
quorum of School Committee members and Administrators were in-person and the remote
platform was offered for leadership and some members. BevCam was broadcasting on Channel
99 for Community access with a captioning tool available.
Pledge of Allegiance: (BevCam 1:16:27)
Ms. Sudak led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Recognitions: (BevCam 1:16:59)
Dr. Charochak recognized and presented Mia Occhino and Ryan Dunleavy, Beverly High
School seniors the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents Certificates of
Academic Excellence.
Recess: 7:42 p.m.
Back in Session: 7:46 p.m.
Student Representative Report -Kailey Quintino
Not in attendance.
Approval of Meeting Records (BevCam 1:24:36)
2022 09 14 School Committee Minutes
A motion was made by Mayor Cahill to approve the September 14, 2022 School
Committee minutes. The motion was seconded by Ms. Visnick and approved.
Motion passed 5:0:1. Ms. Coelho abstained.
Open Forum for Resident Voice or Input into Agenda-Related Items (BevCam 1:09:05)
The President will consider requests to address the School Committee on items
either included or not included as part of the agenda at this time.Any person wishing
to make such a request should email residentvoicea-beverlyschools.org before 7
p.m. with their comments (<3 minutes) to be read by the chair or to receive a link to
address the body themselves at—7:40 p.m. remotely via Zoom. (Please Note:this is
an opportunity to simply address the body and is not a discussion.
Items by Consensus (BevCam 1:25:46)
a. Warrant#23009 in the amount of$256,559.23
b. Warrant#23010 in the amount of$213,671.56
c. Warrant#23011 in the amount of$498,618.74
A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve Warrants 23009 through 23011 . The motion
was seconded by Ms. Robison and approved.
Motion passed 6:0.
School Committee Chair Update
Upcoming Meetings & Dates (BevCam 1:26:30)
Ms.Abell reported that last year, in October, they completed the Superintendent Evaluation
process. She stated that they will be kicking off this process later this week and that Dr.
Charochak will provide an overview.
Superintendent Evaluation Process (BevCam 1:26:40)
Dr. Charochak reviewed the steps in the Superintendent Evaluation process stating her goal
is to have the documents to them by Monday. Step One-will include folders that align with all
of her goals and an evaluation scoring sheet that each member will save and rename as their
individual sheet. Step Two - Dr. Charochak provided the list of Focus Indicators and stated
she would provide evidence in each of the folders. Step Three-will include two documents,
outlining the Superintendent's four(4) goals with a short form version and long form that will
detail action steps and benchmark outcomes. Step Four- Review the evidence she has
organized in folders. Step Five - complete the feedback form which allows for them to provide
a rating for each of the goal areas, highlighted goals only.
Dr. Charochak asked the School Committee members to please send their copy to Donna
Bergeron, by Wednesday, November 2, 2022, to be compiled. They will plan to discuss the
results at the next regular School Committee meeting on Wednesday, November 9th. Dr.
Charochak added that while there will be numerous documents in the folders, most of them
they have already seen throughout the course of the year. She stated if they had any
questions to please reach out to her.
Spring 2023 School Committee Schedule* (BevCam 1:32:40)
Ms.Abell stated that she was bringing forward for discussion and vote the Spring 2023
School Committee Schedule. She stated that she still needs to have a conversation with City
Council President Flowers to choose a date for the joint meeting. She added, in June they
may want to consider repurposing the Committee of the Whole meeting on June 21, the last
day of school, to their School Committee retreat meeting.
A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the Spring 2023 School Committee Schedule.
The motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved.
Mayor Cahill asked if June 21 st, the last day of school, included snow days. Ms.Abell said
The vote was taken and motion passed 6:0.
Upcoming Meeting Dates- continued (BevCam 1:34:20)
Ms.Abell reminded the members that the Finance and Facilities and Committee of the Whole
will meet on October 26th with F&F starting at 6:30 p.m. and COTW at 7:30 p.m. She
remarked that the MASC Conference will take place the first week of November on the Cape.
Superintendent Report
Overnight Field Trip- BHS London England * (BevCam 1:35:04)
Dr. Charochak introduced Melissa Orr and Sam Stantial to present their overnight field trip to
London England. Mr. Stantial stated they have offered this opportunity to the student body as a
whole and that the trip is tied to both Social Studies and English standards at all three levels.
Ms. Orr stated the reason they are seeking approval so early is that if approved they can lock in
a lower price rate if they apply by November 1 st. This will allow for chaperones to go for free
with every six (6) paying students which falls in line with the BPS chaperon ratio of 8:1. Ms. Orr
said they chose the dates to avoid conflicts with AP testing and it also will allow much more
time and opportunities for fundraising.
A motion was made by Ms Visnick to approve the overnight field trip to London England. The
motion was seconded by Ms. Robinson.
Dr. Silva asked what the proposed cost would be. Ms. Orr stated, if they locked it in by
November 1st, it would be $3,666/per student and they could then set up a plan to have the
students pay $255/month.
Ms. Coelho asked what grades are included. Mr. Stantial stated that all four, adding that for
curriculum reasons junior year is the best fit but it is open to all.
Ms.Abell asked if they would be advertising to the 8th graders where the trip is not until 2024.
Ms. Orr stated they would not, it would be for the current students.
Dr. Silva asked if they could highlight some of the key areas they will be visiting. Ms. Orr
stated they would be going to Parliament, home of the Cheesegrater, attending a
performance at the Globe Theater, Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace and an
option for Harry Potter studios.
The vote was taken and motion passed 6:0.
Overnight Field Trip- BMS Nature's Classroom * (BevCam 1:40:56)
Dr. Charochak asked Mr. Melanson, Ms. Twombly, and Mr. Sutera to provide information on
the overnight field trip to Nature's Classroom in April and May of 2023. They provided a
slideshow of information on the trip to Nature's Classroom in Charlton MA and the excitement
in bringing the trip back. They reported how it aligns with the standards, the cost of the trip
being $385/max per student and that their goal is to hit the ground running with fundraising
A motion was made by Mayor Cahill to approve the overnight field trip to Nature's Classroom
in Charlton, Massachusetts,April 10-14 and May 1-5, 2023. The motion was seconded by
Ms. Robinson.
Mayor Cahill stated it's great bringing back this trip and liked the ideas for fundraising. Ms.
Robinson expressed her appreciation to them as well. Ms. Visnick asked if they had a plan,
when they returned, in essence how to continue those lessons. Mr. Melanson provided ways
in which they will extend what they learned at Nature's Classroom back to the middle school
classroom. Ms. Twombly stated that they have never met something with such unanimous
support. Ms.Abell stated she feels it is super important to bring back this trip and appreciated
the slide that they are trying to achieve 100% participation. Such an important aspect of
Dr. Silva reflected on when his daughter went on the trip and what a great time she had.
The vote was taken and motion passed 6:0.
October 1, 2022 Enrollments (BevCam 1:55:47)
Dr. Charochak referred to the October 1st enrollment information she had provided stating we
are required to submit this data, by October 1st, to the Department of Elementary and
Secondary Education (DESE). She added that she knows that the School Committee
appreciates seeing the data broken down by classes. Dr. Charochak stated back in the late
spring there was some concern for the low kindergarten numbers but pointed out that they
have since come back up and are now at 365. She stated that they will notice some low
numbers in the elementary level where the principals chose to use some of the ESSER
funding. When the ESSER funding is gone we will revert back to more typical numbers.
Committee Reports
Standina Committee on Finance & Facilities - Lorinda Visnick. Chairperson (BevCam 1:58:01)
Ms. Visnick reported at the September 28th F&F meeting the committee had three members of the
Beverly Sailing Association in attendance and they provided them with a generous donation.
Ms. Visnick stated they also voted on and is bringing forward the following items for full School
Committee approval:
A motion was made by Ms.Abell to approve Transfers, #803, 917, 944, 1037, 1141, 1524. The
motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved.
Motion passed 6:0.
A motion was made by Ms.Abell to approve the attached Beverly Grants September 2022. The
motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved.
Motion passed 6:0.
Ms. Visnick noted that some of the grant funds are from the Beverly Education Foundation.
A motion was made by Ms.Abell to approve the attached Gifts to Schools for July and August 2022
July $19,685.32
August $12,359.00
Totaling $32,044.32.
The motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved.
Motion passed 6:0.
Ms. Visnick stated that the next Finance and Facilities meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October
26, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. She added she may ask Dr. McKenzie to run that meeting.
Standina Committee on Curriculum. Instruction and Student Life (BevCam 2:01:59)
Ms. Robinson reported at the earlier CISL meeting they welcomed new Citizen Representative,
Alison Driscoll. They heard from the student representatives from Beverly High School about the
college fair, and PSAT and SAT testing that was administered to juniors and seniors. The Committee
also received some STEAM snippets from each level in recognition of STEAM Week. The
Committee also received a presentation from City Connects Coordinator, Megan Sudak. Dr. Flaherty
provided a calendar of topics for the remainder of the school year. Ms. Robinson stated that the next
meeting is scheduled for November 9, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Neaotiations Subcommittee - Rachael Abell. Chair (BevCam 2:04:08)
Ms.Abell stated they have not yet formally scheduled a meeting. She stated that she did meet with
administrators and members of the AFSCME Unit.
Policy Subcommittee- Dr. Kenann McKenzie. Chair(BevCam 2:04:22)
Ms.Abell reported a meeting has not been scheduled yet.
Communications (BevCam 2:04:36)
Ms.Abell did receive constituent concerns that would be best addressed with the superintendent
and she will follow up with Dr. Charochak.
Motion to Adjourn (BevCam 2:05:00)
A motion was made by Ms. Robinson to adjourn the School Committee meeting. The motion
was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved.
Motion passed 6:0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kaarin Robinson, Secretary
Beverly School Committee
Documents Reviewed at the meeting: 2022 09 14 School Committee Retreat
Spring 2023 School Committee Schedule
Overnight Field Trip- BHS London England
Overnight Field Trip- BMS Nature's Classroom
Charlton, MA
Gifts to Schools- July&August
2023 DESE Grants & Non-DESE Grants
Transfers 803, 917, 944, 1037, 1141, 1524