2001-09-19PLANNING & CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 19, 2001 A Meeting of the Planning & Construction Committee was held on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 at 7 PM at the Beverly Public Library, 32 Essex Slreet, Beverly, MA. Members Present: Ray Bouchard, Chairman; Maureen Hobin, Rodney Maxner, Robert Griffin, Cheryl Sydorko, Timothy Brennan and Debbie Comeau Others Present: Peter Seamans, Tom Scully, July Mulligan, Ron Bouchard, Sam Bird and Michael Harrison The Meeting was called to order at 7 PM by the Chairman, Mr. Bouchard. Mr. Seamans read his report to the Commission regarding the status of the school building projects in the City. The Commission is in receipt of a request from GVW, Inc. deted August 16, 2001 to remove three existing trees at North Beverly School and replace them with one crabapple tree. Mr. Griffin mnde a request to deny GVW's request which was seconded by Ms. Sydorko. The Motion was carried unanimously. The Commission is in receipt of a letter from John S.Hall, II 45 Cross Street. He is an nbutter to the Cove School property. He is asking that the fence recently installed for Cove School and abutting his property, be extended another 15 feet. The Commission has referred the matter to Peter Seamans for research and review. Mr. Bird reported that at Ayers Ryal Side the Data and Distribution Systems will be completed by CCR Pyramid. The work will start within the week and will take two to three weeks to complete. This completion date includes testing and training. The work will cost epproximately $16,000 to $20,000 which Flansburgh will deduct from Castagna's final payment. The same issue is being looked at Cove. The contractor did not do the work but it is listed in the specs. The subcontractor for Peabody did not complete their work. Mr. Griffni made a Motion that the Communication System at Cove be finished by October 15th including testing, if the work is not completed, the City will take over the work and back charge Peabody Construction. Mr. Maxner seconded the Motion which was carried unanimously. Flansburgh will put Peabody Construction on Notice. The Commission is in receipt of a letter from Councilor Martin regarding an access road, fencing and pinntings at the North Beverly School. Mr. Seamans will research the issues; put his results on a plan and come up with a cost estimate for our next meeting. The Commission is in receipt of a Change Order Log from Flansburgh for the ongoing school projects. Flansburgh had a meeting with Peabody Construction last week and rejected a number of their pricings. They have asked them to review their cost estimates. At Cove School, tack boards in 18 classrooms were not put up in the correct spots. Peabody Construction has been instructed to fix the problem. They are refusing to do so. They would like a directive and a change order. Flansburgh has not received any pricing from them for this job. Apparently, Peabody read the plans according to compass direction and not classroom orientation which was a miscommunication. Flansburgh has taken the position that Peabody owns the materials on the wrong walls. Mr. Griffin made a Motion directing the Contractor to correct the mistake or the Commisson will hire someone to fix it and backcharge Peabody. The Motion was seconded by Ms. Sydorko and carried unanimously. Mr. Griffin expressed his opinion that we should come up with a contingency plan to place the North Beverly school children someone else next year as he does not feel the school will be done in time. There is Minutes 9/19/01 Pnge Two alao the possibility of delaying the Centerville School Project. GVW, Inc. has been put on Notice that they am behind schedule. Evetything has been and will be well documented. The Commission is in receipt of three RFP's for the Beverly Farms Library Project. The RFP's are from Tappe Assoc. Inc; Jackson Architects, LLC and Nalini Assoc, LLC. Mr. Griffin made a Motion to select Tappe Assoc, Inc. for RFP for design services for the Beverly Farms Library Renovation Project. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Maxner and carried unnnimously. The following updates on city projects were reported: Public Safety Facility: RFP's have been sent out to hire a Communications Consultant. Beverly Golf & Tennis: Test results are back on the conrete slabs. They will need to be pulled out and replaced. Have proposal on design and are awaiting cost estimates. Hurd Stadium: Waiting for cost estimate to replace all seats as they are covered in lead paint. High School: Mr. Scully addressed the Commission regarding a TV Studio at the High School. Our contract with AT&T has been renegotieted and we must vacate the space at Tozier Road. AT&T has donated money to relocate and will provide the studio with a truck. The Metal Shop at the Patten Wing of the High Schoo! has been chosen. The City will take over the Studio under a non-profit license as a corporation. Mr. Scully asked for authorization to have an architect draw a final design of the studio. AT&T will pay for the rennovations to the space. The Commission will get a hold of Gale Associates and give them an amendment to their contract to complete the work since they have an existing contract at the High School. Feasibility Study at High School: Mr. Bouchard is in receipt of a draft report. Mr. Maxner made a Motion to npprove the Minutes of the August 15, 2001 Meeting. The Motion was seconded by Ms. Hobin and carried unanitnously. 1. Permabound 527905-0 $ 5,894.25 2. Permabound 527906-0 7,123.35 3. Permabound 527906-1 676.78 4. Permabound 530161-0 22,792.09 5. Permabound 530161-1 1,552.15 6. Permabound 527475-0 388.80 7. Sabebrush Corp 0251147 6,207.56 8. Marshall Cavendish 558367 920.91 9. Mega Medical 1008322-01 6,802.85 10. Equipment Environment 12580 4,329.60 11. Equipment Environment 12578 11,568.00 12. Robert H. Lord Company 29785A 28,384.24 13. Robert H. Lord Company 29785A B 8,693.04 14. Robert H. Lord Company 29785A C 18,129.20 15. ABDO Publishing Co 87617 1,790.60 16. Capstone Press, Inc. 0087660 1,278.32 Minutes 9/19/01 Page Three 17. Robert H. Lord 29785A D 5,818.60 18. World Book, Inc. 1120052 10.00 19. Yee Consulting $305AA 5,865.60 20. ATC Associates 1107440 192.00 21. ATC Associates 1113332 364.00 22. GLS 046445 2,580.00 23. Massca, Inc 015293-60 139.84 24. Massco, Inc. 013675-00 2,897.73 25. Kaufman Co. Inc. 147355 12,760.35 26. Flansburgh Assoc 0022946 337.50 27. Flansburgh Assoc 0022943 4,898.44 28. Flansburgh Assoc 0022944 2,654.96 29. Flansburgh Assoc 0023046 2,654.96 30. Flansburgh Assoc 0023045 5,714.85 31. Flansburgh Assoc. 0023066 6,673.75 32. Flansburgh Assm: 0023067 351.25 33. Flansburgh Assoc OO22945 6,412.50 34. Flansburgh Assoc 0023021 7,898.40 35. Flansburgh Assoc 0023023 4,800.00 36. Flansburgh Assoc. 0023025 220.00 37. Flansburgh Assoc. 0023024 3,600.00 38. Flansburgh Assoc. 0023022 1,385.30 39. Gale Assoc 0108200 2,000.00 40. Donham & Sweeney 0000013 421.84 41. Flansburgh Assoc. 0023020 119.37** Mr. Maxner made a Motion to approve the invoices as presented. The Motion was seconded by Ms. Sydorko and carried unanimously (** approve but hold) Mr.Maxner motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 PM. The Motion was seconded by Ms. Hobin and carried unanimomly. Respectfully submitted Debra Ann Comeau Secretary