2022 09 14 School Committe Minutes BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Regular School Committee Meeting
Hybrid In-Person Beverly Middle School & Remote Access (Zoom)
Members &Administrators: 502 Cabot Street, Library
Community Access: Broadcast BevCam Channel 99 &
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
7:30 p.m.
A Hybrid In-Person and remote access meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held
on Wednesday, September 14, 2022, following the guidance from Governor Baker's Office.
Ms.Abell announced that BevCam would be streaming the meeting live on YouTube and
broadcasting on Channel 99.
Members Participating: Rachael Abell, Kaarin Robinson, Lorinda Visnick, Dr. Kenann
McKenzie, Dr. Jeffrey Silva, Mayor Michael Cahill (arrived at
7:34 p.m.)
Absent: Kimberley Coelho
Also Participating: In Person: Dr. Suzanne Charochak, Superintendent; Dr. Dorothy
Flaherty,Assistant Superintendent; Jean Sherburne, Director of
Finance and Operations; Bethany Splansky,Administrator of
Special Education and Student Services; Erin Brown, Director of
Information and Human Resources; Donna Bergeron,
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and School
Committee; Kailey Quintino, Student Representative
Remote: Dr.Andre Morgan, Director of Opportunity, Access and
Equity; Dana Cruikshank, Director of Transportation
Call to Order: Ms.Abell called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m.
Ms.Abell stated that this was a hybrid meeting with remote participation, noting that the Governor
signed legislation for an extension for the remote meetings to continue through March 31, 2023.
Beverly adopted remote participation on May 16, 2016 and thus will also be able to continue.A
quorum of School Committee members and Administrators were in-person and the remote
platform was offered for leadership and some members. BevCam was broadcasting on Channel
99 for Community access with a captioning tool available.
Pledge of Allegiance: (BevCam 1:06:25)
Kailey Quintino led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Student Representative Report -Kailey Quintino (BevCam 1:07:07)
Kailey Quintino reported that this being the first full week of school there was not a lot to report.
She stated there are some new policies in place including a restroom policy that students need
to show their pass to the monitor outside of the restrooms. Kailey commented that last year
there were issues with cell phones; this year there is a new practice in place that seems to be
going well. College representatives were available at BHS today for juniors and seniors.
Approval of Meeting Records (BevCam 1:08:25)
2022 06 27 School Committee Retreat Minutes
A motion was made by Mayor Cahill to approve the June 27, 2022 School Committee
Retreat minutes. The motion was seconded by Dr. Silva and approved.
Motion passed 6:0.
Open Forum for Resident Voice or Input into Agenda-Related Items (BevCam 1:09:05)
The President will consider requests to address the School Committee on items either
included or not included as part of the agenda at this time.Any person wishing to
make such a request should email residentvoicea-beverlyschools.org before 7 p.m.
with their comments (<3 minutes)to be read by the chair or to receive a link to
address the body themselves at—7:40 p.m. remotely via Zoom. (Please Note:this is
an opportunity to simply address the body and is not a discussion.
Rachel Brown, 22 Broadway, parent of a middle school student addressed the School
Committee members and administration thanking them for sending out the home safe
storage letter. Ms. Brown also provided some statistics and requested that the
schools consider passing a resolution regarding the same.
Dr. Silva asked Mayor Cahill if the police department did any type of annual outreach to
the citizens to educate them on proper storage of firearms. Mayor Cahill said he
would check with the police department and get back to Dr. Silva.
Items by Consensus (BevCam 1:16:00)
a. Warrant#22046 in the amount of$59.98
b. Warrant#22047 in the amount of$108,053.93
c. Warrant#22048 in the amount of$342,613.03
d. Warrant#22049 in the amount of$244,079.30
e. Warrant#22050 in the amount of$664,794.11
f. Warrant#22051 in the amount of$398,743.68
g. Warrant#23001 in the amount of$693,348.15
h. Warrant#23002 in the amount of$370,579.63
i. Warrant#23003 in the amount of$292,727.88
j. Warrant#23004 in the amount of$500,403.28
k. Warrant#23005 in the amount of$392,472.74
I. Warrant#23006 in the amount of$194,722.23
m. Warrant#23007 in the amount of$299,850.56
n. Warrant#23008 in the amount of$185,032.64
A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve Warrants 22046 through 23008. The motion
was seconded by Ms. Robinson and approved.
Motion passed 6:0.
School Committee Chair Update
Upcoming Meetings & Dates (BevCam 1:16:4)
Ms.Abell reported that the Finance and Facilities Committee and School Committee
of the Whole meetings will take place on Wednesday, September 28, 2022 beginning at 6:30
p.m. in the middle school library. She stated that if anyone had a specific topic they would like
to discuss to please reach out in advance so the leadership team can plan accordingly.
Superintendent Report
Overnight Field Trip- BHS Music* (BevCam 1:17:13)
Dr. Charochak introduced Lyn Pilanan &Adam Costa, Music Department to present the
proposed overnight field trip scheduled for April 13 -15, 2023. Ms. Pilanan reported, initially, the
plan was to go to Scotch Plains Fanwood High School in Fanwood, NJ but received an email
on Monday that Fanwood High School had a conflict and had to cancel. Ms. Pilanan stated that
they have another destination, Governor Livingston High School in Berkeley Heights, NJ. She
reported after they arrive at their destination they will have the initial `meet and greet'with the
students, lunch and rehearsal. This will be followed by a combined concert. Ms. Pilanen
provided additional information on the itinerary, accommodations, and cost, noting a generous
donation from the boosters. She said they would be returning to Beverly on Saturday evening.
Mayor Cahill asked how they prepare for combined concerts. Ms. Pilanen shared that the last
time, when they traveled to Canada, she had sent them the music ahead of time, each group
rehearsed in their own schools. When they arrived at the destination they rehearsed together,
then performed. She said it was amazing.
A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the overnight field trip to Berkeley Heights, NJ.
The motion was seconded by Dr. McKenzie and approved.
Motion passed 6:0.
Ms.Abell shared that she had gone on a music exchange trip in 8th grade and commented
that it remained a very memorable experience.
Overnight Field Trip- BHS Spain (BevCam 1:23:03)
Maribeth Rodolico-Linskey provided information on the proposed overnight field trip to
Salamanca, Spain. She reported that she was able to get the cost down a little and that the
trip is the same as it has been for the last three (3) years. Ms. Rodolico-Linskey reported that
on this two (2)week immersion trip the students will live with their sponsors. She stated that
the response has been great.
A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the overnight field trip to Salamanca, Spain,
April 14, 2023 through April 30, 2023. The motion was seconded by Ms. Robinson and
Motion passed 6:0.
Mayor Cahill commented that although there are many exchange opportunities and tours, this
is a great model.
Ms.Abell stated her one concern was with students missing work/assignments. She asked if
the students find it challenging to get the work done or if they can get it ahead of time. Ms.
Rodolico-Linskey assured that the students get approval from their teachers and they get the
work completed.
Ms. Visnick noted that her son, Ian, was sad that he is not able to go on this trip due to other
Overview of the Opening of Schools (BevCam 1:28:56)
Dr. Charochak reported that this year the hope is that the administration and staff
spend time recapturing joy and the goal is to get back to doing what they love to do. During
the leadership meeting she reported that Dr. Flaherty asked that the team remember
something that gave them joy during the week. Dr. Charochak shared her"joy" moment that
week stating, as she was doing her walk-thrus at middle school one of the teachers remarked
to her that this has been the best start to the school year ever.
Dr. Charochak reported the new staff orientation was held on August 25th. Dr. Charochak
provided some beginning of the year information. She remarked that although there was
some concern, at the end of last year, that kindergarten numbers were low she stated that the
Class of 2035 welcomed 352 students. We have a total of 78 homeschool students which is
down from 93 last year. We are transporting 1,382 BPS students at this time and additionally,
we are transporting 43 students to St.Academy. She noted that Dana Cruikshank has done
an amazing job and is working very hard to get everyone to school on time. Dr. Charochak
stated that we will add students when room allows. Dr. Charochak reported that Food Service
continues to serve universal free breakfast and lunch to all. She reported that the first week
they served 1,867 breakfasts and 11,115 lunches. She noted that they are seeing the largest
increase at the high school.
Dr. Charochak stated that we are off to a really great and positive start.
Dr. Flaherty added that we were very fortunate to find out, late into the summer, that we
would have free universal lunches. She noted that they will be updating the handbook to
reflect that change.
Ms. Visnick asked if the 43 students, transported to Saints Academy, is the same number as
past years. Dr. Charochak stated that it is approximately the same. Mr. Cruikshank concurred
that it is definitely close to the same numbers. He added that unfortunately the students are
more spread out, but it is working out.
Ms. Visnick asked if there had been an update on the new Pioneer Charter School. Dr.
Charochak stated that Pioneer Charter School of Science has been approved by DESE. She
said that their hours; arrival at 7:00 a.m. and dismissal at 3:00 p.m. will not conflict with our
Committee Reports
Standina Committee on Finance & Facilities - Lorinda Visnick. Chairperson (BevCam 1:36:59)
Ms.Abell noted that the Finance and Facilities Committee had reported out at the COTW meeting on
August 24, 2022. Ms. Visnick did add that she would be meeting with Ms. Sherburne to set the
agenda for the September 28, 2022 meeting. She noted that one item they want to discuss is the
installation of lights at the BHS turf field.
Standina Committee on Curriculum. Instruction and Student Life (BevCam 1:37:38)
Ms. Robinson reported at the earlier CISL meeting they shared across the board of how things are
going to date. Caitlyn Bellezza, District EL Coordinator provided an update and Dr. Flaherty
reviewed the agendas for the CISL meetings for the year. They also received a recap of the summer
professional development.
Neaotiations Subcommittee - Rachael Abell. Chair (BevCam 1:39:15)
Ms.Abell stated that there are no scheduled meetings to date. There are some contracts that will be
coming up so she expects the negotiating process to start up soon.
Policy Subcommittee- Dr. Kenann McKenzie. Chair(BevCam 1:39:42)
Dr. McKenzie thanked Ms.Abell and Ms. Bergeron for discussing and working to get the on-line
policy manual in a format that can be edited. She explained that the next step is to set dates for
meetings and to look at what needs to be reviewed. Ms.Abell remarked that some subcommittees
will be responsible for certain policies.
Communications (BevCam 1:40:46)
Ms. Visnick stated that she and Ms. Coelho had attended the BHS PTSO meeting. In Ms.
Coelho's absence Ms. Visnick shared the following notes. Ms. Taylor reported the hiring of 21 new
staff members and noted the need to hire more paraprofessionals. The date for the senior prom is
set for May 24, 2023. Ms. Femino provided a report on City Connects and the PTSO is in really good
shape, financially. Ms. Visnick stated other communications/questions she received were, covid
mitigation strategies, issue with lights at the sports field, the desire for several people to get on a
bus, and a concerned parent inquiring about who would cover a crossing guard's post when they are
on vacation.
Mayor Cahill stated he wanted to acknowledge the passing of William (Bill) Foley who first began
at the Hannah School, then Memorial Middle School then Principal of the Centerville Elementary
School. Mayor Cahill stated Bill Foley was his Memorial junior hockey coach and he began the
Beverly Youth Soccer program. Mayor Cahill said that Bill Foley was a great motivator, mentor, and
Ms. Visnick added that at the PTSO meeting Ms. Taylor reported that she does not believe there
have been any students pushed out of parking with the ongoing installation of the solar canopies.
Ms.Abell stated she had the pleasure of joining the Ayers families at the back to school picnic.
The Bike Committee was also at the picnic and Ms.Abell said that Lucy, from the Bike Committee,
did a great job of engaging the students. Free helmets were given out to anyone that needed them
and water bottle stickers. Ms.Abell remarked that she appreciates how our PTOs are working to
keep our students safe. She has received some outreach about ski clubs and afterschool activities
as well as some questions regarding students who attend private schools participating in some
Ms. Robinson reported hearing from a few people as to why the change in photographers at the
high school. Ms. Visnick reported that Ms. Taylor had talked about Greg West, who does
photography and that a number of people were wanting to use their own photographer. Dr.
Charochak said she did not have the information but would check in with Ms. Taylor. Ms. Robinson
said there was also talk about the rise in the cost.
Motion to Adjourn (BevCam 1:49:43)
A motion was made by Mayor Cahill to adjourn the School Committee meeting. The motion
was seconded by Ms. Robinson and approved.
Motion passed 6:0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kaarin Robinson, Secretary
Beverly School Committee
Documents Reviewed at the meeting: 2022 06 29 School Committee Retreat
Overnight BHS Music Field Trip- New Jersey
Overnight BHS Field Trip- Salamanca, Spain