2022 01 03 Organizational Meeting Minutes BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Organizational School Committee Meeting
Monday, January 3, 2022
Beverly Middle School Library
Beverly, Massachusetts
An Organizational Meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Monday, January 3, 2022
in the Beverly Middle School Library.
Members Present: Rachael Abell, Lorinda Visnick, Mayor Michael Cahill, Dr. Kenann
McKenzie, Kaarin Robinson, Kimberley Coelho, Dr. Jeffrey Silva
Not in Attendance:
Also in Attendance: Dr. Suzanne Charochak, Superintendent, Donna Bergeron,Administrative
Assistant to the Superintendent and School Committee
Call to Order: Dr. Charochak called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Cahill led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance
Dr. Charochak stated the reason for the meeting:
In accordance with Section B, School Committee Governance and Operations, Policy BDA School
Committee Internal Organization, Officers are elected at the organizational meeting held the first week in
January, in the year following their election to serve during the ensuing term of office.
Discussion and Election of President
At this time Dr. Charochak opened up the floor for discussion and nominations for president.
Ms Visnick stated she would like to make a motion to nominate Ms.Abell for President. The motion was
seconded by Ms. Coelho. Ms.Abell stated it would be her pleasure to accept the nomination for
President and the following roll call votes were recorded:
Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes
Rachael Abell -Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie -Yes
Kimberley Coelho -Yes
Dr. Jeffrey Silva -Yes
Kaarin Robinson -Yes
Lorinda Visnick-Yes
The motion passed 7:0 in favor of Ms.Abell for the Office of President.
Office of Vice President
President Abell declared nominations open for the Office of Vice-President.
A motion was made by Ms.Abell and seconded by Dr. McKenzie to nominate Ms. Visnick for the Office
of Vice-President and the following roll call votes were recorded:
Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes
Kimberley Coelho -Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie -Yes
Kaarin Robinson -Yes
Dr. Jeffrey Silva -Yes
Lorinda Visnick-Yes
Rachael Abell -Yes
The motion passed 7:0 in favor of Ms. Visnick for the office of Vice President.
Office of Secretary
President Abell declared nominations open for the Office of Secretary.
A motion was made by Ms. Visnick and seconded by Ms.Abell to nominate Ms. Robinson for the Office
of Secretary and the following roll call votes were recorded:
Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes
Kimberley Coelho -Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie -Yes
Kaarin Robinson -Yes
Dr. Jeffrey Silva -Yes
Lorinda Visnick-Yes
Rachael Abell - Yes
The motion passed 7:0 in favor of Ms. Robinson for the Office of Secretary.
Appointment of Subcommittee Members and Chairperson(s)
The meeting continued with President Abell announcing the chairs and members of the Standing
Committee on Finance and Facilities and Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life and for the
Negotiations Committee and Policy Review Subcommittee as follows:
A. The Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities
Ms. Visnick, Chair with Dr. McKenzie and Ms. Coelho
B. The Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life
Ms. Robinson, Chair with Dr. Silva and Ms.Abell
C. Negotiations Committee
Ms.Abell, Chair with Ms. Robinson and Dr. Silva
D. Policy Review Subcommittee
Dr. McKenzie, Chair with Ms. Visnick and Ms. Coelho
Ms.Abell asked for a motion to approve these appointments.After a brief discussion it was determined a
vote was not needed, the President appoints the members.
Ms.Abell stated that Lindsey Ducharme and Paul Manzo would continue on as the Citizen
Representatives for the Finance and Facilities. She stated that for Curriculum, Instruction, and Student
Life Lorigan Sudak would continue on and that she was waiting for a confirmation email from Karen
Ms. Visnick asked if the Committee was still accepting applications for Citizen Representatives. Ms.
Abell stated that the way they changed policy and Citizen's Representative Primer members of the public
still have the opportunity to let Ms. Bergeron know if they are interested. Mayor Cahill remarked on a
conversation with regards to having more citizen representatives on a given subcommittee knowing only
the elected members' votes were counted. Ms.Abell noted the most-recent change to the policy, which
allows the Citizen Representatives to vote and that the chair of the committee would report out the votes,
elected or not, to the whole committee when a recommendation is brought forward.
Motion to Adjourn:
A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to adjourn the Organizational Meeting. The motion was seconded by
Ms. Robinson and approved by a vote of: 7:0.
The meeting adjourned at 7:11 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kaarin Robinson
Secretary, Beverly School Committee