2022 06 08 School Committee Minutes BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Regular School Committee Meeting
Hybrid In-Person Beverly Middle School & Remote Access (Zoom)
Members &Administrators: 502 Cabot Street, Library
Community Access: Broadcast BevCam Channel 99 &
Wednesday, June 8, 2022
7:30 p.m.
A Hybrid In-Person and remote access meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held
on Wednesday, June 8, 2022, following the guidance from Governor Baker's Office. Ms.
Abell announced that BevCam would be streaming the meeting live on YouTube and
broadcasting on Channel 99.
Members Participating: Rachael Abell, Kaarin Robinson, Kimberley Coelho, Lorinda
Visnick, Mayor Michael Cahill
Remote: Dr. Kenann McKenzie
Not in Attendance: Dr. Jeffrey Silva
Also Participating: In Person: Dr. Suzanne Charochak, Superintendent; Dr. Dorothy
Flaherty,Assistant Superintendent; Jean Sherburne, Director of
Finance and Operations; Bethany Splansky,Administrator of
Special Education and Student Services; Dr.Andre Morgan,
Director of Opportunity,Access and Equity; Erin Brown, Director of
Information and Human Resources; Donna Bergeron,
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and School
Committee; Kailey Quintino, Student Representative
Remote: Julia Brotherton, BTA President; Barb Fecteau, BHS
Librarian; Christina Leal, Director of Food Service; Nora Booth, PTO
Ayers;Allyson Spencer, Lisa Wolf, BHS Teacher
Call to Order: Ms.Abell called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
Ms.Abell stated that this was a hybrid meeting with remote participation, noting that the Governor
signed legislation for remote meetings to continue. Beverly adopted remote participation on May
16, 2016 and thus will also be able to continue.A quorum of School Committee members and
Administrators were in-person and the remote platform was offered for leadership and some
members. BevCam was broadcasting on Channel 99 for Community access and they were also
testing a captioning tool.
Pledge of Allegiance: (BevCam 1:09:13)
Ms Visnick led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Recognitions: (BevCam 1:09:49)
• Doug Walker, President and Anna Green, Vice President of the Beverly Education
Foundation along with PTO Representatives from each school presented the
Teacher/Parent Grant Awards.
• Ms.Abell and Dr. Charochak recognized the following retiring teachers, thanking
them for their years of service:
Blake Gilson 22 years of service Lisa Wolf 6 years of service
Helen Gorman 21 years of service Giuliana DiGenova 23 years of service
Louise Faria 17 years of service Nancy Schalch 23 years of service
Kevin Leahy 27 years of service Kathryn Barton 14 years of service
The Committee entered into a brief recess at 8:03 p.m.
The Committee returned to open session at 8:10 p.m.
Student Representative Report -Kailey Quintino (BevCam 1:40:17)
Kailey Quintino reported that the senior clapout was held on 6/1, senior prom on 6/2, followed
by graduation on 6/5. The 8th grade move up day was held and the freshman just completed
their biology MCAS. Elections for class officers were held and final exams will begin on 6/15.
There will be a Pride Flag raising scheduled for 6/17 and the Juneteenth Flag raising on June
21st. Final exams will continue through 6/22.
Mayor Cahill stated that he and Ms. Visnick had just returned from hearing Kailey and her
friend speak at an event for Green Beverly about the Environmental Club, which they
founded and chair.
Approval of Meeting Records (BevCam 1:42:15)
2022 05 11 FY23 Budget Hearing Minutes
A motion was made by Mayor Cahill to approve the May 11, 2022 FY23 Budget
Hearing minutes. The motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved by a roll call
vote with one spelling correction.
The following roll call votes were recorded:
Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes
Ms. Coelho -Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie-Yes
Ms. Robinson -Yes
Ms. Visnick-Yes
Ms.Abell -Yes
Motion passed 6:0.
2022 05 11 School Committee Minutes (BevCam 1:43:10)
A motion was made by Mayor Cahill to approve the May 11, 2022 School Committee
Minutes. The motion was seconded by Ms. Robinson and approved, as presented, by a
roll call vote.
The following roll call votes were recorded:
Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes
Ms. Coelho -Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie-Yes
Ms. Robinson -Yes
Ms. Visnick-Yes
Ms.Abell -Yes
Motion passed 6:0
Open Forum for Resident Voice or Input into Agenda-Related Items
The President will consider requests to address the School Committee on items
either included or not included as part of the agenda at this time.Any person wishing
to make such a request should email residentvoice(a7beverlyschools.org before 7
p.m. with their comments (<3 minutes) to be read by the chair or to receive a link to
address the body themselves at—7:40 p.m. remotely via Zoom. (Please Note:this is
an opportunity to simply address the body and is not a discussion.
Items by Consensus (BevCam 1:44:32)
a. Warrant#22043 in the amount of$619,901.84
b. Warrant#22044 in the amount of$246,865.76
c. Warrant#22045 in the amount of$666,223.97
A motion was made by Ms. Robinson to approve Warrants 22043 through 22045. The motion
was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved by a roll call vote.
The following roll call votes were recorded:
Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes
Ms. Coelho -Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie-Yes
Ms. Robinson -Yes
Ms. Visnick-Yes
Ms.Abell -Yes
Motion passed 6:0.
School Committee Chair Update
A. Fair Share Amendment resolution * (BevCam 1:45:16)
Ms.Abell stated she was bringing forward the Fair Share Amendment Resolution
that she had shared with them. She reported meeting with Ms. Brotherton and
making edits to the resolution that is being presented. Ms.Abell stated that Dr. Silva
had provided a letter in his absence that she would read into the record. Ms.Abell
asked for any questions.
Mayor Cahill stated he would make a motion to approve the language and pass the
Resolution. Ms. Visnick seconded the motion.
Ms.Abell read the Resolution followed by Dr. Silva's letter into the record. She
opened up the floor for questions and/or comments.
Ms. Visnick pointed out that, as a body, at the MASC yearly conference, this item
was on one of the lists and as a body they were not in agreement and abstained.
Ms. Vinick added that the majority of MASC institutions voted to pass the resolution.
Ms.Abell, as a point of clarification, noted it was a different amendment but in the
same vein.
Mayor Cahill stated it is our decision to pass a resolution to support it and that
Massachusetts always had a flat rate, noting that's the subject matter. He stated he
was ready to take the vote and appreciates other opinions.
Ms.Abell stated when Ms. Brotherton contacted her she reflected back to
conversations had in Dr. Hiersche's office, talking about pie and how it gets divided.
She stated that the cost of education is not going down and the job is not getting
smaller. Ms.Abell said she has always been a strong advocate for putting our voice
and vote to what matters for our students and the flat tax has not served our
students well. We just need to recognize the benefit of having it on the ballot. She
added it is acknowledged that we need to make the pie bigger.
Ms. Visnick stated she agrees with all points and reminded the people that as a
body they have voted on other resolutions and that they have a moral obligation,
adding that she was and still is in support of the resolution and feels this one is very
Ms.Abell thanked Ms. Brotherton for bringing it back to her attention. Ms. Brotherton
read a statement on behalf of the Beverly Teachers Association and urged the
School Committee to pass the Resolution in support of the Fair Share Amendment.
Ms. Brotherton provided some of the compelling reasons, they felt, that they should
pass this Resolution.
Ms.Abell stated that they have a motion on the table to accept the Resolution.
Dr. McKenzie commented that theoretically she supports the rationale of the
Resolution but has a more technical question and therefore does not feel prepared
to vote. She stated she doesn't understand what a surtax means if there is already a
taxation system that impacts higher earning families. She stated she wanted to
better understand what is being asked in terms of a surtax to understand what
constitutes as fair.
Mayor Cahill, in a way of explanation, stated that everybody in the state gets taxed
at the same flat income tax rate up to all of their earnings. If someone earns more
than $1 million dollars, for each dollar above a million, they will be taxed an
additional four percent (4%). Ms.Abell re-read the wording of the proposed change
stating it should apply as of January 1, 2023. Dr. McKenzie said she is not sure of
the technical debates of it and expressed her concern because it is open ended/no
ceiling to it, also she doesn't feel people should be penalized for being successful.
Ms.Abell said it is on all taxable income above $1 million dollars.
Mayor Cahill stated that it sounded like Dr. McKenzie was wading into the graduated
income tax conversation. Mayor Cahill provided some insight in terms of transportation
funding part of the Resolution, in particular, of our railways. He said there is a need for
real investment and expansion of more local transportation connectors. Mayor Cahill
stated this Resolution is an additional piece of meeting the needs in both areas and it
seems very necessary and appropriate. Dr. McKenzie said she agreed there is a need
for something more robust but doesn't feel she has enough information. She stated if it
weren't for that particular piece of language, it would make sense.
Ms.Abell stated the motion on the table is in support of the Fair Share Amendment
and that the actual wording has been adopted by our legislature. She stated she
could take the roll call to see if the Committee Members are in support of the
Resolution and this would then let our constituents know where they stand. Mayor
Cahill asked if this was their last meeting. Ms.Abell stated that was going to be the
next agenda item to be discussed. Mayor Cahill asked if the Committee could
possibly table the motion to afford Dr. McKenzie time to get the information she
needed. Ms.Abell asked Dr. McKenzie if she would like the body to table the
motion. Dr. McKenzie stated if the body wanted to move forward she would abstain
or if there were to be another meeting she would make sure she was clear on how
they got to the language. Mayor Cahill suggested tabling the motion. Ms. Visnick
stated that there is value in voting this Resolution before August and to make the
School Committee's position known, before they break for summer, is important.
She stated she is fine if there is another meeting in June but that she was not
interested in waiting until August to vote.
It was decided that Mayor Cahill would rescind the motion while the committee
discussed their next agenda item.
B. Upcoming Meetings & Dates- (BevCam 2:03:35)
a. June Dates to Remember
Ms.Abell stated that on June 22nd there is a Finance and Facilities meeting
at 6:30 p.m. and Committee of the Whole at 7:30 p.m. noting that a couple of
the Committee Members have 8th graders promoting that day. Ms. Robinson
proposed that the Committee cancel the Committee of the Whole meeting on
June 22 and schedule a retreat, in its place, on Monday, June 27th at 3:00 or
3:30 p.m. Ms.Abell noted the struggles the Finance and Facilities
Subcommittee have had with the one hour meeting and that this proposal
would allow them more time. Ms. Visnick asked if they are able to have
action items at a retreat meeting. Ms.Abell said yes, they have in the past
and that this is a posted, open meeting.
Mayor Cahill said he was good with it but asked about the availability of the
others. Dr. McKenzie said she was available. Ms. Coelho stated she has to
work from 9:00 to 5:00. Ms.Abell asked if all members would be available at
5:30. Ms. Visnick stated that there is a special meeting of the City Council
scheduled that night at 6:00 p.m. which Kim Allan from BevCam noted was
on their calendar as well. Ms.Abell asked for any suggested topics for the
retreat and that she would look into possibly holding the meeting at City Hall.
Ms. Visnick suggested restorative justice. Mayor Cahill confirmed that there
is a special City Council Meeting scheduled at 6:00 p.m and the regular City
Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m. Ms.Abell asked Ms. Coelho if she would be
agreeable with a 5:00 p.m. start and she would get there when she could,
Ms. Coelho agreed. Ms.Abell stated that they would entertain having the
School Committee Retreat at 5:00 p.m. on June 27th and she would work
with City Hall to find a location. She stated she would work with Dr.
Charochak on the restorative justice topic. Dr. Charochak stated she would
not be able to attend the retreat but would work with Ms.Abell on the topic.
Mayor Cahill asked Ms.Abell, with the limited time for the meeting, and the
items to be discussed when the resolution discussion may take place as he
may have to leave to attend one of the other meetings. Ms.Abell stated that
the retreat is just a matter of having candid discussions, it is more a matter of
posting a meeting for 5:00 p.m. She stated they will decide on the other topic
and the Fair Share Amendment Resolution will be on the agenda with the
intention to adjourn before 6:00 p.m.
Ms.Abell stated that they would table the Fair Share Resolution and bring it
forward on Monday, June 27, 2022 at 5:00 p.m., location to be determined.
She stated that would allow for the Finance and Facilities Subcommittee to
extend their meeting.
Superintendent Report (BevCam 2:22:56)
A. Ms. Taylor presented her BHS 2021-2022 School Improvement Plan (SIP) update.
She thanked her administration and faculty for all of the work they have done this
school year. In her update Ms. Taylor provided a review of the goals and some of the
strategies they will use. Goal 1-to develop school-wide practices of systematic data
analysis to improve attendance and instructional student engagement with the use
of Linkit, MCAS analysis and guidance outreach. Goal 2 - is to develop and
implement learner-centered opportunities that allow students to apply their
knowledge to authentic situations with a focus on civic engagement, social justice,
and experiential learning. Ms. Taylor stated they have been working on expanding
the Career Pathways program and have about 25 sophomores signed up for
2022-2023 school year. She said they would be creating and offering more student
support and schedules for the Essex After Dark students and revise the Summer
Success program for incoming 9th graders. Goal 3 - BHS will utilize Social
Emotional Learning (SEL) strategies both through target school side programming
and teacher use of strategies embedded across all content areas to support student
transitions and engagement in school. Ms. Taylor stated the administration and staff
will create transition programs for incoming 9th graders and current 10th grade
students, they will participate in building based professional development in SEL
strategies for the classroom and the school will create a student mentor program for
targeted student groups.
Ms. Taylor provided a summary of their accomplishments. In closing Ms. Taylor
reviewed the School Improvement Plan Goals for 2022-2023 that included
establishing a peer mentor program student to student, members of the English Text
Review Committee will pilot new texts in the classroom and the Health and Wellness
Department will revise curriculum units and common assessments.
Ms. Visnick asked if Ms. Taylor could provide an overview of the Career Pathways
as opposed to Essex Tech because, she said, we have a contractual agreement not
to offer competing programs. Ms. Taylor explained that through the Career
Pathways course, whether a student decides on a two (2) or four(4) year college or,
to go to work right after school there are four(4) pathways being offered. Students
that are interested in one of those fields are given course recommendations that will
prepare them for that field. She stated that the goal is by senior year to get them on
either advanced placement courses, dual enrollment courses or some type of
certification. Ms. Taylor stated that the students attending the Essex Tech After Dark
Program have to make a commitment for their afternoon classes in a vocational
program. Ms. Taylor stated that they conflict in that a student could not do both
programs but that we are not offering vocational programs in the Career Pathways.
B. Overnight Field Trip- Model UN Conference, Brown University 11/11-11/13/2022
(BevCam 2:42:10)
Dr. Charochak recommended approval of the overnight field trip to the Model UN
Conference at Brown University, Providence RI.
A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the overnight field trip to Brown
University, Providence, RI on November 11-13, 2022. The motion was seconded by
Mayor Cahill.
Ms. Spencer provided a summary of the itinerary for the planned trip with the
students traveling to Brown University, via public transportation, coach bus and
overnight accommodation to be determined. Ms. Spencer said they currently have
slots for 12 students.
Ms. Visnick asked about the cost for the students; what happens if more than 12
students want to attend. Ms. Brotherton said the cost is between $250 to $300,
adding there is money in the treasury for scholarships. Students also do fundraising
and that money is used to mitigate the cost for all of the club members. Ms.
Brotherton stated that there usually is a waitlist because they need to book a certain
number of rooms, adding that it usually works itself out.
The motion was approved by a roll call vote.
The following roll call votes were recorded:
Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes
Ms. Coelho -Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie -Yes
Ms. Robinson -Yes
Ms. Visnick-Yes
Ms.Abell -Yes
Motion passed 6:0.
D. COVID Update (BevCam 2:47:03)
Dr. Charochak provided a brief Covid update on the Dashboard. She reported the
changes at DOE in terms of testing and policies and how they are maintained. She
pointed to the last update, through May 28, showing the numbers are finally going
Dr. Charochak stated with regards to testing that the schools have participated in
a state run/coordinated testing program and most recently the self-testing and
distributing of the self test kits. She reported that the State will no longer
participate in testing but that we will continue to have kits available in our health
E. Celebrations (BevCam 2:49:03)
Dr. Charochak reported the Mass Safe Routes named the Beverly Elementary
Schools the 2022 Northeast Exemplary Program winner. She said the walk to
school day was and continues to be very popular and thanked the nursing staff for
their hard work putting it together.
Beverly High School held their graduation ceremony on Sunday with 332
graduates. She said it was a perfect day and an amazing opportunity to be a part
of. Dr. Charochak sent a shout out to the high school administration for a job well
done and stated she was so proud of our seniors and all of the work they have
F. Solar Work (BevCam 2:51:30)
Dr. Charochak provided an update to the Committee on the solar work that is
getting ready to begin at the middle and high school. She reported meeting with
Dan Voss and Erina Keefe and that she will be sending out information to parents
so they will be aware of what they can expect. She reported that on June 16th
they will start delivering some of the equipment and work will start on June 24th.
Locations have been identified for some of the equipment that will be delivered.
Committee Reports
Standina Committee on Finance & Facilities- Lorinda Visnick. Chairperson (BevCam 2:53:17)
Ms. Visnick reported that the Finance & Facilities Committee last met on May 25, 2022 in a joint
meeting with the COTW. Every item brought forward for a vote was then brought forward and
voted on by the COTW. Ms. Visnick reported that we received a $10,000 Gifts to Schools
donation for the Cove playground. The Committee also voted on a price increase of$.25 for
breakfast and lunches and adult meals by a $1/per meal. The Committee voted to continue the
agreement with BevCam to use our space in the high school. This agreement is separate from
the agreement with the City.
Ms. Visnick stated that the next meeting is set for June 22, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Curriculum. Instruction &Student Life - Kaarin Robinson. Chairperson (BevCam 2:55:22)
Ms. Robinson reported at the CISL Meeting the Committee approved changes to BHS student
handbooks with regards to cell phones and electronic devices, also heard about goals and
achievements at all schools. Ms. Robinson suggested that the residents take a look at the
slides or watch the meeting to hear about all of the many accomplishments at the individual
Neaotiations Subcommittee - Rachael Abell. Chair,(BevCam2:56:30)
Ms.Abell reported we have not met since our last report.
Policy Subcommittee - Dr. Kenann McKenzie. Chair(BevCam 2:56:32)
Ms.Abell reported she and Dr. McKenzie will find a time to meet in the next few weeks.
Communications (BevCam 2:56:52)
Ms. Visnick stated she attended the last BHS PTSO meeting of the year at the high school
adding that for some of the PTSO members their last child graduated and it was their final
meeting. She reported there was much talk about communications and that it was expressed
that it would be better if there was a more unified communication plan throughout the district
much like the way Ms. Woznick does at the middle school. Ms. Visnick reported she continues
to hear about concerns in regards to trauma and responses in terms of vandalism and bullying
inside and outside of school. She stated she suggested the individuals contact the building
Motion to Adjourn (BevCam 2:59:22)
A motion was made by Mayor Cahill to adjourn the School Committee meeting. The motion
was seconded by Ms. Robinson and approved by a roll call vote.
The following roll call votes were recorded:
Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes
Ms. Coelho-Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie -Yes
Ms. Robinson -Yes
Ms. Visnick-Yes
Ms.Abell -Yes
Motion passed 6:0
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kaarin Robinson, Secretary
Beverly School Committee
Documents Reviewed at the meeting: 2022 05 11 FY23 Budget Hearing Draft Minutes
2022 05 11 School Committee Draft Minutes
Fair Share Amendment Resolution
Overnight Field Trip- Model UN Conference