2022 05 11 School Committee Minutes BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Regular School Committee Meeting Hybrid In-Person Beverly Middle School & Remote Access (Zoom) Members &Administrators: 502 Cabot Street, Library Community Access: Broadcast BevCam Channel 99 & https://bevcam.org/video/live-stream/& htti3s://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsioEZrieQaRUaraldiSklw Wednesday, May 11, 2022 7:30 p.m. A Hybrid In-Person and remote access meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday, May 11 2022, following the guidance from Governor Baker's Office. Ms. Abell announced that BevCam would be streaming the meeting live on YouTube and broadcasting on Channel 99. Members Participating: Rachael Abell, Dr. Jeffrey Silva, Kaarin Robinson, Kimberley Coelho, Lorinda Visnick- arrived at 7:34, Mayor Michael Cahill arrived at 7:36 p.m. Remote: Dr. Kenann McKenzie, Estelle Rand, Vice President City Council Also Participating: In Person: Dr. Suzanne Charochak, Superintendent; Dr. Dorothy Flaherty,Assistant Superintendent; Jean Sherburne, Director of Finance and Operations; Bethany Splansky,Administrator of Special Education and Student Services; Dr.Andre Morgan, Director of Opportunity,Access and Equity; Donna Bergeron, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and School Committee; Hollace Colby, Student Representative; Betty Taylor, Principal, Beverly High School, Ms. Estelle Rand, City Council, Bryant Ayles and Kailey Quintino, Beverly High School Sophomore Call to Order: Ms.Abell called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. Ms.Abell stated that this was a hybrid meeting with remote participation, noting that the Governor signed legislation for remote meetings to continue. Beverly adopted remote participation on May 16, 2016 and thus will also be able to continue.A quorum of School Committee members and Administrators were in-person and the remote platform was offered for leadership and some members. BevCam was broadcasting on Channel 99 for Community access and they were also testing a captioning tool. Pledge of Allegiance: Ms. Coelho led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance. Recognitions: (BevCam 1:37:23) • Principal Taylor, Ms.Abell, and Dr. Charochak recognized Olivia Arenburg, Valedictorian and Will Consoli, Salutatorian of the Graduating Class of 2022. Student Representative Report -Hollace Colby (BevCam 1:39:27) Hollace Colby reported that on April 26,juniors who signed up took the SAT test during school and there was a student forum after school. May 12 is parent's afternoon back, May 14 is the sophomore semi formal at the high school. On May 17 and 18 there will be a delayed opening for grades 9,11, and 12 for MCAS testing. Friday, May 20 the Senior Reach Internship ends and the junior prom is that evening. May 23-25 the Senior Reach Panels will be held, the spring concert is May 26th. On May 27 is the senior academic awards ceremony, the Reach Exhibition Fair and that evening is the sophomore semi-formal. On May 31 there is mandatory graduation rehearsal. Hollace stated this would be her last meeting and introduced her successor, Kailey Quintino. She said that Kailey will be reporting at the June School Committee meeting. The Committee entered into a brief recess. The meeting resumed at 7:46 p.m. Approval of Meeting Records (BevCam 1:47:22) 2022 04 13 School Committee Minutes A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the April 13, 2022 School Committee minutes. The motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved, as presented, by a roll call vote. The following roll call votes were recorded: Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes Ms. Coelho -Yes Dr. Kenann McKenzie-Yes Ms. Robinson -Yes Dr. Jeffrey Silva-Yes Ms. Visnick-Yes Ms.Abell -Yes Motion passed 7:0. Open Forum for Resident Voice or Input into Agenda-Related Items (BevCam 1:48:00) The President will consider requests to address the School Committee on items either included or not included as part of the agenda at this time.Any person wishing to make such a request should email residentvoicea-beverlyschools.org before 7 p.m. with their comments (<3 minutes) to be read by the chair or to receive a link to address the body themselves at—7:40 p.m. remotely via Zoom. (Please Note:this is an opportunity to simply address the body and is not a discussion. Jen Hogan - 7 Edgewood Road addressed the School Committee to thank and commend the Beverly Public Schools teachers and leaders, as well as the Beverly School Committee for ensuring that students have access to high quality ELA curriculum. Items by Consensus (BevCam 1:51:52) a. Warrant#22038 in the amount of$27,255.65 b. Warrant#22039 in the amount of$459,434.63 c. Warrant#22040 in the amount of$344,869.38 d. Warrant#22041 in the amount of$297,379.64 e. Warrant#22042 in the amount of$256,089.83 A motion was made by Ms Visnick to approve Warrants 22038 through 22042. The motion was seconded by Ms. Robinson and approved by a roll call vote. The following roll call votes were recorded: Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes Ms. Coelho -Yes Dr. Kenann McKenzie-Yes Ms. Robinson -Yes Dr. Jeffrey Silva-Yes Ms. Visnick-Yes Ms.Abell -Yes Motion passed 7:0. School Committee Chair Update A. Charter Review Committee Review (BevCam 1:52:38) Ms.Abell stated she had shared the Charter Review Committee Report in order to give the School Committee Members an opportunity to speak to the items that pertained to them, which included replacement of School Committee members and the number of School Committee Members. Ms.Abell stated that if an extended conversation was needed they could add it to a future agenda. Ms. Visnick reported having been asked by a number of City Councilors for thoughts on the specific changes as they do not want to vote on something that affects the School Committee. She also noted that Ms.Abell and the previous School Committee president had spoken on this topic. Ms. Visnick stated she would hope if anyone had questions or reservations they would mention them tonight then the City Council would be aware and could move forward. Ms. Robinson stated she wanted to better understand the voting process. Ms.Abell explained that in Beverly we have a Home Rule Charter with a ten (10) year review cycle. She noted the formation of the Charter Review Committee, who held numerous meetings, stepping through every part of the charter and boiling it down to what their recommendations would be to the City Council. She stated it is up to the City Council, but that certain things would need to go to the voters to enact changes to the way we govern our city. Mayor Cahill explained there are different ways to change a charter and noted the election of the Charter Commission in 1993. The Charter Commission reported back two years later with the proposal going on the ballot, as a whole. This is a different process, anything that comes out as a recommendation would need to go to the legislature as a Home Rule Petition. Some changes would become effective when they are passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor, some would then need to come forward onto the local ballot. Mayor Cahill stated that the information they are discussing now would be on the ballot a year from November. Ms.Abell added that the City Solicitor worked with the Charter Review Committee on this outline and therefore the reason for the detailed information. Ms.Abell stated, in reference to Ms. Visnick comment, that the sentiments that she and Ms. Silverstein represented to the Charter Review Committee was that there is a lot of important work done by this body; that having more people, more hands makes lighter work. The recommendation is to have two (2) additional members, at-large. This would change what a quorum would be, what a subcommittee would consist of and the dynamic with the Superintendent. There was a list of pros and cons. Ms. Visnick stated in the past the representation was uneven, the proposal going forward is to have even representation across the city. Ms.Abell asked if there were any other questions. Ms. Visnick asked Ms.Abell if the City Council approves this then the School Committee would need to revisit it, as it pertains to subcommittees, but that there was nothing to act on tonight. Ms.Abell stated there was nothing that required action tonight. Mayor Cahill added he thought this would be one of the items to go on the ballot after special legislation passed it, but not until the municipal election in 2023; and the first time those positions would be on the ballot would be 2025. Ms Abell stated that this body has been informed that the report exists and is before the City Council. She stated if Members have questions or concerns they should reach out to the City Council. B. Upcoming Meetings & Dates- (BevCam 2:03:35) a. May Dates to Remember Ms.Abell reported the Finance and Facilities Subcommittee and Committee of the Whole will meet on May 25. She commented that it is a very busy time of year with the upcoming high school concert on May 26, book fair and more events at the high school on May 27. b. Discuss June COTW Date The Senior Clap Out, at the elementary schools, is scheduled for June 1 and graduation is Sunday, June 5. Ms.Abell asked if any members wished to hand out diplomas to certain students to let her know. On June 8th there will be a Showcase of Learning in the BMS Cafeteria from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., followed by the Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life Meeting at 6:30 p.m. and School Committee at 7:30 p.m. June 22 is Beverly Middle School promotion day for Grade 8 students moving onto Beverly High School. c. Discuss SC Retreat for 2022-Topics & Date On the evening of June 22 the Finance and Facilities and Committee of the Whole are scheduled to meet. Ms.Abell said she does not have specific agenda items to consider, at this time, for the COTW and in the past they have repurposed that meeting for their annual retreat. Ms.Abell stated they did not need to set the date tonight but wanted to put the idea out there. C. Fall 2022 School Committee Schedule * (BevCam 2:06:52) Ms.Abell reported the committee needed to vote on the Fall 2022 School Committee calendar with one option that needed to be decided on. Ms.Abell said she would entertain a motion to adopt the Fall 2022 School Committee Schedule recognizing that in December they could choose the 14th or the 21st. Mayor Cahill stated he felt that it's harder to get people's attention the closer they get to the holidays and felt the 14th was the better date. Mayor Cahill made a motion to adopt the Fall 2022 School Committee Schedule, as presented, with the December 14, 2022 date selected for the Finance and Facilities and Committee of the Whole Meetings. Ms. Visnick seconded the date and motion. Mayor asked for clarification on the note at the bottom of the schedule and Ms.Abell corrected the language to read, "Hybrid option assumes a quorum and the chair are physically present." explaining that after July 15, 2022 we revert back to the way the Attorney General approved the remote participation with four(4) people being in person. There were two (2) typographical errors corrected as well. The motion was approved by a roll call vote. The following roll call votes were recorded: Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes Ms. Coelho -Yes Dr. Kenann McKenzie -Yes Ms. Robinson -Yes Dr. Jeffrey Silva -Yes Ms. Visnick-Yes Ms.Abell -Yes Motion passed 7:0. Superintendent Report (BevCam 2:09:52) A. Covid update - (BevCam 2:09:54) Dr. Charchak reminded members that the Dashboard is available on the website and that the numbers are showing upticks in the buildings right now. She stated that the nursing staff has been and continues to be truly amazing. She reported she continues to receive updates from the Department of Public Health (DPH) with them also seeing numbers on the rise. Dr. Charochak added that they are aware the numbers are only based on what is reported. B. Overnight Field Trip- ROTC Camp Edwards, Cape Cod, MA(6/21-6/24/22) (BevCam 2:12:01) MSgt Wise addressed the Committee Members for approval of the Camp Edwards, Cape Cod, MA overnight field trip. He stated it is one of two proposed annual trips and the culmination of events for cadets. They are collaborating with Salem High School and there will be a total of 30 cadets participating,18 from Beverly, 12 from Salem, six(6) chaperones and an army medic. They will travel by bus to the site, once there the cadets will be walking to all events and will be wearing safety vests. He noted there is limited traffic on the base and all costs are paid for by USMarine Corp. There will be a male and female wings and controls in place so there is no commingling during the evenings. MSgt Wise went over the training the cadets will be participating in and the rules and regulations. Mayor Cahill asked how many male and female chaperones would be attending. MSgt. Wise reported five (5) male and and one (1) female. A motion was made by Mayor Cahill to approve the overnight field trip to Camp Edwards, Cape Cod, MA. The motion was seconded by Ms. Visnick and approved by a roll call vote. The following roll call votes were recorded: Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes Ms. Coelho -Yes Dr. Kenann McKenzie -Yes Ms. Robinson -Yes Dr. Jeffrey Silva -Yes Ms. Visnick-Yes Ms.Abell -Yes Motion passed 7:0. C. Revisit School Choice Participation * (BevCam 2:16:54) Dr. Charochak summarized the School Choice parameters voted on at the April 13th School Committee Meeting, 10 seats in Grades K-8 and 15 seats in Grades 9-12 with the understanding we would revisit it tonight. Dr. Charochak reported that she had spoken with Ms. Taylor about the numbers and capacity, applications have been reviewed, noting one change in grade 12 where a seat opened up eliminating the need for a lottery, but leaving one person on the waitlist. Dr. Charochak stated it was her understanding that we are looking only at Grades 9- 12 tonight. Ms. Taylor joined the meeting to respond to questions about the number of seats being offered and whether it's a strain on any classes. Ms. Taylor reported the high school participates in the Educatius Program where they accept international students. This year there are twelve students attending, in different grade levels and they are here on an F-1 Visa for one (1) year. They have been asked to accept 18 students for the 2022-2023 school year, with twelve coming. Educatiaus finds the host families for the students and once enrolled the students need to be placed, depending on their interest and needs, as well the school choice students. Ms. Taylor stated that most times it works out fine as students are taking different courses but one major concern is when a special program has a large number of students, that could be an impact that they see. Mayor Cahill asked what has been our high number of international students precovid, are we agreeing to the 18 students, and are we good on capacity with 15 school choice students. Ms. Taylor stated that it was hard to directly answer those questions. She said the numbers next year are higher in a lot of places but wanted to note that the international students pay$13,500 in tuition. She stated that because they do not know what the student's curriculum needs are until they arrive makes it hard to answer Mayor Cahill's questions. She added that the number of Beverly students has gone up causing a rise in certain class sizes, sometimes the need for specialized programs tips the numbers. Ms. Visnick stated with regards to tipping the numbers, would that also be true of the school choice students. Dr. Charochak stated that yes, because we would not know their needs until they register. Ms. Visnick asked if we accept the school choice students and they want to register for a class that is already full would you say no? Ms. Taylor stated yes, that we would do that for students in any case. Ms. Taylor provided an example that culinary arts is the most popular elective and there are never enough spots for the number of students that want to take it. Ms. Visnick asked Ms. Taylor, as Principal, would she recommend we lower our number of choice students, given what you said earlier. Ms. Taylor said her recommendation would be not to increase them. Ms.Abell asked if there was any motion or did the Committee want to let our prior motion stand. Ms. Visnick stated that her reason before was because it was just one child. Dr. Charochak stated that, for transparency reasons, she wanted to let them know that we have one grade 7 student currently on the waitlist that is a sibling and what the Committee's thoughts were on that. Mayor Cahill remarked that he thought Dr. Charochak said before there was one pending in grade 12 with a seat opening up but that there is still one on the waitlist. Dr. Charochak stated that the application was received after the deadline. Mayor Cahill stated, in regards to the grade 7 student that there are three (3) on the waitlist but the other two (2)would not get in. Dr. Charochak explained that siblings go immediately to the top. Ms.Abell added that historically those jump to top but on the waitlist and they wait it out. She stated she feels that should stay the way it is. Ms. Visnick asked how many siblings and Dr. Charochak said she could not give out that information; she just wanted to let them know. Ms. Visnick noted as a parent of multiple children it's difficult to get to multiple schools. Ms. Visnick stated she wanted to make a motion but that it unfortunate the middle school principal wasn't here to speak to it. Dr. Charochak reminded the Committee that we have a very full middle school and she is comfortable with waiting. C. FY23 Budget- Discussion and Vote * (BevCam 2:30:39) Dr. Charochak stated her next item is the draft budget proposal which she reviewed at the budget hearing. She stated the appropriated budget proposal is $69,359,898.00 and she would answer any questions they may have. Ms.Abell stated that they had published the public hearing in the Salem News on May 2nd, running it for the allotted time and noted the fact that there were no public speakers at the hearing. She added that this Committee had numerous opportunities to hear from Ms. Sherburne, Dr. Charochak, and others and it was put on tonight's agenda with the option to vote. Ms.Abell stated she would entertain a motion to accept the Superintendent and Business Director's FY23 draft budget request for the appropriation that goes onto City Council via the Mayor's budget with the total amount being, $69,359,898.00. Mayor Cahill stated if people are ready to vote he would make the motion but wanted to point out that the City Contribution did not reflect the total amount. Dr. Charochak noted that it was an oversight and that it was an old slide. Mayor Cahill stated he would make the motion to accept the Superintendent's recommendation and approve the budget at$69,359,898.00 comprised of the city contribution and Chapter 70. Dr. Silva seconded the motion. Ms. Visnick stated that she was elated with some of the items in the budget; City Connects, sustainability numbers and the restoration of one shared elementary librarian, with the hopes to add another person(s) at some time. Ms.Abell stated she feels this is a really solid budget with flexibility and that it aligns our resources to our values. The motion was approved by a roll call vote. The following roll call votes were recorded: Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes Ms. Coelho -Yes Dr. Kenann McKenzie -Yes Ms. Robinson -Yes Dr. Jeffrey Silva -Yes Ms. Visnick-Yes Ms.Abell -Yes Motion passed 7:0 D. DIP Action Plan Progress Update (BevCam 2:35:32) Dr. Charochak provided a progress update on the District Improvement Plan (DIP) going over the four goal areas commenting that they have made some small changes to the language in the larger document. She said they spent time together as a leadership team along with some of the focus groups. She stated that they changed the wording of the first goal to, Creating Conditions that Promote Equity, feeling that this brings a lens of equity in a different way. Dr. Charochak reported that they have chosen five (5) focus areas, within the goals, for the 2022-2023 school year. Goal 1 - Creating Conditions that Promote Equity the focus areas will be Fostering a Positive School Community and Ensuring a Whole Child Approach to Success. Goal 2 - Rigorous &Consistent Curriculum with the focus area being Advanced Coursework, Goal 3- Innovative Practices and Goal 4 - Operations and Management, the focus areas will be Reducing Bias in Hiring Practices and Procedures and Climate Action Planning for Schools. Dr. Charochak stated they are looking to create a Climate Action Committee to conduct a review of operations to identify areas then they can move forward. Dr. Charochak reported how they will put forward these initiatives, monitor the progress and measure the impact. She added that the DIP has been shared with the schools and this is the starting point for them. The schools will share their School Improvement Plan next month at CISL meeting. Ms. Robinson asked Dr. Charochak, in reference to Goal 1 focus area, the creation of the Superintendent's Student Ambassador Cabinet, how she would go about inviting/selecting students. Dr. Charochak stated she had the opportunity to be a part of a group of superintendents that are doing this and there is an application process. She added that she is also looking for a broad range of voices and is consulting with the people that have done this work.As she learns more she will share that information. Ms. Robinson asked in regards to the numbers and large AP classes, if we are trying to add students to our advanced classes what is the tipping number before adding another section. Principal Taylor stated that the capacity is thirty, then the next question becomes staffing. Principal Taylor used the example of the AP Psychology course, which had the largest response, 76 students, which would be at least three (3) sections so she said she was looking at staffing schedules. She stated they would go to thirty then see how many sections we can offer depending on staffing. Dr. Silva voiced his concern about policies around cell phone use. He stated he would like to hear from Dr. Charochak, Dr. Flaherty, and Mrs. Taylor as to whether they are a problem and what is needed to implement these changes. Dr. Charochak remarked that the policy on electronic devices will be coming forward at next month's CISL meeting. She added that Mrs. Taylor has been working with the staff getting their input on how best to enforce and strengthen the compliance around cell phones. Dr. Charochak commented that she is also hearing from teachers that there is a concern, we have a policy in play and added that they want to make sure we have buy-in from our teachers. She stated they are also having conversations about this at the middle school around implementation and enforcement of the policy. D. NEC FY23 Approved Budget (BevCam 2:57:18) Dr. Charochak stated she had shared a copy of the Northshore Education Consortium (NEC) - FY23 Budget with them and to please reach out or email to her or Bethany Splansky with any questions. Committee Reports Standina Committee on Finance & Facilities- Lorinda Visnick. Chairperson (BevCam 2:58:13) Ms. Visnick reported that the Finance & Facilities Committee last met on April 27, 2022 where they highlighted the Centerville Cafeteria refresh project. Ms. Leal and Dr. Charochak spoke about how the project was imagined then implemented. Ms. Visnick reported the other elementary schools are slated to receive the update too. Ms. Visnick noted the technical difficulties they experienced at that meeting. Ms. Visnick reported she was bringing forward the following items for approval: Gifts to Schools* A motion was made by Ms.Abell to approve the March Gifts to Schools, listed below, totaling $1,250.00. The motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved by a roll call vote. 3/30/22 BHS Institute for Savings Senior Celebration $1,000.00 BMS Masonic Angel Fund - Gift Cards for Blaine Avenue Fire victims 250.00 Total $1,250.00 The following roll call votes were recorded: Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes Ms. Coelho-Yes Dr. Kenann McKenzie -Yes Ms. Robinson -Yes Dr. Jeffrey Silva -Yes Ms. Visnick-Yes Ms.Abell -Yes Motion passed 7:0 Transfers* A motion was made by Ms.Abell to approve the attached Budget Transfers, JE#764 for approval. The motion was seconded by Ms. Robinson and approved by a roll call vote. The following roll call votes were recorded: Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes Ms. Coelho-Yes Dr. Kenann McKenzie -Yes Ms. Robinson -Yes Dr. Jeffrey Silva -Yes Ms. Visnick-Yes Ms.Abell -Yes Motion passed 7:0 Grants * A motion was made by Ms. Coelho to approve the following FY22 Grants- Beverly Public Schools Grants totaling $25,250.00. The motion was seconded by Dr. Silva and approved by a ro I I ca I I vote. MCC Grants Oriainal Allocation Cove Stars Residency $ 3,250.00 Beverly High School Stars Residency $ 5,500.00 Beverly Middle School Stars Residency $ 5,500.00 Centerville Stars Residency $ 5,500.00 North Beverly Stars Residency $ 5,500.00 Total $25,250.00 The following roll call votes were recorded: Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes Ms. Coelho-Yes Dr. Kenann McKenzie -Yes Ms. Robinson -Yes Dr. Jeffrey Silva -Yes Ms. Visnick-Yes Ms.Abell -Yes Motion passed 7:0 Ms. Visnick stated the next Finance & Facilities Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for May 25, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. Curriculum. Instruction & Student Life- Kaarin Robinson. Chairperson (BevCam 3:02:29) Ms. Robinson reported that at the CISL Meeting the Committee heard from student representatives that the BMS All City Jazz won gold yesterday, Ms. Fecteau, BHS Librarian and Ms. Woznick, BMS Librarian provided updates on the summer reading program and reported that the Copper Dog Books will host book fairs in their schools, in June.At the elementary level two new programs were adopted; a new math program, My Math Lab and Wit and Wisdom, an ELA Literacy program.At the middle and high school, in terms of ELA, they are in the program review and adoption phase. Ms. Robinson stated that the final CISL meeting is scheduled for June 8th at 6:30 p.m. She announced that prior to the meeting there will be a Showcase of Learning in the Beverly Middle School Cafeteria from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. Neaotiations Subcommittee - Rachael Abell. Chair (BevCam 3:04:10) Ms.Abell reported that the Negotiating Subcommittee has not met since last reporting. Policy Subcommittee- Dr. Kenann McKenzie. Chair(BevCam 3:04:15) Ms.Abell reported needing to hand over materials to Dr. McKenzie. Dr. McKenzie stated that they will select a date in June. Communications (BevCam 3:04:55) Ms. Visnick reported receiving concerns that people did not have enough advanced notice for the Community Conversation meeting. Received concerns about some of the activities happening in the schools and off school grounds. Ms. Visnick stated thinking in the long term they should look at the budget and make plans to address the issue, but still begs the question, what are we doing today. Ms. Visnick stated she received a lot of good feedback on the Walk to School Day and a video that Librarian Barb Fecteau talked about that had won some awards. Ms. Robinson reported a couple people asking about BHS finals; how are students going to be prepared because for some students it is a fairly new process, also will they be sending out a schedule to the students for finals. Dr. Flaherty reported that Ms. Taylor had spoken about that at her faculty meeting and they would be making sure students are prepared. Mayor Cahill reported that between the Public Hearing and the COTW meeting this evening he went to the high school to participate in a meeting, hosted by the Political Review Club, along with Representative Parisella and Senator Lovely. Mayor Cahillk stated it was a fantastic session. Mayor Cahill added that with the FY23 budget now approved, he will present the whole budget on Thursday May 27th to City Council. Ms.Abell stated she received a couple similar emails as Ms. Visnick and forwarded them to Dr. Charochak. She received an email regarding masking in schools and mask breaks and forwarded those as well. Ms.Abell stated she had the pleasure of participating in the 8th grade civics projects and stated she would encourage her fellow members to help out. She also asked Committee Members to note the date when the Reach Projects will be on display at the high school. Ms. Coelho said that her second grader participated in his first walk to school and he told her his teacher, Ms. Mezza said it was the cat's pajamas. Motion to Adjourn (BevCam 3:11:02) A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to adjourn the School Committee meeting. The motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved by a roll call vote. The following roll call votes were recorded: Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes Ms. Coelho-Yes Dr. Kenann McKenzie -Yes Ms. Robinson -Yes Dr. Jeffrey Silva -Yes Ms. Visnick-Yes Ms.Abell -Yes Motion passed 7:0 The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kaarin Robinson, Secretary Beverly School Committee Documents Reviewed at the meeting: School Committee Minutes 04-13-2022 Overnight Field Trip- ROTC Camp Edwards, Cape Cod, MA School Committee Parameters - Update Transfers-JE-764