2021 12 08 School Committee Minutes BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Regular School Committee Meeting Hybrid In-Person Beverly Middle School & Remote Access (Zoom) Members &Administrators: 502 Cabot Street, Library Community Access: Broadcast BevCam Channel 99 & https://bevcam.org/video/live-stream/& httys://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsioEZrieQciRUciraldiSklw Wednesday, December 8, 2021 7:30 p.m. A Hybrid In-Person and remote access meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 following the guidance from Governor Baker's Office. Ms. Abell announced that BevCam would be streaming the meeting live on Channel 99, and she would record a backup. Members Participating: Rachael Abell, John Mullady, Kimberley Coelho, Kaarin Robinson, Dr. Kenann McKenzie, Lorinda Visnick, Mayor Michael Cahill (arrived 7:40) Also Participating: In Person: Dr. Suzanne Charochak, Superintendent; Dr. Dorothy Flaherty,Assistant Superintendent; Jean Sherburne, Director of Finance and Operations; Bethany Splansky,Administrator of Special Education and Student Services; Erin Brown, Director of Information and Human Resources; Donna Bergeron, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and School Committee; Hollace Colby, Student Representative; Remote: Dr.Andre Morgan, Director of Opportunity, Access and Equity; Dana Cruikshank, Director of Transportation; Jodi Elder, Nurse Leader, Ms. Lindsay Ducharme, member of the public Call to Order: Ms.Abell called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. Ms.Abell stated that this was a hybrid meeting with remote participation, noting that the Governor signed legislation for remote meetings to continue. Beverly adopted remote participation on May 16, 2016 and thus will continue.A quorum of School Committee members and Administrators were in-person and the remote platform was offered for leadership and some members. BevCam was broadcasting on Channel 99 for Community access and they were also testing a captioning tool. Pledge of Allegiance: Mr. Mullady led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance. Recognitions: (BevCam 52:44) Ms.Abell and Dr. Charochak recognized outgoing School Committee Vice President, John Mullady, for his six years of dedicated service on the Beverly School Committee. 7:47 - Recess 7:49 - Return Student Representative Report -Hollace Colby (BevCam 1:04:50) Hollace Colby reported the following activities at BHS: There was a pep rally and half day on 11/24, 11/25 Thanksgiving Day Game Beverly won over Salem 60 to 28. 12/3-5 students performed the play Clue, 12/6- PSAT scores were released. On 12/10 no school for the professional development day. On 12/15 there is a forum on racism, 12/16 is parents afternoon back, 12/21 BHS winter concert, and on 12/23 is a full day before the start of winter break with classes resuming on January 3rd. Approval of Meeting Records (BevCam 1:07:20) 2021 11 10 School Committee Minutes A motion was made by Ms. Robinson to approve the November 11, 2021 School Committee minutes. The motion was seconded by Dr. McKenzie and approved by a vote of 6:0:1. (Mayor Cahill abstain) Open Forum for Citizen Concerns or Input into Agenda-Related Items (BevCam 1:08:10) The President will consider requests to address the School Committee on items included or not included as part of the agenda at this time.Any person wishing to make such a request should email CitizenConcernsa-beverlyschools.org before 7:40 p.m. to indicate their interest to speak or share items for the Chair to read into the record. Ms.Abell stated that the citizens would be given three (3) minutes to address the Committee. Elliott Margolis- 6 Cobblers Lane - Reflection of US History and CRT Erin Waltz-6 Iverson Road - Expressions of appreciation to John Mullady Lindsay Ducharme - 31 Bertram Street- (Virtual) Thank you to John Mullady Rachel DiCicco - 178 Lothrop Street-vaccination status (Read by the Chair) Hannah Bowen - 13 Thorndike Street-Thank you to John Mullady and comments regarding the community conversation on (Read by the Chair) Items by Consensus (BevCam 1:22:38) a. Warrant#22016 in the amount of$378,129.46 b. Warrant#22017 in the amount of$160,872.70 c. Warrant#22018 in the amount of$504,737.29 d. Warrant#22019 in the amount of$ 94,790.27 A motion was made by Mayor Cahill to approve Warrants 22016 through 22019. The motion was seconded by Ms. Visnick and approved by a vote of 7:0. School Committee Chair Updates A. Spring 2022 Revised School Committee Schedule * (BevCam1:23:16) Ms.Abell noted the need to vote to amend the Spring 2022 School Committee schedule due to the addition of the FY23 Budget Hearing meeting on May 11, 2022. A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to vote to approve the amended Spring 2022 School Committee Schedule. The motion was seconded by Ms. Robinson. Mayor Cahill had a question about the May 11th date as it relates to the city's public hearing. Ms.Abell stated they have the option to vote at the School Committee meeting on May 11, 2022 or to advance the vote and COTW meeting and if members are available, to the week prior. Ms. Visnick clarified that this discussion/vote was in regards to the School Committee Schedule not the School District calendar. The motion passed by a vote of 7:0. B. Upcoming Meetings & Dates (BevCam 1:26:15) Ms.Abell stated that with the upcoming holidays the F&F and COTW meetings will be held on December 15, 2021. The Inauguration will take place on January 3rd at noon at BHS with the Organizational Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Beverly Middle School. Superintendent Reports A. Superintendent Updates (BevCam 1:27:08 ) COVID Updates and Vaccination Rates Dr. Charochak noted the uptick in Covid cases to date and provided an update on the citywide vaccination rates from the Mass.gov website as of 12/6/21. She remarked that our 5 to 11 year olds are getting vaccinated at a rapid rate with 49% having had their first dose. Dr. Charochak reported that she and Jodi Elder didn't feel that some of the numbers were representative of what they were seeing at BHS. Dr. Charochak reported that Jodi Elder reviewed the numbers for just BHS with data from MIIS and SNAP and found the vaccination rates were higher.A possible reason for the discrepancy may be some students are attending out of state colleges or private schools and we are not getting info on their data. COVID Dashboard Dr. Charochak remarked that with the uptick in cases all of our nurses are working extremely hard. The Dashboard on our website is updated every Tuesday and Friday and the 7-Day average daily incident rate for Beverly, for the week of 11/21 -11/28 was 62.96. Dr. Charochak stated they are being very conscientious about spacing and hand sanitizing in all buildings and she recently met with B&G and reviewed all cleaning protocols. Mobile Vaccination Clinics Dr. Charochak reported that the follow-up second dose vaccination clinics are scheduled for Friday, 12/10/21 and 12/17/21, both follow-up second dose clinics. There is a second clinic scheduled on 1/7, the second dose on 1/28 and a link will be provided. These clinics will be held at the middle school. Dr. Charochak said if people have any questions they should email CovidauestionsO-beverlvschools.ora which is manned by our school nurses. Mayor Cahill asked about the boosters on 7th and/or 28th if there's a way to make it available for those younger folks who are about six(6) months out and eligible. Dr. Charochak stated she did speak with Kevin at Cataldo and he said there will be an opportunity on the 7th for the boosters but not on the 28th. Dr. Charochak clarified that they will be held in the auditorium because there is more space. Ms. Vinick stated that it seems if they are letting boosters happen on the 7th it should also be offered on the 28th. Dr. Charochak explained that she believed it had more to do with the registration process for Cataldo and that it doesn't allow for them to do it on the 28th. Test and Stay Dr. Charochak commented that they have learned a great deal about the Test and Stay program and as of 12/8, 722 tests have been administered, because of that, 710 days were saved and also ten (10) cases were identified. Ms. Robinson asked if fully vaccinated students were allowed to participate in the Test and Stay. Dr. Charochak stated per state guidance they are not allowed. Mayor Cahill asked if there was any reason we couldn't use our own tests. Dr. Charochak stated one reason is capacity but also, that they are exempt for the Test& Stay by virtue of being vaccinated and that there is a tracking mechanism to provide information to the Board of Health. She added that we also do not provide the Test and Stay for students identified outside of school. Jodi Elder added that these protocols were set forth from DESE, and we agreed we would follow them when we signed on. Mayor Cahill said he would be interested in looking to do more. Dr. Charochak remarked that the information they have changes daily and it would be worthy of a conversation. Mayor Cahill also asked how many days a student, that has been identified as a close contact in school, will take the Test &Stay. Jodi Elder explained that the protocol is a seven (7) day period of time following the last day of exposure, not being tested on weekends unless the student is participating in a school sponsored event. Ms. Visnick asked to reiterate the options that parents have to keep their child home; either because they have a positive test or they have symptoms, which Dr. Charochak provided. Ms. Visnick also asked if the student would have access to school work. Dr. Charochak stated they provide the teacher with 24 hour notice and the parents have the option for streaming at home, three (3) hour minimum or the work will be compiled for pickup. Ms. Coelho asked if a child is participating in Test& Stay and does the weekend home test, viewed by telehealth, why wouldn't a child that's quarantined be able to do the BinaxNow. Dr. Charochak stated that because of the agreement they have with the state for the Test&Stay it is not offered. Dr. Charochak stated the DESE is examining expanding the Test &Stay Program. She added that they have been working with the Y after-school program, because they remain on site, now DESE has expanded to include Early Education & Care Program (EEC) and BCLC is now participating. Committee Reports Standina Committee on Finance & Facilities - Lorinda Visnick. Chairperson (BevCam 1:58:37) Ms. Visnick reported that the Finance & Facilities Committee last met on November 17, 2021. The Committee received a B&G report on all buildings, Food Service update included that they are transitioning to using all compostable trays, they continue to have supply chain issues and the registered dietitian started in November. One of the Transportation Department's electric buses was in for brake repair and a battery issue and they are looking to hire more drivers. Ms. Sherburne provided her review of the expenses and revenues. Ms. Visnick stated she was bringing forward the following Gifts to Schools, totalling $1,000.00 for approval: A motion was made by Ms.Abell to approve the October 2021 Gifts to Schools Beverly Female Charitable Society Nurses- Menst. Equity Program, District Wide in the amount of$1,000.00. The motion was seconded by Mayor Cahill and approved by a vote of 7:0. Ms. Visnick stated the next Finance & Facilities Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for December 15, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. Curriculum. Instruction & Student Life- John Mullady. Chairperson (BevCam 2:01:11) Mr. Mullady reported at the CISL meeting held earlier this evening, members of the BHS Vocal Ensemble group performed some holiday selections. Dr. Morgan provided a presentation on Culturally Responsive Teaching. They received highlights of the elementary schools and they are in the process of working on virtual plans for homework support for our students. Neaotiations Subcommittee - Rachael Abell. Chair (BevCam 2:04:13) Ms.Abell reported that the Negotiating Subcommittee last met on Monday 11/29 with Unit C and they will be meeting in Executive Session to discuss the MOA. Policy Subcommittee- Rachael Abell, Chair (BevCam 2:04:28) Ms.Abell stated the Policy Subcommittee is still working to find a date to meet. Communications (BevCam 2:04:38) Mayor Cahill reported that the city is offering free testing clinics at the Senior Center, Wednesdays and Sundays. Information can be found on the City Hall website. Dr. Charochak reminded parents if they are getting tested because they have symptoms to please keep their child home until they receive their results. Ms. Visnick commented that we are asking parents to do the right thing by keeping a symptomatic child at home and just wanted to note that students do not get to stream in on day one. She reported communication regarding the policy of cell phone use at BHS, and she heard great things about the school play. She reported hearing concerns that the numbers of athletes participating are lower and heard concerns about the spike in cases; will we have enough tests? Ms. Visnick reported attending a session at YWBoston on how we measure DEI and at Endicott- Brave Communities Offering. Dr. McKenzie asked Dr. Charochak to confirm information that she had shared about when we would know when we could lift the mask mandate. She understood it was through January 15th then it will be revisited. Dr. Charochak confirmed that the date is January 15th and at which time the Commissioner will provide more information. She reiterated that the requirements are for an 80% vaccination rate in the whole building. Dr. Charochak stated that even if it happens it would come back to the School Committee to make a decision. Ms.Abell reported a constituent shared a concern that the middle school was a waste of money. She also received a communication regarding finding information on our website and in our calendar and that it is posted in a timely manner. Ms.Abell shared that it was great to return to some traditions like the parade and tree lighting. She offered kudos to the BHS band and vocal ensemble for their amazing performance and said it was great to be back out in the community. Executive Session (BevCam 2:12:40) A motion was made by Ms.Abell to meet in executive session pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws chapter 30A, section 21(a) purposes (7), (3) and (2), and to return to open session: Purpose (7):to review and approve the 17 November 2021 Executive Session Minutes Purpose (3): to discuss strategy with respect to and in preparation for collective bargaining with the Beverly Teachers Association Unit C because an open discussion may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Committee Purpose (2):to discuss strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel The motion was seconded by Ms. Visnick and the following roll call vote was recorded: Mayor Michael Cahill - yes Kimberley Coelho- yes Dr. Kenann McKenzie- yes John Mullady-yes Kaarin Robinson -yes Lorinda Visnick- yes Rachael Abell - yes The motion passed 7:0 and the Committee entered into Executive Session at 8:58 p.m. The School Committee returned to open session at 9:23 p.m. (BevCam 2:15:11) Ms.Abell stated the Committee would be voting to approve the Memorandum of Agreement between the Beverly School Committee and the Beverly Teachers Association - Unit C * A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the Memorandum of Agreement between the Beverly School Committee and the Beverly Teachers Association - Unit C. The motion was seconded by Dr. McKenzie and approved by a vote of 7:0. Motion to Adjourn (BevCam 2:16:05) A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to adjourn the School Committee Meeting. The motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved by a vote of 7:0. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kaarin Robinson, Secretary Beverly School Committee Documents Reviewed at the meeting: Minutes for Approval: School Committee Minutes 11-10-2021 2022 Revised Spring School Committee Schedule