2022 04 13 School Committee Minutes BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Regular School Committee Meeting Hybrid In-Person Beverly Middle School & Remote Access (Zoom) Members &Administrators: 502 Cabot Street, Library Community Access: Broadcast BevCam Channel 99 & https://bevcam.org/video/live-stream/& htti3s://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsioEZrieQaRUaraldiSklw Wednesday, April 13, 2022 7:30 p.m. A Hybrid In-Person and remote access meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday,April 13, 2022 following the guidance from Governor Baker's Office. Ms. Abell announced that BevCam would be streaming the meeting live on YouTube and broadcasting on Channel 99. Members Participating: Rachael Abell, Dr. Jeffrey Silva, Kaarin Robinson, Lorinda Visnick, Kimberley Coelho, Mayor Michael Cahill, Dr. Kenann McKenzie Also Participating: In Person: Dr. Suzanne Charochak, Superintendent; Dr. Dorothy Flaherty,Assistant Superintendent; Jean Sherburne, Director of Finance and Operations; Bethany Splansky,Administrator of Special Education and Student Services; Donna Bergeron, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and School Committee; Hollace Colby, Student Representative; Dan Keefe, Athletic Director Remote: Dr.Andre Morgan, Director of Opportunity, Access and Equity, Dana Cruikshank, Director of Transportation;Amy Blanchard, North Beverly Elementary School Principal, North Beverly Elementary School Principal Call to Order: Ms.Abell called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Ms.Abell stated that this was a hybrid meeting with remote participation, noting that the Governor signed legislation for remote meetings to continue. Beverly adopted remote participation on May 16, 2016 and thus will also be able continue.A quorum of School Committee members and Administrators were in-person and the remote platform was offered for leadership and some members. BevCam was broadcasting on Channel 99 for Community access and they were also testing a captioning tool. Pledge of Allegiance: Dr. McKenzie led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance. Recognitions: (BevCam 1:08:01) • Dan Keefe,Athletic Director, Dr. Charochak, and Ms.Abell recognized the following Beverly High School NEC and Salem News All Stars: Boys Basketball Ryder Frost- NEC MVP, Salem News Player of the Year, Boston Herald &Globe All Scholastic Gabe Copeland - NEC All Conference &Salem News All Star Dylan Crowley- NEC All Star Rook Landman - NEC &Salem News All Star Zach Sparkman - NEC All Star Girls Basketball Nylah 011ivierre - NEC All Star Gymnastics Sydney Spencer- NEC All Conference &Salem News All Star Keegan Richardson - NEC All Conference &Salem News All Star Olivia Giello - Salem News All Star Boys Ice Hockey Jaxon Thomas- NEC and Salem News All Star Matthew Mezza - NEC and Salem News All Star Girls Ice Hockey Jamie DuPont- NEC Co-MVP& Salem News Player of the Year, Boston Herald All Scholastic, and MIAA/Boston Bruins Sportsmanship Award Kayleigh Crowell - NEC &Salem News All Star Indoor Boys Track Liam Ouellette - NEC and Salem News All Star Indoor Girls Track Meredith Pasquarosa- NEC MVP and Salem News- Runner of the Year Emily Young - NEC &Salem News All Star Mia Kasperowicz- NEC & Salem News All Star Olivia Young - Salem News All Star Swim/Dive Karli Atwood - NEC All Conference &Salem News All Star Ryan McFadden - NEC All Conference &Salem News All Star Zachary DaSilva-Grodin - NEC All Conference Raegan Redmond - NEC All Star Reese LaChance- NEC All Star Wrestling Garrett McNeil - NEC All Conference & Salem News All Star Mario Hoxha - NEC &Salem News All Star Jackson Champlain - Salem News All Star Student Representative Report -Hollace Colby (BevCam 1:15:29) Hollace Colby reported the following activities at BHS for April and May: 4/1 Career Day forjuniors, 4/8 last day of third quarter; report cards can be accessed on 4/14. There is no school on 4/15 for Good Friday and the following week is April vacation. This is the last week for seniors as they will start their Reach Internship Program on 4/25. Juniors that signed up will take the SAT's, in school, on 4/26. Parent's Afternoon back is 5/12. On 5/17 and 5/18 it will be a delayed start for grades 9, 11, and seniors that are still in the building. The last day of the Reach Internship is 5/20 and the Reach panels will take place 5/23-25. The Spring Concert is on 5/27 and 5/31 is a mandatory graduation rehearsal. Approval of Meeting Records (BevCam 1:17:30) 2022 03 09 School Committee Minutes A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the March 9, 2022 School Committee minutes. The motion was seconded by Dr. Silva and approved, as presented, by a vote of 7:0. Open Forum for Resident Voice or Input into Agenda-Related Items (BevCam 1:18:17) The President will consider requests to address the School Committee on items either included or not included as part of the agenda at this time.Any person wishing to make such a request should email residentvoice(a-)beverlyschools.org before 7 p.m. with their comments (<3 minutes) to be read by the chair or to receive a link to address the body themselves at—7:40 p.m. remotely via Zoom. (Please Note:this is an opportunity to simply address the body and is not a discussion. Items by Consensus (BevCam 1:18:52) a. Warrant#22033 in the amount of$336,149.27 b. Warrant#22034 in the amount of$194,420.01 c. Warrant#22035 in the amount of$424,108.29 d. Warrant#22036 in the amount of$174,824.84 e. Warrant#22037 in the amount of$138,625.73 A motion was made by Ms. Coelho to approve Warrants 22033 through 22037. The motion was seconded by Dr. McKenzie and approved by a vote of 7:0. School Committee Chair Update A. Upcoming Meetings & Dates (BevCam 1:19:31) a. Ms.Abell reported the Finance and Facilities and Committee of the Whole are scheduled to meet on April 27th starting at 6:30 P.M. b. Joint Council Meeting (BevCam 1:19:51) Ms.Abell thanked Ms. Erin Brown, Dr. Morgan, Dr. Flaherty, Dr. Charochak and Bryant Ayles for sharing their presentations at the Joint Council Meeting. c. MASC Annual Conference and Resolution (BevCam 1:20:33) Ms.Abell noted that Committee Members should have received a packet for the Annual MASC Conference scheduled for November 2, 2022. She stated they are asking that the forms be submitted earlier than usual this year. Ms. Abell stated that the Committee also has the opportunity to submit resolution(s) of its own and to keep in mind that they will need to nominate a member to serve as a delegate at that meeting. Ms.Abell asked that they think about the date of the conference and if they would be interested in serving in that role. Superintendent Report A. Covid Update (BevCam 1:21:42) Dr. Charochak provided a brief Covid Update sharing a slide of the Dashboard numbers as of April 8th. She reported that she sent out a communication to the community reporting that we are seeing a slight uptick in the numbers and reminding families that masking is still an option. Dr. Charochak stated she continues receiving updates from the Board of Health which showed the slight uptick. Dr. Charochak stated we will continue, through the end of the school year, with the at-home testing program. Vaccination Rates have increased since last sharing, noting the largest increase at the high school. B. Anchor Point Updates &School Choice (BevCam 1:25:03) Dr. Charochak stated she has received some preliminary estimates of what we may expect in the number of school aged children from the first phase of the Anchor Point opening. In the document she provided, showing the estimates, Dr. Charochk noted that the following presently attend the Beverly Public Schools, at the elementary level of the 13 students - 3 are enrolled, middle school of the 13 - 8 are enrolled and at the high school of the 9 -4 attend BHS. She felt this data would help when looking at the School Choice requests. Ms. Visnick asked if those numbers were transcribed onto the projected enrollments and do we know what the current class sizes are. Dr. Charochak said they are not and commented that we do see a shift in grade level enrollments of 5-10 students over the summer. Ms. Visnick asked regarding the students from Anchor Point attending North Beverly, do we have empty seats for school choice requests or would accepting those requests require adding a new section. Dr. Charochak explained that although we may accept a school choice request the student would be assigned only to a school that has space. Dr. Charochak reviewed the School Choice Parameters document pointing out the grades where there are seats available. Ms.Abell asked what the end date is for accepting applications. Dr. Charochak stated May 1 st then a lottery will be held and a wait list established. Ms. Robinson asked if a student, currently placed at North Beverly, would have to move. Dr. Charochak stated once the student is placed at a school they would not be moved. Ms. Visnick, in looking at the one (1) request for grade 12, commented that they have the ability to vote to increase the number of seats on a grade level basis and that she may make a motion to increase the grade 12 number by one (1) to 16 seats. Dr. Charochak stated she wanted them to be aware that the projected 373 students for grade 9 typically goes down by 40-45 for students because some decide to go to Essex North Shore, the Prep or other private schools. Ms.Abell added that also when a family School Choices into our district, then moves to Beverly, those seats open up. Ms.Abell asked for Dr. Charochak's recommendation to the Committee. Dr. Charochak stated she doesn't think it has been problematic and reminded them that we receive school choice revenues. She stated her recommendation would be to maintain the program as we have in the past. Mayor Cahill asked what Dr. Charochak's thoughts were on any grade level where there was more demand than seats available. Dr. Charochak stated that the numbers shift and change but that consistency works. She said she feels that the way they are now 10 - K-8 and 15 - 9-12 have worked for us, adding that siblings have a preference. There was further discussion on the numbers at the high school level. Mayor Cahill, looking again at the numbers, and because at the high school we won't have those students for so many years, asked if we should be looking at further relaxing those numbers based on the demand. Dr. Silva asked if the numbers were still fluid until the May deadline. Dr. Charochak commented that we were pretty close to the deadline and that we sometimes receive requests even after. Ms. Visnick stated she would couch her motion based on the class sizes they see being lower than K- 8 but that she was tempted to make a motion possibly increasing the number of seats, grades 9-12, to twenty. Ms. Visnick made a motion to keep ten (10) seats per grade level K-8 and increase five(5) seats per grade level 9-12 to 20 seats. The motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho. Mayor Cahill stated he felt it may be better if they revisit this after the May 1 st deadline. He asked Dr. Charochak if the high school had the capacity for that increase. Dr. Charochak stated that they are adding 4-5 positions at the high school due to the Pathways program and changes in requirements and have shifted to a more inclusive practice. Mayor Cahill stated he felt it would be nice if they could accommodate more than 15 families/students but again would like to have this discussion after May 1st. Dr. Silva asked, given the class sizes and space available, if we could absorb them at the high school. Dr. Charochak stated she felt we could but would like the opportunity to consult with the high school principal and administration. Ms. Coelho stated, as Mayor Cahill had noted, that the middle school is bigger, she suggested keeping the elementary at ten (10), increasing the middle school to 15 and the high school to 20. Dr. Charochak stated she would have more concerns about raising the numbers at the middle school as there is not as much flexibility as the high school. Dr. McKenzie stated her sense is that they do not have enough information. She added that we are moving out of a pandemic recalling how challenging it was creating space during that time. She, too, thought they should speak to the principal and individuals handling the scheduling before adding numbers. Ms.Abell agreed with Dr. McKenzie and Mayor Cahill on the need for additional information. She asked if they wanted to table the motion until Dr. Charochak had more information and they could add it to the May agenda. Ms. Visnick stated she would withdraw her motion until the May 11, 2022 School Committee meeting. Ms.Abell stated the motion is withdrawn. Ms. Visnick asked why they do this on this date as opposed to after the May 1 st date. Dr. Charochak stated the legal deadline is June 1st and we have the May 1st date as a cutoff, then we would hold the lottery if necessary. Ms.Abell asked if there is a default if we make no option. Dr. Charochak stated that yes, then everyone could come; the Committee is voting to limit the number of seats. Ms. Visnick asked with regards to Anchor point, when they might be discussing the additional 40S Funding and whether it will go into the appropriated budget. Dr. Charochak stated that Jean Sherburne and Bryant Ayles are working together on applying for 40S and what we are eligible for. Ms. Sherburne added it does not come in until the following year. Mayor Cahill asked if the Committee Members should take a vote on the 10 and 15 seats parameters tonight, then, at the May 11, 2022 meeting, decide on whether to add additional seats. The Committee agreed. Mayor Cahill made a motion to accept the ten (10) seats K-8 and 15 seats 9-12. The motion was seconded by Dr. Silva and the motion passed 7:0. Mayor asked, of the children at Anchor Point who are not school age, were any of them eligible to serve in our preschool. Dr. Charochak said yes, she believed it was 5 or 6. She stated that the process at Anchor Point is ongoing; there is a federal verification process and they had only shared the raw data with her. C. ESSER Funding - Summary of Fund Use (BevCam 1:57:16) Dr. Charochak reported that in the budget process there has been discussions about positions that are being funded through ESSER I, 11, and III Grants. She stated she wanted to enlighten them on how ESSER funds will be used for the FY23 year. Every decision and plan made about the ESSER funding are done in a focus-directed way aligning with the District Goals and with the School Committee priorities in mind. Dr. Charochak shared the list of staffing requests stating that the positions highlighted in purple are being funded through ESSER for the FY23 year; they were established this year and they are proposing they continue to be funded through ESSER II or III for the next school year. She also provided a list of some new positions:Ayers Interventionist, that position has already started, North Beverly Grade 1, and at the middle school a STEM and a Wellness position that will be funded through ESSER III. She stated that there are some new positions and at the district level, Dr. Charochak stated that the Director of English Learners and the Director of Opportunity,Access & Equity will be split funded. Dr. Charochak reported that enrollment in strings at the middle school has grown and will require a full time position and they will add a .7 for the elementary strings. Dr. Charochak pointed out the Elementary Library Resources stating they are in the process of surveying the teachers to determine how they see the use of that position. One proposal is a full-time position that would go to one elementary school each day. Dr. Charochak provided a slide showing a summary of the following ESSER Grants they have received; ESSER 1 $555,939 - Funding FY21 and FY22; ESSER II $2,119,947 Funding FY22 through FY23; ESSER 111 $4,741,978 Funding FY22 through FY24. On the following slides, ESSER II - Grant Fund 115 and ESSER III - Grant Fund 119, Dr. Charochak went over the amounts and explained that when applying for a grant you have to fill out a budget sheet that tells what categories we plan on spending. She stated that they are allowed to amend them if needed and that whenever a salary is out of a grant they have to cover the fringe benefits, i.e. health insurance and retirement. Ms.Abell stated,just to confirm, they are intending, at the April 27th COTW Meeting, for a more robust budget and City Connects discussion. Dr. Silva asked Dr. Charochak if she could speak to the hires, what fraction will go beyond the ESSER Funding. Dr. Charochak said she thinks they moved approximately 35%, which also will depend on what comes forward with the Chapter 70 Funding. Dr. Silva asked, in Dr. Charochak's opinion, if she felt it is balanced once the ESSER Funding is over. Dr. Charochak stated that they are working very hard at that, feeling City Connects will be a positive and looking at our curriculum materials. It will also depend on what direction the budgeting goes in FY24 and FY25. Ms.Abell added that the School Committee members had participated in an Open Meeting Law (OML) Training offered through the City. Committee Reports Standina Committee on Finance & Facilities - Lorinda Visnick. Chairperson (BevCam 2:11:08) Ms. Visnick reported that the Finance & Facilities Committee last met on March 23, 2022. Ms. Splansky,Administrator of Special Education, provided an overview of the Special Education Program which includes 974 students. She reported they have reduced tuition costs and the need for some contracted services. There has been an increase in transportation cost as they transport 51 students to 25 different locations. Ms. Visnick reported that the Special Education review, recently conducted, showed our district was in compliance in all areas. Ms. Visnick stated she was bringing forward the attached February 2022 Gifts to Schools, totalling $7,772.23 for approval: A motion was made by Ms.Abell to approve the attached February 2022 Gifts to Schools totaling $7,772.23. The motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved by a vote of 7:0. Ms. Visnick stated she was bringing forward the attached Transfers JE-180 and JE-671 for approval. A motion was made by Ms.Abell to approve Transfer JE-180 and JE-671. The motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved by a vote of 7:0. Ms. Visnick stated she was bringing forward the attached FY22 Grants - Beverly Public Schools Grants totaling $10,769.00 for approval: A motion was made by Ms.Abell to approve the attached FY22 Grants in the amount of $10,769.00. The motion was seconded by Ms. Robinson and approved by a vote of 7:0. Ms. Visnick stated the next Finance & Facilities Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for April 27, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. Curriculum. Instruction & Student Life- Kaarin Robinson. Chairperson (BevCam 2:16:47) Ms. Robinson reported that the earlier CISL Meeting was very informative. Beverly Middle School Principal, Lisa Oliver, provided information on some community service projects, a clean up by the 6th grade Tiger team and that the 8th graders are starting a civics project. Principal Oliver introduced the new schedule recommendation which will include a STEM,Art &Culture, and Wellness teacher? at each grade level. The Committee Members also received a detailed report from Caitlyn Bellezza, Director of English Learner Education. Ms. Robinson stated that the next meetings are scheduled for May 11th &June 8th at 6:30 p.m. Neaotiations Subcommittee - Rachael Abell. Chair (BevCam 2:18:17) Ms.Abell reported that the Negotiating Subcommittee has not met since last reporting. Policy Subcommittee- Dr. Kenann McKenzie. Chair(BevCam 2:18:23) Ms.Abell reported she still owes Dr. McKenzie policy information. Communications (BevCam 2:18:36) Ms. Visnick reported hearing from some middle school parents regarding the false alarms at the school and spoke with Dr. Charochak about it. She stated she has received a number of comments related to our sports teams and fundraising. She requested a meeting to discuss why the students need to fundraise. Ms. Visnick stated she had expected a student from the high school to speak tonight regarding the Green Team/Composting. Ms. Vinick reported she had been invited to the high school to hear the students talk about the Green Team and composting and she had encouraged them to come speak to the Committee. Ms. Visnick reported the Centerville Walk to School Day is May 4th and she is hoping some of the spring athletes will be walking with the students. Ms. Coelho reported hearing from a parent upset about her child's report card and the substantial amount undocumented absences when the student had been out because of being a close contact. She referred the parent to the principal of the school and to Dr. Charochak. Ms.Abell reported that the musical was terrific and the students were outstanding. She also received a few concerns from parents that masks are not being worn in school. They are encouraging Committee Members to consider doing more to encourage mask wearing. Ms Abell reported she has received a lot of communications with regards to the 8th grade end of the year activities as well as the return of end of the year activities in general. She stated that the Student Advisory Council shared some information and that BMS Assistant Principal Twombly had sent out information today. Ms.Abell said she hopes it will answer some of the parent's questions. Ms. Abell said she received communication about some concerns at the middle school and referred them to the Principal Oliver and Dr. Charochak. Dr. Silva extended his appreciation to the School Committee and Dr. Charochak for the new wall ball. He stated that with lacrosse season starting they are using it and he has received many compliments from other towns. Motion to Adjourn (BevCam ) A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to adjourn the School Committee meeting. The motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved by a vote of 7:0. The meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kaarin Robinson, Secretary Beverly School Committee Documents Reviewed at the meeting: School Committee Minutes 03 09 2022 School Committee Parameters February 2022 Gifts to Schools Transfers-JE-180 and JE-671 FY22 Grants