OSRC minutes_ 12.07 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: None LOCATION: Beverly Public Library; Fogg Room DATE: December 7, 2022 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: David Alden-St. Pierre (Chair), David Brewster(Vice Chair), Gregory Sharp, Marilyn McCrory, Charlie Mann, Todd Callaghan,James Passanisi BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Elizabeth Dunne, Robin DiDonato STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Victoria Healey, Staff Planner OTHERS PRESENT: Kathy Burack RECORDER: Sharlyne Woodbury 1. Call to Order Chair Alden-St. Pierre calls the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. Members of the Public Kathy Burack, 6 Brimbal Hills Drive Burack is present to discuss the agenda item for Norwood Pond connector Bridge. Burack is an abutter to Norwood Pond, which is a sentimental favorite open space for her. She provides some history of the area. About 25 years ago she was part of the group to keep the land intact and prevent further development around the pond. Burack hugely appreciates the committee's work. 3. Updates from other Boards and Commissions a. Community Preservation Committee— Representative Report McCrory provides the updates. CPC received applications. Several related to open space including but not limited to, pickleball courts at Birch Lane, Gills Park stairs and the community garden in Ryal Side. There is one application in question by the solicitor. The project must come under a different purpose. The point of question for that application is, can you add CPC funds to add more recreational land to an area already preserved. If the purpose is for restoration and rehabilitation the funds can be applicable. Other updates include the other land near the new restaurant. The land must be dedicated in perpetuity for recreational use. Mission Boathouse may own that land. Applicants have until January 2023 to submit a full application. December 15, 2022 is the next scheduled meeting. The open space reserves are estimated at about $141K and overall reserves are about $1.4M. Callaghan returns discussion to the land between Harbor Master lot and the restaurant. Healey notes that CPC voted it was eligible. The state announced a match for being a CPA community. McCrory explains how the match is determined by the state. This match is based off of about 30% of what the town generates. McCrory confirms the number varies year to year. Open Space&Recreation Committee December 7,2022 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 b. Planning Board— Representative Report No updates at this time. Members will discuss it at the next meeting. c. Harbor Management Authority Updates— Representative Report Callaghan provides the updates. HMA applied for a separate grant to put up a kiosk which will detail the history of the harbor. The Rowand's property has an active permit to rebuild the docks and pier. The permit is for 3 years and expires 2023. HMA would like to extend the permit if the city purchases the property. Callaghan would like to keep the connectivity from the Sedna Park apartments to under the bridge in sight even if the lot is purchased and made into parking. Callaghan also asks for ideas to find a solution with two properties connecting Water Street to Tuck's Point. The property owners are amendable to granting access, however the properties are not the same height which poses a unique set of issues. d. Parks and Recreation Committee— Representative Report No representative on the committee. e. Conservation Commission— Representative Report No representative on the committee. 4. Sally Milligan Bridge RDA Alden-St. Pierre provides the updates. The Conservation commission voted in support of the advertisement for the bridge. The RDA will be submitted for the bridge. Sidebar: Callaghan suggests that any work done on trails should have some signage and the city seal sanctioning work and trail maintenance. Members do not want the public tearing down legally sanctioned trail work and bridge building. Healey and members discuss the legalities for sign notifications. Alden-St. Pierre to Healey, if the grant is approved, does the bridge need to be ADA compliant? McCrory asks if Sally Milligan under the care and custody of the Conservation Commission. Alden-St. Pierre recalls that Sally Milligan has joint maintenance by both Parks and Rec as well as ConsCom. The main concern is the connection by the soccer field with significant erosion on the hill. The Sally Milligan trail is well used per Callaghan. This is the trail proposed by Nathan Currie, members discuss how the trail organically created itself. Discussion returns to the bridge design concept. A design for the bridge cannot be submitted until ADA compliance is determined. Alden-St. Pierre will create the sign for the committee to place on the bridge, verbiage shall be simple and read "open space project for the city". He has a router to create park signs. Members amend verbiage to "City of Beverly: Open Space Project". Healey notes the grant is not contingent upon ADA compliance, so long as the bridge Open Space&Recreation Committee December 7,2022 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 does not require a slope. An elevated boardwalk is preferable for the bridge design. Healey and Alden-St. Pierre will coordinate on the bridge design. S. Eagle Scout Updates a. Ryan Whiting Alden-St. Pierre provides the updates for Trabulsi and Brouillette. Discusses their trail markings. Alden-St. Pierre provide some guidance. Alden-St. Pierre noted the groups were enthusiastic with the trail markings. Callaghan advocates for more oversight and consistency with the trial markings and prefers a defined protocol with the dots/blazes; distance between markings; maintaining paint spillage, etc. Alden-St. Pierre encouraged the scouts on proper guidance for using paint materials and project organization. The Eagle Scouts should be managing the project, complete with oversight and review. Healey notes it might be worth not approving trail blazing projects going forward. That work might require more skills for the teens to complete. Callaghan inquires where Whiting is at with his project. Alden-St. Pierre does not have updates at this time. He gave Jared Bowers from Trustees, Whiting's information and project proposal forJC Phillips. Sidebar: Members discuss trailer markers removed from their placement. Alden-St. Pierre notes Beverly Commons regularly has its markers removed. 6. Update on Open Space Plan Healey provides the updates. Healey asks members for assistance in tightening up the plan under particular categories requiring more information. Those categories include but are not limited to endangered species, native flora, etc. Scenic resources and unique environment. Unusual geologic features should be listed in this category. Brewster confirms piping plover at West Beach and that feather foil are protected species in Norwood Pond. Callaghan and McCrory recommend the BIOMAP resource to follow up with, produced by the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife and the Massachusetts Chapter of the Nature Conservancy. Members and Healey discuss who in the city can further assist with completing out categories and lists in the Open Space Plan. McCrory suggests coordinating with ConsCom. Members discuss Ch 61, does the state have a list of all the APRs in the city. Healey appreciates the help, edits and changes are due as soon as possible. 7. Encroachments Policy Members want a defined policy and procedure. Members would like levels identified in a policy, specifically the ones that need immediate attention like health and safety. Members suggest levels to the policy, between one and two. Callaghan would like the levels defined and the action steps associated with each level. GIS maps should be included with encroachment submissions. The committee would like Darlene Wynne to include edits in the policy. Healey suggests one office take ownership of the policy. McCrory asks what the solicitor's office willing to do. Members concur the participation of the solicitor's office and policy enforcement by the Open Space&Recreation Committee December 7,2022 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 solicitor's office is important. Members need the solicitor's office to agree they will act within a time frame to enforce the policy. Healey and the members discuss city staffing needs and resources available. a. Encroachment on public land open spaces: List of properties i. 43 Wood Lane (Parcel 72-22E) Healey sent a registered letter to the address. Healey confirmed the "no trespassing" signs are down and the boat is moved. The letter was approved by the city solicitor's office. ii. 21 Jewett Street/0 Bonad Road (Parcels 32-100 and 32-101) iii. 28R Woodland Ave (parcel 19-43) iv. 24 Marion Ave (parcel 4-15) v. Red Rock Lane (dumping debris and yard waste at Norwood Pont Trails parcel 81-191) vi. 16 Elnew Ave (parcel 81-234) vii. 24 Berrywood Lane (parcel 81-186) viii. 52-44 Dunham Road (parcel 69-2) ix. 35 Standley Street (parcel 46-19) 8. Other Business a. Endicott College Easement No updates at this time. b. Norwood Pond Connector Bridge Alden-St. Pierre and Mann provide updates. Healey asks if there was any consultation with Greenbelt, Mann answers affirmatively and informs the committee there are no conflicts with the CR to do the work. This boardwalk is 75' or less with no guardrails. Volunteer labor will cut costs. Healey notes if the project estimate is greater than $10K requires the project to go out to bid. Volunteer labor would only require reimbursement for materials. Mann said the available funds are $50K. Alden-St. Pierre and members discuss if it worthwhile to bid the project. The committee will reach out to the ward councilor(Kathleen Feldman, Ward 5) and ask for volunteers to construct the bridge. Alden-St. Pierre asks who owns the liability if volunteers build the project. Mann confirms there are city waivers for volunteers to sign. Healey would like to schedule a special meeting for the Norwood Pond bridge. Sidebar: Mann met with the hunter who had access to Norwood Pond. They discussed open hunting in a wildlife preserve, who is hunting on the property, bait used and bait placement. The hunter assured Mann he has proper licenses and permission from the Game Warden and local police department. Callaghan asks Healey if the chief of police can verify hunting rights. Per Healey, Wynne stated that the city does not grant blanket permission at all to hunt. The emergency line for MA environmental police: 800-632-8075. Open Space&Recreation Committee December 7,2022 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 Kathy Burack recounted an instance with a hunter on the Cummings Property adjacent to the pond. The police department response was lackluster and disappointing. Burack supports strong inquiries into illegal hunting. Burack feels the hunting is too close to abutter homes. Callaghan calls out the contradictory information between the Beverly police department and the city solicitor who said there is no hunting. Miller, the state permits hunting unless the city bylaws state otherwise. Sidebar: Callaghan was contacted by Manchester Essex Conservation Trust and informed there will be a new trail steward off Crooked Lane. c. NSMT trail easement Alden-St. Pierre provides the updates. NSMT may want to develop the area. The hold is temporary until development plans by NSMT is determined. d. MassTrails Conference No updates at this time. e. Map Updates No updates at this time. 9. Approval of Meeting Minutes a. May 4, 2022 b. June 1, 2022 c. July 6, 2022 Members will review sets of minutes at the next meeting. 10. Adjourn Motion: Alden-St. Pierre moves to adjourn. Callaghan seconds. The motion carries 8-0. Meeting adjourned 9:08 p.m. Next Meeting:January 4, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.