PR12012022 City of Beverly, Massachusetts 0 Public Meeting Minutes Board: Beverly Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: December 1, 2022—6:30PM Place: Beverly Depot Restaurant Board Members Present: Mark Casey, Jan Jefgood, Kevin Hobin, Bill Lowd, Nancy Marino, Justin Repp, Robin DiDonato, Henry Pizzo Board Members Absent: Caroline Larson Others Present: Bruce Doig - Parks, Recreation &Community Services Director; Jon Paddol —Assistant Recreation Director; Valentino Eramo— Recreation Facilities Coordinator; Janet Doig —guest, Danielle Paddol —guest, Jaclyn Eramo —guest, Maureen Hobin —guest, Joscelyn Ruelle-Kersker— Mayor Cahill's Chief of Staff Call to Order—6;30PM Minutes: The minutes for the 11/3/22 meeting were approved 8-0 as written, after a motion by Kevin Hobin and a second by Justin Repp. Assistant Director's Report: Jon Paddol, Asst. Recreation Director—Jon reviewed the following in his AD report - The Last Year: 2022 has been a great success. It was our first fully planned and staffed year since my coming back to the Rec in 2020. A few highlights and areas to grow upon: • We successfully and profitably kicked off school vacation programs in both February and April. Registration numbers were slightly below what we expected, but we were able to adjust the program's staffing needs to ensure solvency. • Within our camps, we were able to successfully reinstate overnights at Lynch Park. This was met with a lot of enthusiasm. • We grew our basketball offerings including the expansion of the women's division of the summer league as well as the introduction of the Unified League. I anticipate continued growth in 2023. • We hosted our first used costume sale to much fanfare. It was an original event that generated a good amount of buzz. We took in approximately $500. • We solidified and continued to grow our Cornhole League throughout our second and third seasons (the later of which just wrapped). We have increased the amount of teams into the double digits and have attracted those from surrounding towns as well. • We completed multiple electrical projects to better our facilities with the helping hands from Essex Tech. They reconfigured some of the electrical in our offices and are currently redoing the lights of the shell. Using their labor, overseen by their licensed teaching staff has saved us, possibly $10k in labor costs over the span of both projects. • We worked with Green Beverly to host EarthFest at Lynch and continued our partnership with the Harbor Master on HarborFest. Both of these events saw enormous turnout. Coming in 2023: • I continue to work towards beginning our first, new Art based summer camp out of Camp Paradise, though I do not currently have a Director to staff it. • A brand new Fused Glass class is set to start in February out of Camp Paradise. • I hope to host a used sports equipment fundraising sale in the early fall of 2023. • I plan to work with Essex Tech to renovate and refresh the kitchen at Camp Paradise. • Continue efforts to grow and diversify our summer staff. • I plan to double down on my whining about the state of the Carriage House as well as our need for indoor space. I am working with the Beverly Youth Council to apply pressure on the redesign of the McPherson Center. And CPC applications have begun for Phase 1 of the Carriage House preservation. • 8 Pickleball courts. Upcoming classes and events this month include: • Chess Nights at the Library (12.5) • North Pole Calling (Week of 12.19) • Babysitting Safety Certification Class (12.10) • Beverly Youth Wrestling Program (12.6) Director's Report: Bruce reviewed the following in his Director's Report— RECENT EVENTS: Lynch Park Parking Lot Rebuilt— Lot was paved and striped by 10/21/22. New lot is amazing. Great job by DPS and the contractor. Lynch Park Seawall Repaired — DPS did another great job of filling the huge trenches behind the seawall with concrete and crushed stone from the carriage house all the way out to Woodbury Beach. The plan is to put a concrete walkway along the seawall and fence for accessibility and to prevent water from washing back through the seawall. Walkway will most likely be done in the spring. CPC Round 10 — Pre-applications submitted for 2 projects— Birch Plains &Carriage House structural improvements. Bruce worked with Dan Richards from Gillis Park on a third pre-app. Full apps due by 1/10/23. Dinner @ McPherson Youth Center— 11/23/22—The Youth Collaboration was able to restart this great tradition after about 25 years and provided a full Thanksgiving dinner to many kids and families. Thank you so much to the many board members and volunteers and the food donors for making this amazing event happen again. Todd Rotondo did a great job cooking and keeping everything organized. It was a great afternoon at he Youth Center. UPCOMING EVENTS: North Pole Calling — Bev Rec— 12/19 to 12/21 — Santa is fattening up for the season tonight!! Ho, Ho, Ho!!! CORRESPONDENCE: YMCA— 2nd Road Race will be in April 2023. We need to save more times for weddings, receptions and other carriage house events that generate revenue for Bev Rec. We plan to have fewer external events in May and September to keep the best times available for garden and carriage house events Increases in CH and Garden Fees— Met w/ Suzanne and Jon to discuss pricing for the garden and the carriage house using data from Glen Magna and other local venues. Updated pricing proposal was approved at our last meeting. FY2022 BUDGETS: ARPA funds will also be used to rebuild the McPherson Teen Center by 2024. Design process is beginning. Work to start in summer 2023 and be completed by summer 2024. ISLAND BEAUTIFICATION PROGRAM: Have had a few meetings with Joscelyn, Rani and Phil Klimowicz to restart this program. We have reduced the number of islands on the spreadsheet from about 90 to about 45. We will begin contacting folks about continuing in the program with a $100 annual fee to maintain an island and post signs. Kestrel Education: Lease of Camp Paradise off and storage space— It was confirmed through the Solicitor's office that the Camp Paradise building cannot be leased as office space or storage due to the non-profit financing and the conservation restriction placed on the property when it was purchased from the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNN NNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNN PROJECT PIPELINE: Recreation Department- - Lynch Park Carriage House: o Garage Wall Replacement / Installation of windows ■ NEED TO GET AN ESTIMATE TO MOVE FORWARD! • Submitted a CPC pre-application for $100,000 to start making necessary repairs to preserve the building. • Concerns about resiliency of the carriage house with potential future flooding. • Use private donation funds? o Upgrade Concession Stand —Complete renovation needed to make the concession stand area a more professional facility. There are a lot of deficiencies right now. Making these renovations will open the door for more bids and higher revenue from the concession stand. Use private donation funds? Resiliency study?? 2019-2020 CPA Project: Round 7 Park Project CPA Re uest Comments Gillis Park Restoration of stone stairway leading $22,635 Quote from Murray Masonry for $17,450. from playground area to Pleasant Quote from Roger Tremblay for $9,900 View Beach. Concerns about ADA accessibility to beach? Working with Historic Districts Met with the HDC on 11/17 to discuss the Commission to review scope of materials and scope of work. work and materials. We will meet w/ contractor on site at Gillis at some point before moving ahead with the work. 2020-2021 CPA Project: Round 8 Park Project CPA Request Comments Wentworth Tot Completed installation of new APPROVED Still need to install the new bench and Lot equipment on 6/23/22. $20K repair the fence. -Playground is open for use!! Need to complete reimbursement -Bench will be installed next Monday, paperwork for CPC. 12/5/22. Fence only needs a new gate. 2021-2022 CPA Project: Round 9 Park Project CPA Re uest Comments Replace 3 Replace tennis courts @ Cahill and $250K Looking for additional funding to Tennis Courts Cove Parks. move ahead. CC approved CPC budget. Need to put this work out to bid once we have more design info. Purchase 14 & Purchase 2 vacant lots at 14 &34 $200,000 Closing for the BHA lots was on 6/10/22. 34 Simon Street Simon Street from the Beverly Working with DPS and neighbors to Parcels Housing Authority. make improvements to the sites by next spring. We have a budget of $110,000 to make improvements to both lots. 2022-2023 CPA Project: Round 10—Pre-applications submitted on 10/27/22 Park Project CPA Request Comments Gillis Park Pre-app submitted by Dan Richards $20,000 Worked with Mr. Richards to narrow focus for some new equipment, new table from large project to these few items to and new water fountain. start. Lynch Carriage Historic Preservation work needed to $100,000 Working with DPS to determine a plan. House make north exterior wall structurally The carriage house at Lynch has significant sound and prevent additional water needs. In the last several years our focus damage due to many open areas in has been on arresting the decay of the the walls and windows. building to prevent additional damage. There are areas in the building envelope that require attention in the short term. The goal of the repairs would be to prevent water intrusion and to prevent birds or other animals from nesting in the building. The repairs will be temporary and not architectural in nature. Birch Plains Adding 8 pickleball courts to the Birch $250,000 Funding needed to supplement $200,000 Pickleball Courts Plains facility. Currently in design state earmark to design and construct phase. these courts by end of spring 2023. END OF YEAR SUMMARY - 2022 2022 Proiects: - Lynch Park Viewers - $250,000 donation - Repainted Obear Tennis/Pickleball Courts - Lynch Park parking lot repaved - Lynch Park Seawall repairs - New Picnic Tables - Carriage House Preservation: Working to get estimates for much needed repairs to concession stand and garage north wall. - Playground Equipment Repairs—Still working to keep up with vandalism and broken equipment at several parks (Dix, Obear, Dane, Hannah, Cahill, Lynch, etc.) - Wentworth Tot Lot: $56,000 raised through CPC, Lynch Trustees and private donations. Project cost is $58,500. Bev Rec Park of the Year funds will supplement needed funds (fencing). - Basketball/Tennis Court Renovations: Renovated courts at Obear. Working on grants to repair many more courts in the next year. - Gillis Park Stair Renovation: Funded by CPC. Hoping to complete work in the spring of 2023. - Camp Paradise: Continuing to make improvements to the building and have Eagle Scout projects clear trials and spaces on the property. - LIST OF CURRENT PROJECTS: o Pickleball Courts @ Birch Plains o Tennis Courts @ Cahill &Kimball-Haskell Parks o Signage o Island Beautification o Simon Street Lots o Gillis Park Stairs o Basketball Court Repairs (about 10 more courts) o Holcroft Park— Looking to make improvements in the future o Lynch Splash Pad Repairs o New McPherson Center(Indoor space for Bev Rec- BYC) o New Water Fountains o Carriage House improvements o Park Designations (Solicitor's Office) o ADA Path to Lynch Park viewers o Beverly Common bandstand o Lynch Park Kiosk o Camp Paradise improvements (kitchen, basement, camping areas) o Lynch Park Shell Lighting (Essex Tech High School) o Carriage House garage lighting (Essex Tech High School) 2022 Programs/Events: - Momball — 22"d year—Another$15,000 raised for Beverly schools and local charities. - Field Summit—Annual meeting of all field users to discuss issues - Fundraising Races @ Lynch Park—We host many local charities each year for their event - Carriage House/Garden Functions—Weddings, reunions, parties, collations, etc. Getting back to normal. - Summer Parks &Camps—Another great year of fun for the kids &staff despite restrictions. - Memorial Day Parade,Vietnam Veterans'Day&Veterans' Day Ceremonies— Bev Rec staff helped plan and support both events - Over 20 Concerts/7 Movies— Lots of great entertainment for families during the summer - Beverly Homecoming/Beverly's New Year— Bev Rec major supporter of these great community events. - Halloween Haunted Forest @ Camp Paradise— Planning many improvements for 2022 - North Pole Calling — Santa getting ready for another great year - Enrichment Classes—Another great job by Jon, Jean and Gail to run several classes - Basketball/Cornhole Leagues—Jon's dream of running these leagues came true this summer and fall - Cyclocross Bike Race &Harbor Fest— Hosted these events at Dane Street Beach and Lynch Park again in 2022. Great turnouts for both events. 2022 Accomplishments: - Repairs to Lynch Park/Carriage House/Rec Offices-Worked with students from Essex Tech to improve lighting and electrical service in offices and band shell. Still looking to replace lighting in shell by next year. - Camps/Parks/CITs-Over 120 employed for the summer!! Including 2 federally-funded Fir$t Jobs kids. - MRPA NE Conference Committee- Bruce &Jon continue to contribute to state organization. - Lynch Park Parking Lot Repaved (DPS) - Lynch Park Seawall Repaired (DPS-Concrete walkway to be added in the spring of 2023) - Pickleball Courts- Meetings with Ballers and Mayor Cahill, Open Space Committee &City Council to get the pickleball rolling on creating a larger court inventory where possible. - $250,000 Donation - Received for installing 2 viewers and a plaque in memory of Jean Cunningham. - Wentworth Tot Lot Renovation MESSAGE FROM BRUCE TO THE P&R BOARD AND BEVERLY RECREATION STAFF: Thank you all again for your time,help and support this year, Without the Commission's support, we could not do the things we do for the citizens of Beverly! Thank you very much again to Valentino for his hard work to complete many projects and manage our young staff, His dedication to Bev Rec has helped me and Jon to focus on continuing to improve our facilities and programs We could not do it without Val! Thank you very much to Jon for his hard work to hire and manage our young staff and for being so determined to get programs up and running,being so creative with ideas for new programs and to make sure our kids and families continue to enjoy Lynch Park, Camp Paradise and everything that we have to offer, Jon was born to do this job and we are lucky to have him! Thank you to Joscelyn for her support and for being our ears to the ground when things are happening at City Hall, It is great to know Josc AL WAYS has our back when Bev Rec is being discussed, She is still a valuable member of our Bev Rec family, especially with Stella becoming one of our MVP employees!! Of course, thank you very much to the best office staff anywhere, Gail and Jean, for all of their help and support throughout the year, I could not do any of this without you!!!!! We also ha ve great summer staff members and I appreciate all of their efforts each year to make our department the best around! Commission Reports: Beverly Golf&Tennis (Bill Lowd) - The OPM for the BG&T Clubhouse restoration project (CBRE) submitted an update report dated 11/17/2022 to the BG&T Commission. Bill Lowd gave a copy to the Beverly Parks & Recreation Commission members present and briefly reviewed the proposed designs and costs for the project. Community Preservation Committee (Nancy Marino)- Nancy discussed the current process for the 2022-2023 round of CPC applications. Pre-applications will be reviewed for eligibility and then full applications are due to the CPC by noon on January 10, 2023. Meeting adjourned at7,•Z5PM, Motion by Kevin Hobin and a second by Bill Lowd was approved 8-0. Respectfully submitted, Bruce Doig, Director of Parks, Recreation &Community Services