2021 11 10 School Committee Minutes (1) BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Regular School Committee Meeting Hybrid In-Person Beverly Middle School & Remote Access (Zoom) Members &Administrators: 502 Cabot Street, Library Community Access: Broadcast BevCam Channel 99 & https://bevcam.org/video/live-stream/& https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsioEZrieQqRUgraldiSklw Wednesday, November 10, 2021 7:30 p.m. A Hybrid In-Person and remote access meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 following the guidance from Governor Baker's Office. Ms. Abell announced that BevCam would be streaming the meeting live on Channel 99, and she would record a backup. Members Participating: Rachael Abell, John Mullady, Kimberley Coelho, Kaarin Robinson, Dr. Kenann McKenzie, Lorinda Visnick Not In Attendance: Mayor Michael Cahill Also Participating: In Person: Dr. Suzanne Charochak, Superintendent; Dr. Dorothy Flaherty,Assistant Superintendent; Jean Sherburne, Director of Finance and Operations; Bethany Splansky,Administrator of Special Education and Student Services; Dr.Andre Morgan, Director of Opportunity,Access and Equity; Erin Brown, Director of Information and Human Resources; Donna Bergeron, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and School Committee; Hollace Colby, Student Representative; Dean Berg, speaking on behalf of Green Beverly Remote: Christina Leal, Food Service Director; Dana Cruikshank, Director of Transportation; Jodi Elder, Nurse Leader, Erin Sweeney, Cove School Principal; Charmaine Ursulele, CISL Student Representative Call to Order: Ms.Abell called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. Ms.Abell stated that this was a hybrid meeting with remote participation, noting that the Governor signed legislation for remote meetings to continue. Beverly adopted remote participation on May 16, 2016 and thus will continue.A quorum of School Committee members and Administrators were in-person and the remote platform was offered for leadership and some members. BevCam was broadcasting on Channel 99 for Community access and they were also testing a captioning tool. Pledge of Allegiance: Ms. Visnick led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance. Recognitions: None Student Representative Report -Hollace Colby (BevCam 1:05:47) Hollace Colby reported the following activities at BHS: 10/24 the Class of 2022 held a fundraiser where BHS students could paint a spot in the student parking lot. This fundraiser will take place again in the spring. The boy's physical fitness team took first place in the Youth Physical Fitness competition with eight (8) other schools competing. On 11/4 a Career Education Fair was held for students and there was an 8th grade open house with over 500 people attending. The Panther tutoring program has begun, offering tutoring sessions on Tuesday and Thursday in the BHS Library. MCAS retakes took place on Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday was the last day of the NEASC Decienial Accreditation visit. The team spoke with students, faculty, and staff and their report will be published in about three (3) weeks. Congratulations to all of the fall sports teams who competed in the NEC tournaments. 11/11 no school in observance of Veterans Day, 11/12 the quarter closes and report cards will be posted to Aspen. The Pep Rally will take place on 11/24 and there is no school 11/25 and 11/26. Approval of Meeting Records (BevCam 1:08:59) 2021 10 13 School Committee Minutes A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the October 13, 2021 School Committee minutes. The motion was seconded by Ms. Robinson and approved by a vote of 6:0. Open Forum for Citizen Concerns or Input into Agenda-Related Items (BevCam 1:09:49) The President will consider requests to address the School Committee on items included or not included as part of the agenda at this time.Any person wishing to make such a request should email CitizenConcernsO-beverlvschools.ora before 7:40 p.m. to indicate their interest to speak or share items for the Chair to read into the record. Ms.Abell stated that the citizens would be given three (3) minutes to address the Committee. John Taylor-41 Cole Street. Mr. Taylor addressed the School Committee expressing the need for more transparency and the need for more data on the impact on the student's educational environment. Possibly adding a page to the website for this. Karen Chase - 11 Cross Street. Ms.Abell read Ms. Chase's email into the records expressing her fear of losing parent's rights as to whether her child receives the vaccination or not. Items by Consensus (BevCam 1:19:44) a. Warrant#22012 in the amount of$204,832.37 b. Warrant#22013 in the amount of$205,787.73 c. Warrant#22014 in the amount of$207,641.27 d. Warrant#22015 in the amount of$221,236.41 A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve Warrants 22012 through 22015. The motion was seconded by Ms. Coelho and approved by a vote of 6:0. School Committee Chair Updates Green Beverly- Introductions (BevCam 1:20:50) Ms.Abell introduced Dean Berg, who provided a presentation on Green Beverly which is a non-profit organization and their Mission Statement is "to help all Beverly residents and businesses lead more sustainable lives through actionable information, inspiration, and education." Green Beverly takes an equitable approach by focusing on all residents and businesses. Mr. Berg stated that through the work with the Beverly/Salem Resilient Together Climate Action Planning committee they have set the bar high and Beverly has much work to do. He provided some of the ways in which they can work together with the residents, businesses, schools, and municipalities. Green Beverly's office, located in the Cummings Center, plans to build a sustainability showcase in that location. They have a number of people/coaches available, by phone, to answer questions and they are out in the community at the Farmers' Market, Lobster and Arts Fest and recently held a pumpkin smashing event. Mr. Berg noted one of their challenges is that they provide their services free of charge and their revenue sources come from grants, sponsors, and donors. Mr. Berg thanked the Committee for allowing him this time. Ms.Abell stated she would make the slides available immediately after this meeting. Ms. Visnick stated two areas that she felt the school system could work together with Green Beverly are the food reclamation with our share tables, the other, is to see if the packaging that we use, is compostable. She remarked on the cost of the compostable containers being higher but stated if they were bought in bigger volume/bulk the cost would be about the same. Dr. Charochak thanked Mr. Berg and commented that the Pumpkin Smashing event was a big win. A. MASC Delegate Assembly Summary- Dr. Kenann McKenzie (BevCam 1:41:47) Dr. McKenzie provided a summary of the MASC Assembly, stating that it was very educational and that MASC did a tremendous job hosting the event in a hybrid fashion. Dr. McKenzie stated there was not much in the way of disagreements with the resolutions but that prior to the start of the voting one district chose to abstain from one of the choices and to vote no on all of them. They explained that it was because they did not think they could vote on items that were not already funded. MASC read an inclusive statement at the beginning of the meeting to reaffirm the goal of school committees, to be of good and service to the community and advocate for our students. Dr. McKenzie reported that most of the resolutions they, as a committee, decided to vote yes on, passed and were not deliberate on. The ones that were deliberated on seemed to be around language differential. Dr. McKenzie noted the most debated resolution was whether to have electric busses statewide. The challenge wasn't about the value, it was about cost for districts to begin the process. Dr. McKenzie stated this was between districts that owned their own busses and ones that contracted out and whether the small businesses would be able to endure the cost, in the end the motion did pass. Dr. McKenzie reported all resolutions were successful, some amendments were not. One contentious item was the zero tolerance policies with some individuals expressing concern that there should be instances where it is clarified when zero tolerance is permissible. She stated that essentially everything discussed, by this body, was successful. Ms.Abell thanked Dr. McKenzie for representing and for her summary. C. Spring 2022 School Committee Draft Schedule * (BevCam 1:47:59) Ms.Abell presented the Spring 2022 School Committee Draft Schedule stating that Monday, January 3, 2022 is a holiday for the City. She stated the conversation is ongoing to determine if the Charter supersedes the holiday or vice versa. She remarked that the committee will likely want to amend the draft with, "To Be Confirmed" until she receives confirmation from City Hall. Ms.Abell had asked for the Committee's preference, to have the Organizational Meeting immediately following the Inauguration or to reconvene in the evening. Ms.Abell noted that as they had discussed, they do want to continue stacking the meetings and requested a motion to approve the draft. A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the Spring 2022 School Committee Schedule. The motion was seconded by Dr. McKenzie. Ms.Abell stated she would like to change the January 3, 2022 date to read "To Be Confirmed" Ms. Visnick seconded the amendment. Ms.Abell stated she would let the committee know as soon as she receives the information. Ms. Visnick asked if the Committee should discuss contingency plans for the Organizational Meeting, to which Ms.Abell explained that it cannot take place until they have been sworn in and signed the book, it would have to take place after the Inauguration. Ms. Visnick remarked should they get sworn in on January 3rd they could have the meeting right after the inauguration, but if it did not take place until January 10, being a work day, they would need to schedule it for the evening. Ms.Abell said the date she heard was January 3rd, also a school/work day, so it would need to be an evening meeting. Dr. Charochak noted that school is also in session on January 3rd; it is only a holiday for City Hall. The following amendment was made by Ms. Visnick, that the School Committee should plan to meet in the evening, whether the Inauguration is scheduled for the 3rd or the 4th of January. In addition, Ms.Abell stated that they continue to have the ability to offer hybrid options as long as a quorum and the chair are physically present, as marked on the draft calendar. Ms.Abell noted the friendly amendment to the Spring 2022 School Committee Calendar, that following the Inauguration Ceremony, hosted by the City, either Monday, January 3rd or Tuesday, January 4th the School Committee's Organizational Meeting will take place in the evening of either January 3rd or 4th. The motion passed 6:0 with the friendly amendment. D. Appointments to the Financial Forecasting Subcommittee (BevCam 1:54:11) Ms.Abell stated that she, the Chair, would like to appoint Dr. McKenzie to serve on the Financial Forecasting Subcommittee. Ms.Abell stated that she had filled that seat when they had an absence on the committee. The appointed members are, Ms. Visnick, Dr. McKenzie, and Citizen Representative, Lindsey Ducharme, City Councilor, Scott Houseman chairs this committee with Ms. Sherburne and Dr. Charochak participating as well. Ms. Visnick noted that last year the city council and committee members talked about starting the process earlier and being done earlier, however she is not sure that will be accomplished this year. Ms.Abell commented that she believed this will be discussed at one of their next City Council meetings. E. Citizen Representative Primer Updates and Call for Applications for 2022-23 (BevCam 1:56:07) Ms.Abell stated that the Citizen Representative Primer has been updated on the School Committee page. She reported that back in December 2019, pre-COVID, the body had updated Policies BIDE and BDEA, which changed the composition of the standing committees, putting back some of the choices they had prior. The Citizen Representative Primer gives community members an understanding of what work is done by the subcommittees and how to apply. Ms.Abell noted that the policy does allow for the current citizen representatives to remain on the committee, if they wish. She asked that interested parties please submit their applications to Ms. Bergeron in the Superintendent's Office and if there are questions to please reach out to their ward member. F. Upcoming Meetings & Dates (BevCam 1:57:57) Ms.Abell reported that the Negotiations Subcommittee is scheduled to meet on 11/15/21 with Dr. Charochak to begin contract negotiations. Finance and Facilities and Committee of the Whole members will be meeting on November 17, 2021. Ms.Abell requested if any members had items to add to the agenda to please submit them to her no later than tomorrow. Superintendent Reports A. Superintendent Updates (BevCam 1:59:01) Vaccination Rates by Grade Level Dr. Charochak provided a summary of the mass.gov vaccination rate updates, which included grade 7 and 8 aged students, city wide, that have had either one (1) dose or are fully vaccinated and the percentages. She did note that some rates are creeping up but some are still stagnant. Also included was the vaccination rate information received from the MIIS and SNAP. This is reflective of students in our schools. Dr. Charochak reported that the numbers have increased since the last meeting and they would post this information on our website. Dr. Charochak shared the current COVID District Dashboard, updated every Tuesday and Friday, that provides information of active and cumulative cases. Currently there are five total cases. The Beverly Health Department provides information on the seven (7) day data for the average daily incidence rate. The average, current daily rate, 10/31 - 11/6 is 19.82 and this is for all residents of Beverly. Dr. Charochak brought forward the testing data that shows how they are utilizing these strategies. Some of the data included the number of test and stay since the program started - 255, of those, the number of in person school days saved through the test and stay protocol -247 and the number of positive cases identified the the test- 7, and it was also broken down by month. Vaccine Clinic Offerings Dr. Charochak reported that they will be offering a mobile vaccination clinic. She stated that it is truly voluntary, that parents consent is required, and while the form may be completed on the website, parents of children ages 5 to 11 are required to be present with their child.A clinic has been organized for November and noted that the pediatric vaccine requires two doses. The first clinic is scheduled for November 19th, in the Beverly Middle School gymnasium from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. with a capacity to administer up to 500-600 vaccines. The second dose will be administered on December 10th. The VaxinateRX, second clinic is scheduled for November 26th first dose, December 17th for the second dose. Dr. Charochak stated if anyone has any questions to please reach out at Covidauestions()beverlvschools.ora. Ms.Abell asked for clarification that the clinic's main focus is on children ages 5-11, who will receive the 1/3 dose, and there is no option for students over 12. Jodi Elder stated yes, they could certainly provide a vaccine for students over 12, but that the priority is for students age 5-11. Ms. Visnick stated in regards to the Dashboard showing that we currently have three staff members positive, she asked which of the three levels they may be at and if the district is tracking whether staff have been vaccinated or not could any of those cases be break through cases. Dr. Charochak said that she did not know who the individuals were, but, if a staff member is in a situation to create an opportunity to have close contacts they would notify those families. In terms of what level they are at she said she did not know. Ms. Elder stated that the three staff members cases are at the elementary level this week but that she would prefer not to answer, for HIPPA reasons, if the individuals were vaccinated. Ms. Visnick asked about the numbers relative to the Test and Stay data, noting a discrepancy, and Ms. Elder said that she would go back and check on it. Committee Reports Standina Committee on Finance & Facilities - Lorinda Visnick. Chairperson (BevCam 2:12:18) Ms. Visnick reported that the Finance & Facilities Committee last met on October 27, 2021. They received an update on the second electric school bus, due to arrive in summer of 2022. This is possible through a grant with Highland Electric.Also discussed, with Christina Leal, Food Service Director, was the data on the number of meals being served with the number of lunches in the elementary and middle schools trending up. Ms. Leal spoke to the supply chain issues, on the global level, stating she expects it will last the whole school year. Ms. Leal is using a new refrigerated food truck to pick up and deliver whatever food items need to be distributed to other schools. Ms. Visnick reported they revisited their capability to have share tables in the schools, noting it is not likely to happen during the COVID. Ms. Visnick stated she was bringing forward the following item, Transfer-JE#405 for approval: A motion was made by Ms.Abell to approve Transfer-JE#405. The motion was seconded by Ms. Robinson and approved by a vote of 6:0. Ms. Visnick stated the next Finance & Facilities Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for November 17, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. Curriculum. Instruction & Student Life- John Mullady, Chairperson (BevCam 2:16:12) Mr. Mullady reported at the CISL Committee meeting, held earlier this evening, the Committee received a presentation of the standardized test scores for MCAS. He remarked that one thing that stood out is the signs of evidence of learning loss in ELA and math. This presentation, which was made available through the DESE, will be made available on the district website. Mr. Mullady stated it is important to look at some of the bullet points and also what will be happening moving forward. Mr. Mullady reported that they were also able to revisit, from the October agenda, the Focus on Acceleration, noting one of the goals is developing a sense of belonging. Mr. Mullady stated that the next CISL meeting will be December 8, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. in the BMS Library. Neaotiations Subcommittee - Rachael Abell. Chair (BevCam 2:18:12) Ms.Abell reported that the Negotiating Subcommittee will meet on 11/15 to begin negotiations with the Superintendent and there is a planned negotiations meeting on Monday 11/29 to resume IBB with Unit C that she had forgotten to bring to their attention. Policy Subcommittee- Rachael Abell, Chair (BevCam 2:18:13) Ms.Abell stated the Policy Subcommittee must meet before the year ends to take care of some unfinished business, including getting the website up to date with the work the body has done with regard to the policy manual. Communications (BevCam 2:19:14) Ms. Robinson reported a communication from a constituent that has about 100 four inch binders to donate. She received an email with regards to access to the library for elementary students and possible training from staff at the Beverly Public Library for school volunteers, Ms. Robinson said she will forward the email. Ms. Robinson reported attending the BHS open house, stating it was great to see so many students and staff truly excited to be there. Mr. Mullady reported he heard from a constituent regarding questions about possibly starting a basketball program at the middle school. Ms. Visnick stated she received the same request and commented that she is no longer involved in the BMS program but that there are programs already in our community and the intramural program. Dr. Charochak suggested she forward the email to Ms. Oliver as she and Ms. Oliver have had conversations about it. Ms. Visnick reported attending the BHS PTSO meeting last evening and the parents were asking for better communications, specifically in relation to the software used to put out BHS Newsletter. Ms. Visnick noted that she has made suggestions to the committee that they would be well served with a communications director or a communication plan. She reported concerns around behavioural issues in our schools and stated that Dr. Charochak reported back that the District had hired two (2) BCBA positions. Ms Visnick said she received communications regarding the controversy in a neighboring town and whether we have similar issues in our sports culture. She suggested that they may want to think about going back to a communication plan and to address it prior to receiving inquiries about it. She stated a neighboring town is extending the Thanksgiving break to give the staff another day for mental health reasons, and was asked whether we might be considering that as a District. Ms.Abell reported hearing from a number of constituents as to when there will be a full return to hot lunches. Ms.Abell referred them to the F&F meeting where Ms. Leal, Director of Food Services spoke about the challenges of the supply chain and also the option for picnic tables for outdoor dining. There were many questions as to when Beverly would release MCAS results. Ms.Abell referred to Mr. Mullady's CISL report on the MCAS presentation they received. They also asked that now that they have the information how will they make up for lost ground. Ms.Abell reported a constituent expressed concern that information, for different events at the high school, is not getting communicated in a timely manner. They requested that they put more thought into the ways in which they communicate the calendar dates to the high school parents so that they are receiving the information and not just the students. Ms.Abell agreed with Ms. Robinson that the 8th grade open house was well and attended by the parents and students. Executive Session (BevCam 2:27:51) A motion was made by Ms.Abell to vote to meet in executive session pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws chapter 30A, section 21(a) purposes (7) and (2), and not to return to open session for: Purpose (7): to review and approve the October 27, 2021 COTW Executive Session Minutes Purpose (2): to discuss strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel. The motion was seconded by Ms. Visnick and a roll call vote resulted in the following: Ms. Visnick-Yes Ms. Robinson -Yes Dr. McKenzie-Yes Ms.Abell -Yes Mr. Mullady-Yes Ms. Coelho -Yes The motion passed 6:0 with the open meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kaarin Robinson, Secretary Beverly School Committee Documents Reviewed at the meeting: Minutes for Approval: School Committee Minutes 10-13-2021 2022 Spring School Committee Schedule Transfers-JE#405