2022 03 09 School Committee Minutes BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Regular School Committee Meeting
Hybrid In-Person Beverly Middle School & Remote Access (Zoom)
Members &Administrators: 502 Cabot Street, Library
Community Access: Broadcast BevCam Channel 99 &
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
7:30 p.m.
A Hybrid In-Person and remote access meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held
on Wednesday, March 9, 2022 following the guidance from Governor Baker's Office. Ms.
Abell announced that BevCam would be streaming the meeting live on YouTube and
broadcasting on Channel 99.
Members Participating: Rachael Abell, Dr. Jeffrey Silva, Kaarin Robinson, Lorinda
Visnick, Kimberley Coelho
Remote: Mayor Michael Cahill, Dr. Kenann McKenzie
Also Participating: In Person: Dr. Suzanne Charochak, Superintendent; Dr. Dorothy
Flaherty,Assistant Superintendent; Bethany Splansky,Administrator
of Special Education and Student Services; Dr.Andre Morgan,
Director of Opportunity,Access and Equity; Erin Brown, Director of
Information and Human Resources; Donna Bergeron,
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and School
Committee; Hollace Colby, Student Representative; Betty Taylor,
Beverly High School Principal
Remote: Jean Sherburne, Director of Finance and Operations;
Gabrielle Montevecchi, Hannah Elementary School Principal
Call to Order: Ms.Abell called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
Ms.Abell stated that this was a hybrid meeting with remote participation, noting that the Governor
signed legislation for remote meetings to continue. Beverly adopted remote participation on May
16, 2016 and thus will also be able continue.A quorum of School Committee members and
Administrators were in-person and the remote platform was offered for leadership and some
members. BevCam was broadcasting on Channel 99 for Community access and they were also
testing a captioning tool.
Pledge of Allegiance: Hollace Colby led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Recognitions: (BevCam 1:11:42)
• Principal Taylor, Dr. Charochak, and Ms.Abell recognized the following Beverly High
School seniors:
Sophia Schlichtmann whose film, "Holding the Past"was selected to
compete in the International Just a Minute Film Festival along with students
actors, Inez Ricciuti and Adam Harrison and
Ava Grant who was the recipient of the "Classmates Today- Neighbors
Tomorrow" award from the Jewish War Veterans of the United States
Student Representative Report -Hollace Colby (BevCam 1:14:44)
Hollace Colby reported the following activities at BHS: when students and staff returned after
February vacation it was mask optional. On March 8t" a select group of juniors and seniors
attended student government day shadowing different individuals in areas of local government.
March 17t" is Parents Afternoon Back, ELA MCAS testing for grade 10 will take place on March
22n1 &23rd with delayed openings for grades 9, 11 & 12. On March 25t" 26t" and 27t" BHS will
present the musical, Anastasia and March 29t" is the All City Band Concert.
Approval of Meeting Records (BevCam 1:15:46)
2022 02 09 School Committee Minutes
A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the February 9, 2022 School Committee
minutes. The motion was seconded by Ms. Robinson and approved by a roll call vote.
The following roll call votes were recorded:
Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes
Ms. Coelho -Abstained
Dr. Kenann McKenzie-Yes
Ms. Robinson -Yes
Dr. Jeffrey Silva-Yes
Ms. Visnick-Yes
Ms.Abell -Yes
Motion passed: 6:0:1
Open Forum for Citizen Concerns or Input into Agenda-Related Items (BevCam 1:19:27)
The President will consider requests to address the School Committee on items included or
not included as part of the agenda at this time.Any person wishing to make such a request
should email CitizenConcernsa-beverlvschools.ora before 7:30 p.m. to indicate their interest
to speak or share items for the Chair to read into the record.
Items by Consensus (BevCam 1:17:11)
a. Warrant#22030 in the amount of$406,947.96
b. Warrant#22031 in the amount of$432,912.38
c. Warrant#22032 in the amount of$272,927.43
A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve Warrants 22030 through 22032. The motion
was seconded by Dr. Silva and approved by a roll call vote.
The following roll call votes were recorded:
Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes
Ms. Coelho -Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie-Yes
Ms. Robinson -Yes
Dr. Jeffrey Silva-Yes
Ms. Visnick-Yes
Ms.Abell -Yes
Motion passed: 7:0
School Committee Chair Update
A. Upcoming Meetings & Dates- March Dates to Remember(BevCam 1:18:18)
Ms.Abell reported that the upcoming Joint Council Meeting will replace the
Committee of the Whole Meeting on March 23 rd. She said she has been working with
President Flowers to set the agenda, which will be budget related, a presentation by
Dr. Charochak and Dr. Morgan, as well as City Council items. The meeting will be
held in the BMS Auditorium on March 23rd at 7:30 p.m.
B. Open Meeting Law Training (BevCam 1:19:20)
Ms.Abell stated that there will be a remote Open Meeting Law Training on March
315t from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Ms.Abell stated she is also trying to schedule a brief executive session meeting
that may possibly have to be on Wednesday after the Joint Council Meeting. Ms.
Visnick asked if the Finance and Facilities Committee should plan to meet in the BMS
Library then move to the auditorium for the Joint Council Meeting. Ms.Abell agreed
and added maybe they could end their meeting a few minutes earlier.
Superintendent Report
A. Covid Update (BevCam 1:20:40)
Dr. Charochak provided a quick Covid update stating the Dashboard had been
updated the week prior to March 4t"with cases continuing to decrease. Home testing
information is collected through the school nurses and the Board of Health. Dr.
Charochak pointed out that the numbers are really low and the incident rate
continues to decrease. She remarked that they were all happy with the numbers after
February vacation and that the average daily rate was at 9.39.
B. Budget Update (BevCam 1:22:40)
Dr. Charochak provided the School Committee Members with an update on the
budget process referencing the "orange sheet"shared with them. This is used as
they begin the draft proposal and also drives conversations with the city noting a
recent meeting she and Jean Sherburne had with Mayor Cahill and Bryant Ayles, the
City's Director of Finance. Dr. Charochak stated the need to preface everything about
the budget with the idea that there are multiple funding resources available to them
and the information she is providing is what is coming out of the appropriated budget.
The process begins with a review of the four(4) District Goal Areas followed by the
factors that are currently impacting the FY23 budget, i.e. contractual obligations,
enrollment and staffing, and resourcing for Accelerated Learning. Dr. Charochak stated
they are also identifying priorities of the School Committee and Stakeholders,
collaborating with principals and central office to develop a shared framework to guide
decisions, and assessing enrollments and the impact on staffing. We are at the point of
reviewing the draft proposal with the School Committee Members. Dr. Charochak stated
that the Committee will receive the full budget book that provides them with line by line
information which is the same document presented at the FY23 Budget Hearing. Dr.
Charochak added that the other FY23 Priorities are social emotional/mental health,
curriculum/teaching and learning, and operational and communication, which is at the
forefront of their decision making.
Pre-K- 8 requests include the continuation of new staff; the highlighted positions in
green are not new but are being moved from ESSER back into the appropriated budget
to be able to sustain them going forward. Ms. Visnick, referencing the orange sheet,
pointed to the grade 3 teacher at North Beverly asking why there is a zero under the
FTE? Dr. Charochak explained that the position already exists and is paid out of ESSER
funds. Some are also special education positions, and she stated that they have worked
hard to create programs to bring students back into the district. This allows them some
savings/reallocation of funds. The high school level continuation of positions will be
funded through those tuition savings/reallocation. Two (2) of the new requests, culinary
teacher and business teacher, are specific due to enrollments. Other positions will be
funded through the school choice revenue, i.e. engineering teacher and English teacher.
She reported there will be one (1) City Connects coordinator at the high school with the
concentration on one (1) cohort, being the rising sophomore class of 2025.
Dr. Charochak reported at the District level they need to move some positions,
funded through ESSER, to the appropriated budget also for sustainability reasons. Ms.
Robinson asked, in regards to the City Connects positions, if it is possible to add another
position at the high school. Dr. Charochak stated it is possible, but that the model actually
grows from elementary up. The goal is to have lasting outcomes taking place at the
younger grade levels and there is not as great a need at the higher grade levels. Ms.
Visnick asked about the negative number in the Cove AIM line, Dr. Charochak stated
there will be one less AIM section. Ms. Visnick stated that there are only two (2) City
Connects positions listed at the middle school; she expected there would be three with
the enrollment and ratio. Dr. Charchak explained it is one (1) per grade level and they are
concentrating on grades 7 and 8 at this time. Ms. Visnick asked about McKeown School.
Dr. Charochak stated that Mckeown isn't part of the research right now.
Dr. Charochak's review of the Non-Staff requests included $60,000 for the Essex
Tech "After Dark" Program, which covers the differential between the State Chapter 70
funding, and our agreement with Essex Tech. It also includes Special Education
transportation costs, which have increased, homeless transportation, and an HR
Software (MUNIS) upgrade at cost of$90,000. Dr. Charochak reviewed the elementary
staffing by building, commenting on the low kindergarten numbers at this time. Centerville
is seeing an increase in their kindergarten enrollments which could possibly mean an
increase to four(4) classes. Dr. Charochak stated with the opening of Anchor Point, it is
important to keep an eye on North Beverly School enrollments. The goal is to know what
the grades and needs will be of the families moving there. Dr. Silva asked with the City
Connects program and the need to hire additional counselors, can existing counselors
share some of that role. Dr. Charochak stated in order to implement the program it
requires an individual position, allowing for existing counselors to do their job. She stated
we are not eliminating school adjustment counselors or guidance, it is in addition to. Dr.
Silva asked if personnel will decrease over time. Dr. Charochak stated it would depend
on what the need does. Ms. Visnick asked regarding the elementary class size numbers:
are the inclusion numbers included? Dr. Charochak stated they are class size numbers,
some are in there, some are not depending on the need/program.
Dr. Charochak stated the contractual obligations are actual numbers. On the bottom of
the orange sheet, she pointed out the incremental increase in Chapter 70 Funding of
$2,567,527. She stated with the whole budget package, they are requesting an additional
city contribution of$1,415,964 and the final proposed FY23 Budget Appropriation is
$69,359,898. Ms.Abell asked Ms. Sherburne, could she compare that percentage to the
financial forecasting activities as her recollection in past years was much lower. Ms.
Sherburne agreed it was lower but didn't have the information available. Ms. Sherburne
added that they also did not know about the ESSER I, II, III funding when they were doing
the forecast. Dr. Charochak added that the Chapter 70 funding is there to provide some
relief to the cities, along with the Student Opportunity Act. Ms.Abell expressed her
appreciation for Dr. Charochak's clarification, and added that it really hits home that the
taxpayer relief is part of the Chapter 70 formula which is the intentional process by which
she recommends the budget.
Ms. Visnick stated she is a huge fan of City Connects' approach and wondered why
they wouldn't front load it. Dr. Charochak stated there are more expenses than the staffing
and those will be through ESSER. Ms. Visnick asked if the other costs would decrease
over time? Dr. Charochak said yes, substantially and explained what is included in the
package. Dr. Silva asked that during the three (3) year period are there metrics that can be
assessed to make sure they are delivering the services. Dr. Charochak stated yes, that
they can either run them or have them done for a fee. Dr. Silva stated he likes the idea of
the program but what he finds tough to swallow is the additional staffing needed. Dr.
Charochak stated they have been working to understand what a tier system of support is
but it's not organized in the way it is needed to follow kids. Ms. Robinson stated that with
all the extra work teachers, staff, and administrators have taken on over the past years
even before COVID, it sounds like City Connects may take on some of it so as not to
overwhelm those already working so hard.She also asked if Dr. Charochak could provide
an example of City Connects'work. Dr. Charochak noted they are still in exploration
stages, but did speak with three (3) different staff members in Salem who provided
positive feedback and feels that this is something we have been striving for for a while.
C. Substitute Rates (BevCam 2:17:33)
Dr. Charochak noted that due to recent conversations and questions around the filling of
substitutes she wanted to bring forward some data that included numbers, fill percentages,
and costs. Dr. Charochak provided a monthly chart showing the percentage of absence fill
rate, pointing out that January had been one of the toughest months. The average number
of long term subs is thirteen. Dr. Charochak stated they have had a number of discussions,
at the leadership level, and they would love to increase the number of subs. Financially, we
are currently at$95/day. Dr. Charochak reported that Ms. Sherburne and Ms. Brown looked
at raising the daily rate to $110/day. The cost, for the remainder of this school year, would
run approximately $36,000-$40,000. It would be double that amount for a full year and Ms.
Sherburne is confident we have the money. Ms. Robinson asked how many hours a
substitute works. Dr. Charochak stated seven (7) hours. Ms. Visnick stated her concerns if
there are even enough people out there and reiterated that we need to try to attract more
Ms. Visnick stated she would like to make a motion that we approve the pay increase
from $95/day to $110/day. Ms. Coelho seconded the motion.
Prior to the vote there was further discussion related to what surrounding communities
are offering. Dr. Charochak stated they are comfortable with what they suggested and that
it will attract people to our district. Ms.Abell stated, at the time when they raised it to
$95/hr, they were being conscious of the minimum wage and thought it was based on a six
(6) hour day. Ms. Sherburne requested that they have a specific date for the increase to
$110/per day. Ms. Visnick stated she felt the increase should be immediate. Ms.
Sherburne clarified that the subs are paid for six(6) hours. Ms.Abell noted she would add
to the motion, that the increase would be effective as of the new payroll cycle.
Ms. Robinson asked when the last increase was. Dr. Charochak stated it was before
the pandemic. Dr. McKenzie stated that she was not seeing what the fill rate is and
commented that MASC had made a recommendation more to do with how we define the
substitute qualifications. Dr. McKenzie asked if we had information on how surrounding
cities and towns are filling these positions. Dr. Charochak reported that they had not
collected fill rate information but added that this is a problem everywhere. Mayor Cahill
asked about the projected additional cost for next year. Dr. Charochak stated that it is what
is in the substitute line. Ms. Sherburne stated that based on the rest of this year's cost,
$40,000, it would be approximately$80,000. She said that we could shift to using our
revolving accounts, but felt the substituted line was adequately funded. Dr. Silva added the
need to be cautious that we do not increase the amount too much should other cities and
towns then move their rates up. Dr. McKenzie asked if there is a way they are building it
into the budget. Dr. Charochak pointed out that right now we are paying paras with a
$14/differential and taking them out of the classroom leaving their position without
Ms. Visnick made a motion to approve an increase to the daily substitute rate from
$95.00/day to $110/day, effective the next payroll cycle. Ms. Coelho seconded the motion
and was approved by a roll call vote.
The following roll call votes were recorded:
Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes
Ms. Coelho -Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie-Yes
Ms. Robinson -Yes
Dr. Jeffrey Silva-Yes
Ms. Visnick-Yes
Ms.Abell -Yes
Motion passed: 7:0
Committee Reports
Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities - Lorinda Visnick, Chairperson (BevCam 2:41:22)
Ms. Visnick reported that the Finance & Facilities Committee last met on February 16th.At that
meeting the Committee Members had a discussion regarding substitute rates, voted to unify the
summer school rates to match regular school rates, and they voted to approve three (3) special
education positions funded out of special education tuition.
Ms. Visnick stated she was bringing forward the attached January 2022 Gifts to Schools, totalling
$4,153.38 for approval:
A motion was made by Ms.Abell to approve the attached January 2022 Gifts to
Schools totaling $4,153.38. The motion was seconded by Ms. Robinson and approved by
a roll call vote:
The following roll call votes were recorded:
Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes
Ms. Coelho -Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie-Yes
Ms. Robinson -Yes
Dr. Jeffrey Silva-Yes
Ms. Visnick-Yes
Ms.Abell -Yes
Motion passed: 7:0
Ms. Visnick stated she was bringing forward the attached Transfer JE-591 for approval.
A motion was made by Ms. Coelho to approve Transfer JE-591. The motion was
seconded by Ms.Abell and approved by a roll call vote.
The following roll call votes were recorded:
Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes
Ms. Coelho -Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie-Yes
Ms. Robinson -Yes
Dr. Jeffrey Silva-Yes
Ms. Visnick-Yes
Ms.Abell -Yes
Motion passed: 7:0
Ms. Visnick stated she bringing forward the following FY22 Grants- Beverly Public
Schools Grants for approval:
Comprehensive School Health Services (CSHS) Grant $ 29,600
Comprehensive School Health Services (CSHS)
Workforce Investment Grant $100,000
Total $129,600
A motion was made by Ms.Abell to approve the acceptance of the following FY22 Grants in the
amount of$129,600. The motion was seconded by Dr. McKenzie and approved by a roll call vote.
The following roll call votes were recorded:
Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes
Ms. Coelho -Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie-Yes
Ms. Robinson -Yes
Dr. Jeffrey Silva-Yes
Ms. Visnick-Yes
Ms.Abell -Yes
Motion passed: 7:0
Ms. Visnick stated the next Finance & Facilities Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for March 23,
2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Curriculum. Instruction & Student Life- Kaarin Robinson. Chairperson (BevCam 2:46:44)
Ms. Robinson reported at the earlier CISL Meeting the Committee Members reviewed MCAS dates
for Spring 2022, Principal Taylor and BMS Assistant Principal Gregory Twombly spoke about CASL
Frameworks, and opportunities for student success as they transition. Dr. Charochak and Dr.
Flaherty provided information on City Connects.
The next meeting is scheduled for April 13, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Neaotiations Subcommittee - Rachael Abell. Chair (BevCam 2:49:10)
Ms.Abell reported that the Negotiating Subcommittee has not met since her last report. She added
that they are looking to schedule a brief Executive Session.
Policy Subcommittee- Dr. Kenann McKenziel. Chair(BevCam 2:49:22)
Ms.Abell reported she still owes Dr. McKenzie policy information.
Communications (BevCam 2:49:34)
Ms. Visnick asked if they could reach out to the individuals from City Connects to have them do a
presentation stating it may be helpful for the community. Dr. Charochak stated they will do a more
formal presentation.
Ms. Robinson stated a few people had contacted her about the 2022-2023 School District Calendar.
Dr. Charochak stated that the Primary Day has been officially set and is now noted on the
Ms.Abell reported she was able to attend Ayers PTO and there were many questions about the
calendar as well.
Dr. Charochak remarked that she also had been hearing a number of questions with regards to the
last day of school for this year. She stated that as long as there are no more snow days, the last
day will be an early release on Thursday, June 23 rl
Ms.Abell stated her communication is centered around the school committee's role in any concerns
constituents, parents, or employees may have, reminding them they should work with their
building leadership, be it the teacher, principal, or the superintendent before engaging with a
school committee person. Ms.Abell referred to a couple of direct communications that would
have been served if they had been redirected to the individuals mentioned, adding that there is
also a process to follow.
Motion to Adjourn (BevCam 2:54:42)
A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to adjourn the School Committee meeting. The
motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved by a roll call vote.
The following roll call votes were recorded:
Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes
Ms. Coelho -Yes
Dr. Jeffrey Silva-Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie-Yes
Ms. Robinson -Yes
Ms. Visnick-Yes
Ms.Abell -Yes
Motion passed: 7:0.
The meeting adjourned at 9:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kaarin Robinson, Secretary
Beverly School Committee
Documents Reviewed at the meeting: School Committee Minutes 02-09-2022
FY23 Budget Proposal
January 2022 Gifts to Schools
Transfers-JE 591