2022 01 12 School Committee Minutes BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Regular School Committee Meeting Hybrid In-Person Beverly Middle School & Remote Access (Zoom) Members &Administrators: 502 Cabot Street, Library Community Access: Broadcast BevCam Channel 99 & https://bevcam.org/video/live-stream/& httys://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsioEZrieQciRUciraldiSklw Wednesday, January 12, 2022 7:30 p.m. A Hybrid In-Person and remote access meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday, January 12, 2021 following the guidance from Governor Baker's Office. Ms. Abell announced that BevCam would be streaming the meeting live on YouTube and broadcasting on Channel 99. Members Participating: Rachael Abell, Dr. Jeffrey Silva, Kimberley Coelho, Kaarin Robinson, Dr. Kenann McKenzie, Lorinda Visnick, Mayor Michael Cahill Also Participating: In Person: Dr. Suzanne Charochak, Superintendent; Dr. Dorothy Flaherty,Assistant Superintendent; Jean Sherburne, Director of Finance and Operations; Bethany Splansky,Administrator of Special Education and Student Services; Erin Brown, Director of Information and Human Resources; Donna Bergeron, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and School Committee; Hollace Colby, Student Representative; Remote: Dr.Andre Morgan, Director of Opportunity, Access and Equity; Dana Cruikshank, Director of Transportation; Jodi Elder, Nurse Leader, Gabrielle Montevecchi, Hannah School Principal; Betty Taylor, Beverly High School Principal; Erin Sweeney, Cove School Principal Call to Order: Ms.Abell called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Ms.Abell stated that this was a hybrid meeting with remote participation, noting that the Governor signed legislation for remote meetings to continue. Beverly adopted remote participation on May 16, 2016 and thus will also be able continue.A quorum of School Committee members and Administrators were in-person and the remote platform was offered for leadership and some members. BevCam was broadcasting on Channel 99 for Community access and they were also testing a captioning tool. Pledge of Allegiance: Dr. Silva led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance. Recognitions: (BevCam 1:05:28) • Dr. Charochak and Ms.Abell recognize the following NEC -All Stars,All Conference, Salem News, & Eastern Mass Award recipients: BOYS SOCCER • NEC • Nicholas Braganca NEC Player of the Year,All-State/All New England/Emass All Star& Salem News Player of the Year • Teo Berbic NEC 1 st Team All Star, Eastern Mass All Star, Salem News All-Stars • Ian Visnick NEC 1 st Team All Star, Eastern Mass All Star, Salem News All-Stars • Henry Bell NEC 2nd Team All Star o Nicholas Fox NEC 2nd Team All Star GIRLS SOCCER • NEC All Conference &Salem News All-Stars o Kayleigh Crowell • NEC All Star o Claire Brean BOYS CROSS COUNTRY • NEC &Salem News All-Stars o Liam Ouellette GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY • NEC ALL CONFERENCE o Mia Kasperowicz, Emily Young, Olivia Young • NEC ALL STAR o Hannah McCarthy, Mary Hauck,Allison Prasse • Salem News All-Stars o Olivia Young, Emily Young, Mia Kasperowicz, Hannah McCarthy VOLLEYBALL • NEC ALL Conference &Salem News All-Star o Natalie Reynolds • NEC All Star o Beatrice Lesser, Caroline Plozsay, Mya Perron • Salem News All-Stars o Mya Perron, Beatrice Lesser FIELD HOCKEY • NEC All Conference &Salem News All-Stars o Jamie DuPont • NEC All Star o Noelle McLane, Ella Maloblocki GOLF • NEC, NEC All Conference &Salem News All-Stars o Aidan LeBlanc (Player of the Year), Cam Cook • NEC All Star o Jack Ryan, Ian Paddock, Will Ryan FOOTBALL • NEC All Conference o Zachary Sparkman • NEC All Conference &Salem News o Andre Sullivan, Jordan Irvine, Grant Eastin • NEC All Star o Devon Smalls NEC Coach of the Year • David Jellerson - Girls Cross Country • Craig Wiley- Golf Salem News Coach of the Year • David Jellerson - Girls Cross Country Recess: 7:41 p.m. Return: 7:46 p.m. Student Representative Report -Hollace Colby (BevCam 1:17:54) Hollace Colby reported the following activities at BHS: Students and staff returned on 1/3 from the holiday break, 1/7- no school because of snow day, 1/17 - no school in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The week of 1/24-28 are midterms for year long classes and finals for the semester long classes. On 1/24 classes will be on a regular schedule. Hollace provided the schedule for the midterms and finals beginning on Tuesday 1/25 including the make-up/extra help schedule. Approval of Meeting Records (BevCam 1:19:57) 2021 12 08 School Committee Minutes A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the December 8, 2021 School Committee minutes. The motion was seconded by Ms. Robinson and approved by a vote of 6:0:1 Dr. Silva- abstained 2022 01 03 Organizational Minutes A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the minutes from the January 3, 2022 Organizational Meeting. The motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved by a vote of 7:0. Open Forum for Citizen Concerns or Input into Agenda-Related Items (BevCam) The President will consider requests to address the School Committee on items included or not included as part of the agenda at this time.Any person wishing to make such a request should email CitizenConcernsa-beverlyschools.org before 7:30 p.m. to indicate their interest to speak or share items for the Chair to read into the record. No one indicated interest in speaking at this meeting. Items by Consensus (BevCam 1:21:36) a. Warrant#22020 in the amount of$193,549.29 b. Warrant#22021 in the amount of$202,272.78 c. Warrant#22022 in the amount of$552,218.66 d. Warrant#22023 in the amount of$442,364.83 e. Warrant#22024 in the amount of$158,704.02 A motion was made by Mayor Cahill to approve Warrants 22020 through 22024. The motion was seconded by Ms. Robinson and approved by a vote of 7:0. School Committee Chair Update A. Results of School Committee Elections and Assignments to Standing Committees (BevCam 1:22:22) Ms.Abell reported the following results of the January 3, 2022 Organizational Meeting: School Committee - Ms.Abell, President; Ms. Visnick, Vice President; Ms. Robinson, Secretary Finance and Facilities- Ms. Visnick, Chair, Dr. McKenzie, and Ms. Coelho CISL- Ms. Robinson, Chair, Dr. Silva, and Ms.Abell Negotiations - Ms.Abell, Chair, Ms. Robinson, and Dr. Silva Policy- Dr. McKenzie, Chair, Ms. Visnick, and Ms. Coelho B. Appointment of Citizen Representatives to Standing Committees (BevCam 1:23:25) Ms.Abell reported the following individuals were appointed Citizen Representatives: CISL- Karen Goodno-McGuire, Lorigan Sudak F&F- Lindsey Ducharme, Paul Manzo C. Appointment of School Committee Representatives to Financial Forecasting (BevCam 1:23:54) Ms. Ducharme will serve as the citizen representative on the city's Financial Forecasting Committee. D. Re-confirm Suspension of Policy DK(Payment Procedures) * (BevCam 1:24:14) Ms.Abell reported that during the remote period the body had taken action to suspend Policy DK. This policy required three (3) members to physically review and sign off on the warrants (invoices). Ms.Abell stated that practice continued even though the vote to suspend was only during the closure. Ms.Abell stated she would entertain a motion to suspend the motion for three (3) people and designate one (1) person to review and sign. Ms.Abell said at an earlier MASC training she was reminded that since we have a city auditor, having three (3) individuals sign the warrants was never required by state law. Ms. Visnick made a motion to suspend the need for three (3) members to review and sign the warrants and to continue having one (1) member, setting Policy DK (Payment Procedures) aside with an end date of June 30, 2022, unless they revisit it sooner. Ms.Abell said it is not to suspend the whole policy just the need for three (3) members and to allow for one designee to review and sign the warrants. Mayor Cahill seconded the motion. Motion passed 7:0. Ms. Visnick added that she finds going in and looking through the warrants to be of tremendous value but also recognizing not everyone has that flexibility. Ms.Abell said she is happy to continue in this role but would also offer it out to any other interested member who would commit to Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning. Ms. Visnick offered to be the back-up if Ms.Abell is not available. E. Upcoming Meetings & Dates (BevCam 1:30:00) Ms.Abell stated the next meeting date is January 26th for F&F and COTW. Ms.Abell reported she's looking to solidify March 23rd for the Joint Council Meeting per the City Home Rule Charter. Ms.Abell said she and President Flowers had met and the FY23 Budget development will be one of the topics for the agenda and requested if members had other topics they wanted discussed to please forward them to her. The meeting will likely be held in the BMS auditorium to provide for adequate seating. The F&F Committee is meeting earlier that evening. Mayor Cahill asked if the Joint Council meeting would be in lieu of the COTW meeting. Ms.Abell stated it would be, but she needed to reaffirm that the City Council is available. Superintendent Reports A. Overnight Field Trip to Paris, Strasbourg and Munich (BevCam 1:32:32) Dr. Charochak reported that Stephanie Lowe and Kathryn Spoelstra had provided information on the overnight field trip to Paris, Strasbourg, and Munich, 4/12 -20, 2023, as they need to have approval six(6) months prior to the trip. Ms. Lowe was in attendance and reported it is a nine (9) day trip to Paris, Strasbourg, Belleau Wood, and Munich. Mayor Cahill had a few questions regarding the itinerary and Dr. Silva asked about the number of students that may be going; if there was a limit. Ms. Lowe did not have an exact count but noted the trip was a combination French and German trip and she was guesstimating about 20 students. Dr. McKenzie inquired about insurance and refunds. Ms. Lowe stated that the travel company offers a full refund to anybody that opts out by April 2022 and that there are also three (3) options for insurance coverage. Ms. Robinson asked about Covid related requirements for students/chaperone, Ms. Lowe stated they would need to be fully vaccinated. A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the overnight field trip to Paris, Strasbourg and Munich,April 12-20, 2023. The motion was seconded by Ms. Robinson and passed by a vote of 7:0. B. Global Child Fall 2021 Review (BevCam 1:40:50) Dr. Charochak provided a review of the Global Child fall sessions stating it is a foreign language instruction program for our elementary students. Dr. Charochak reported there were twelve sections with 129 students that participated. She noted the different language options and in person or virtual classes. Registration is now open for the Spring 2022 sessions, February through June. Ms.Abell stated she was happy to see the addition of other language offerings. C. Covid Updates (BevCam 1:43:10) Dr. Charochak provided a review of the vaccination rates for students, with a breakdown by ages and dosage as of 1/6/21. She said she would provide more updates, Beverly specific, at the January 26th meeting.A review of the Covid Dashboard was included noting the data was only for the week due to the snow closure on 1/7 and remarked on the rise in numbers. The information on the 7-day data for Beverly, provided by the Board of Health, also confirms a rise in case numbers with the average daily incident rate, for the week of 1/2 - 1/8, of 258.82 per 100k. Dr. Charochak stated she thinks the numbers would be higher if we didn't have the number of home tests. Ms.Abell commented that it could be because they are not doing as much surveillance testing, due in part to the Governor discouraging it. Dr. Charochak stated she would continue to monitor and added that to avoid some of the past confusion the principals and nurses will be notifying individuals that are close contacts. Dr. Charochak expressed her deep appreciation of all the work being done by the nursing staff in our schools. D. Attendance (BevCam 1:49:26) Dr. Charochak reported that test kits were distributed Sunday morning to staff so they could test prior to their return from the break. The leadership team met that evening and it was reported that several members did identify/report as positive. Dr. Charochak felt this was a huge step in helping plan for a safe return. Charts were included showing the staff and student attendance rates for the first two weeks back, with the highest absences in the middle and high schools. Dr. Charochak noted there were some challenges but that the teachers had been extremely cooperative and flexible and all classes were staffed. She added that a contingency plan was available to move staff if needed but they did not need to do so. Dr. Silva asked, in reference to students that test positive and quarantined, if they could join remotely. Dr. Charochak stated they had a system in place when they had the 7-10 day quarantine; there was an option for teachers to stream home to students. She stated that the high school administration and staff have put together plans for the exam schedule knowing they have had a high percentage of absences. Ms. Robinson expressed her appreciation to the City of Beverly for the many opportunities to get tests and vaccinations. Ms. Visnick asked what number of staff absenteeism would provide cause to not be able to open the doors. Dr. Charochak reiterated that they had a contingency plan to shift staff if needed, but her guesstimate would be 17-18%, but that other strategies would be put in place before then. Ms.Abell noted that along with staff absenteeism there were a few less students in some classes due student absent rates. Dr. Charochak stated she didn't believe they were ever in danger of not covering classrooms. Ms. Robinson expressed her concern with student workload and make-up time. Dr. Charochak stated they recognize these are challenging times and teachers are modifying and adjusting. Dr. Silva asked if teachers could have, at the ready, material packets assembled for students. Dr. Charochak stated that they utilize google classroom or moodle and the work is always available digitally but stated they ask for a 24 hour notice to get it ready. Dr. Silva asked why the need for 24 hour notice. Dr. Charochak stated it depends on the request and also it was negotiated in the return to school contract. Ms. Visnick asked Dr. Charochak to speak to the difference in the numbers reported in the Student Attendance Rates (SAR) vs. the Dashboard. Dr. Charochak stated they can only record on the Dashboard what is reported to them, if a parent or the Board of Health reports it as a Covid related absence it's included on the Dashboard; the SAR is, who has not come to school that day. Dr. Charochak explained because of the high volume of absences they had to set up a separate line and procedures, asking parents to disclose if it was Covid related or not when they called in. Ms. Elder stated that the distinction between Covid related absences and Covid positive cases is that they only report the Covid positive cases on the Dashboard. Ms. Visnick added, "what if they are using a home test?" Ms. Elder stated they are reporting those cases, adding that sometimes the school nurse or administrator is the only one with those results/information. Ms.Abell remarked on the difficulty some people have been having locating PCR testing. Ms.Abell reflected back to an earlier question, that the teachers have been doing an amazing job compiling work for students. Dr. Charochak stated that in discussions with the leadership team and at this point in time, they all know we are all in a crisis and they are working hard to meet the needs of all students in school or at home. E. Mitigation Strategies (BevCam 2:11:05) Dr. Charochak noted the best strategy is still to get the vaccine and booster. Dr. Charochak reported the Commissioner extended the mask mandate to February 28, 2022 but that it would still and ultimately be a committee decision. She went over the lunch procedures, revisiting distancing and that the custodial staff would be doing a thorough cleaning, over the weekend, of each building, especially the health offices. She stated with regards to distancing that the elementary principals reverted back to more structured seating in the classroom, middle school returned to a limited number at a table and at the high school four (4) students per table.All schools and all levels wear masks until they are in and seated at a table. Vaccination Clinics (BevCam 2:17:31) Dr. Charochak reported that there are two (2) more confirmed clinic dates. She did not cancel the clinic on 1/7, the snow day, and despite the number of cancellations after she put out an all call, those slots were filled. There is a VaccinateRX clinic scheduled for 1/21 from 4 to 7, ages 5 to 18, and boosters ages 12 and up, pre registration is required. Cataldo will be back on 1/28 3:30 to 8:00 and she is working on getting booster slots for that clinic as well. Clinics will be held at the middle school and parental consent is required when registering and they must accompany any student under the age of 11. Testing Opportunities (BevCam 2:19:32) Dr. Charochak reviewed the testing programs offered; Test and Stay they have been using since the beginning of the school year, Symptomatic Testing, when the individual presents with symptoms at school. She reported, since September, over 1500 students have been tested with 32 positive cases identified from January 1 - 14. With regards to Pool Testing, Dr. Charochak reported they utilized it last year and found it less effective. In revisiting it they found the turn around for results to be very poor. She said they would continue to partner with the City to provide testing opportunities. Mayor Cahill reported they offered testing last Wednesday and Sunday at BHS and there will be another test kit distribution Thursday at Lynch Park from 1 to 6:00 p.m. Mayor Cahill stated there is still a demand for PCR testing but because it is no longer FEMA reimbursed it will only be offered to Beverly residents and employees. Ms. Coelho asked about a few larger families, one with four(4) children, could they possibly get three (3) kits. Mayor Cahill remarked there is a limited supply but if there were positive cases within a household they could contact City Hall. Ms. Coelho stated with regards to the mask mandate the Commissioner will make a consideration on 2/28, which is the return day from February vacation, stating this is something we would need to consider. Dr. Charochak reminded the committee that regardless of the Commissioners consideration it is still the School Committee's decision to lift the mandate or not and it would only be at the 80% threshold. Ms. Coelho remarked regarding masks and the money spent on them, would they give some consideration for getting permanent ones made. Dr. Charochak stated the masks were paid for by the City through the CARES Act. She felt it would not be advantageous and right now the disposable masks are the best. Dr. Silva asked if the City does practice testing with waste water testing out of the buildings. Mayor Cahill said they are not participating in the waste water testing. Ms. Visnick reiterated an earlier question; what are we doing to take care of our staff suggesting bumping up our sub pay to attract more subs. Dr. Charochak stated they are looking into it but added teachers are compensated for covering a classroom on their prep time, as are para's. She said there has been a great collegial and collaborative spirit among the teachers during this crisis. Ms. Visnick stated that we are in a financial position to possibly raise our sub/para rate, temporarily, to bring in more people. Mayor Cahill asked what number of regular subs are used. Ms. Sherburne thought about 20 to 24. Dr. Charochak commented that our rate is competitive. Ms. Robinson asked what the rate was. Dr. Charochak stated they are paid the curriculum rate, $35/hr. and we have not had this practice of teachers covering subs before. Ms. Visnick said she appreciates the fact that they get paid but feels it's unsustainable. Mayor Cahill remarked on the Omicron surge, that he's hearing it tends to drop off drastically after the peak and wondered how much longer the sub shortage would be of concern. Ms. Visnick asked Dr. Charochak on an average how many subs we are short. Dr. Charochak stated on any given day, prior to Covid, possibly 10-12 and it could be teachers or paras. She stated paras would be assigned to do some coverage during the day. Ms. Visnick stated that what's best for students is to have coverage and continuity and that we need to figure out how to get our list up to 40. Dr. Charochak remarked that they did raise the sub rate last year from $85 to $95/day. Dr. McKenzie stated that in her previous high school they had teachers covering everyday and she was happy to hear that this wasn't an everyday occurrence here. Dr. McKenzie doesn't feel it is about the pay as much as people are afraid to be in the schools right now. She wondered if it is more concerning because at the younger grades children are less likely to be vaccinated. Dr. Charochak commented that subs are more willing to work in our elementary schools, rather than middle or high school. Dr. McKenzie stated she had also worked with retired teachers, but when Covid hit they did not want to come into the buildings. She stated that we need to be mindful that it is not just compensation but the concern about exposure. Dr. Charochak added that with college students still home for the break and we have been using some of them to sub. Mayor Cahill suggested they send ideas to Dr. Charochak on ways to build the pool of subs. Dr. Silva stated that if we bring in subs we want to bring in the right culture and talent. Committee Reports Standina Committee on Finance & Facilities - Lorinda Visnick. Chairperson (BevCam 2:51:16) Ms. Visnick reported that the Finance & Facilities Committee last met on December 15, 2021. The Committee received information on the FY23 budget calendar and stated that the public hearing is set for May 11, 2022. They also received a report on the ESSER 1 II 111 Grants. Ms. Visnick stated she was bringing forward the November 2021 Gifts to Schools, totalling $2,666.94 for approval: A motion was made by Ms.Abell to approve the attached November 2021 Gifts to Schools totaling $2,666.94 The motion was seconded by Dr. McKenzie and approved by a vote of 7:0. Ms. Visnick stated that she was bringing forward the attached Transfer-JE243 for approval. A motion was made by Ms.Abell to approve Transfer-JE243. The motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved by a vote of 7:0. Ms. Visnick brought forward the following Grant Acceptance 12-15-21 Federal Grant P-EBT$4,912 The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) is pleased to announce the availability of reimbursement funds for school district level costs related to activities supporting the administration of Pandemic EBT (P-EBT). These funds were made available through the federal FY21 Omnibus and COVID Relief and Response Act and appropriated to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). School district allocations have been calculated using a predetermined USDA formula based on specific rates per school based upon the number of students identified as eligible for P-EBT. A motion was made by Ms.Abell to approve the Grant Acceptance 12-15-21 - Federal Grant P-EBT in the amount of$4,912. The motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved by a vote of 7:0. Ms. Visnick stated the next Finance & Facilities Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for January 26, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. Curriculum. Instruction & Student Life- Kaarin Robinson. Chairperson (BevCam 2:55:05) Ms. Robinson reported at the CISL meeting earlier this evening there was a brief introduction of the new members; they received updates from the BHS and BMS student representatives; Ms. Splansky provided an overview of the Kindergarten registration process and students that are registered by January 31 st will be prioritized for placement in their home school. Dr. Flaherty gave an overview of Time on Learning, Ms. Oliver, BMS Principal, shared information on the after school opportunities available and Dr. Flaherty gave an overview of CISL agenda topics through June. Ms. Visnick referred to Dr. Flaherty's presentation on Time on Learning, that eating could not count but Ms. Visnick thought that a year or two ago eating at the morning meetings counted as Time on Learning. Dr. Charochak clarified that she believed Ms. Visnick was referring to the pilot program at Centerville, breakfast in the classroom which is different. Ms. Visnick requested that when they report the extracurricular activities if they could include the days, times, and number of students. Neaotiations Subcommittee - Rachael Abell, Chair (BevCam 2:58:49) Ms.Abell reported that the Negotiating Subcommittee has not met since her last report. Policy Subcommittee- Dr. Kenann McKenziel. Chair(BevCam 2:59:00) Ms.Abell remarked that she needs to meet with Dr. McKenzie to hand over the policies. She reported the Subcommittee last met on Monday 12/27 for a two (2) hour remote meeting and there were a lot of action items and talk of how we could transition them to the new term. Communications (BevCam 3:00:04) Ms. Visnick reported at the BHS PTSO meeting members were elated with the upcoming event for networking with juniors and seniors with the Chamber of Commerce. She also reported the DECA students did great in the state competition. Dr. Silva expressed his appreciation to Dr. Charochak for her pool testing comments. He reported that the wall ball for lacrosse is scheduled to be installed next week, weather permitting. Ms. Robinson commented on the DECA event at Danversport. Mayor Cahill provided an update on the multisite solar project. He stated everything has been sorted out and should be brought forward at one of the upcoming meetings. Ms. Visnick asked if it was coming back for a vote or discussion. Mayor Cahill said for a discussion, that the lease goes to the City Council. Ms.Abell stated that the committee does need to formally vote and that they were waiting for more specifics and to see if it should go to F&F first. Ms.Abell reported attending the Ayers PTO, that she received many communications from parents regarding particular types of masks, commenting that the original ask was for the PTO to supply/fund particular masks. Ms.Abell said she had attended the middle school play, School House Rock Jr. commenting that it was amazing! She also had received feedback regarding vaccine clinics. Motion to Adjourn (BevCam 3:08:19) A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to adjourn the School Committee meeting. The motion was seconded by Mayor Cahill and approved by a vote of 7:0. The meeting adjourned at 9:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kaarin Robinson, Secretary Beverly School Committee Documents Reviewed at the meeting: Minutes for Approval: School Committee Minutes 12-08-2021 Organizational Meeting Minutes 1-03-2022 Policy DK(Payment Procedures) Overnight Field Trip- Paris, Strasbourg and Munich Global Child Fall Review November 2021 Gifts to Schools Transfer-JE243