20220606 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes City of Beverly Regular City Council Meeting Public Meeting Minutes Monday,June 6, 2022,7:OOpm City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot St. Julie Flowers, City Council President, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm, City Clerk, Lisa Kent,took attendance by roll call. Members Present: Hannah Bowen, Steven Crowley, Kathleen Feldman, Scott Houseman, Estelle Rand, Todd Rotondo, Matthew St. Hilaire, Brendan Sweeney, Julie Flowers Members Absent: None Rotondo led the pledge of allegiance. Comments by Citizens Claire Cabot, 103 Hart Street, spoke in support of forming a group to look into adding metal detectors to schools. Susannah Ketchum Glass, 8 Chubbs Brook Lane, spoke in support of the North Shore Birth Center. James Thompson, 845 Hale Street, read a land acknowledgement statement. Public Hearings Order 9154-7:15 PM-National Grid-Plan#30528185-Dodge Street Sibhita Mahabier, representative from National Grid, stated that this is to provide service to one of the buildings at 107 Dodge Street. The hearing was closed, and the item was referred to Committee on Public Services. Acceptance of Minutes Committee on Legal Affairs-May 12, 2022 Special City Council Meeting-May 16, 2022 Regular City Council Meeting-May 16, 2022 Special City Council Meeting-May 23, 2022 Special City Council Meeting-May 26, 2022 A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Communications from His Honor the Mayor Order#157-Grant-$64,695 from the Mass DOT—Aeronautics for Beverly Airport. This requires a match of$3,405 from the Airport Enterprise Fund. Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#158-End of FY22 realigning some funding within our operating budget to properly account for costs through June 30th. Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Public Hearines (Continued) Order#129-7:20 PM-Proposed Ordinance Amendment Salaries of the Mayor, City Council and School Committee Rotondo stated this was proposed by the Collins Center two years ago, but it was at the beginning of the pandemic and there was financial uncertainty. Perry stated that it has been 27 years since the City Council saw any cost of living adjustments or increases in their salary. This would not go into effect until January 1, 2024. All these positions are below the median for surrounding communities. The City Council has a responsibility to protect these institutions. Perry recommended looking at it institutionally, not as the individuals who currently hold the positions. Richard Tabbut, 57 Sonning Road, expressed his support for the recommendations. Lorinda Visnick, 39 Middlebury Lane, stated she does not believe elected officials serve to make money and gave suggestions on other things this money could be used for. Bowen stated that she watched the hearing from the last time this was brought forward and the consensus seemed that it was time to do it but not the right time to do it. Bowen stated that what makes her support this overall is that even though no one serves for the money,there are people not serving because of money, because they can't afford childcare or can't afford not to have a second job. This would make it a little easier for them to be able to serve. Feldman agreed with what Councilor Bowen said. Feldman stated she is happy to support it if this makes a difference in encouraging people to run and attracting talent. 27 years is just too long to not make an adjustment for the work that is done. St. Hilaire stated he believes elected officials are paid fairly and appropriately and it seems like it is in line with other communities. A lot of elected officials are not paid. This is a statement of values. St. Hilaire stated that he would challenge the notion that compensation is purely monetary. St. Hilaire stated that, for him, a couple thousand dollars more would not make the difference whether to run or not but that may not be the case for everybody. The motion to recess the public hearing on Order#129 to 7:41pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Order 4138-7:40 PM-Transfer of$208,760 from the Water Enterprise Fund to cover Project costs associated with Standley Street water main work The public hearing was opened. The motion to recess the public hearing on Order#138 to 7:45pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Order#129-7:20 PM-Proposed Ordinance Amendment Salaries of the Mayor, City Council and School Committee Houseman stated he took the point that Councilors Bowen and Feldman made, which is that this should be considered from an institutional point of view. There is an appropriate time for raises to be made, and there may be certain people who are precluded from running because this is a time-intensive job. Houseman stated he thought the proposal for the mayor's salary here is too low and should be closer to $160,000. When thinking about a chief executive officer who manages an entity with a budget of$170,000,000 with a 24/7 job, if the city wants to attract the Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—June 6,2022 page 2 of 12 best people, even what is being proposed would not accomplish that end. Houseman stated that there should be greater parity between the School Committee members and City Councilors. The hearing was paused. Order#138-7:40 PM(7:45 PM)-Transfer of$208,760 from the Water Enterprise Fund to cover Project costs associated with Standley Street water main work The motion to recess the public hearing on Order#138 to 7:50pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Order#129-7:20 PM-Proposed Ordinance Amendment Salaries of the Mayor, City Council and School Committee Rand stated she believes the School Committee should be compensated similarly to the City Council. Rand stated that her understanding was that the School Committee had to make a certain percentage of what the City Council makes. Perry stated that currently under ordinance the School Committee members are paid half of what the Council makes. The Council would have the ability to change that by amending the ordinance. Rand stated she is more interested in doing that and not in raising Councilor or Mayor salaries. Sweeney stated that he believes the specific provision about the budget analyst review is the most important in order to codify a regular review of these salaries. The hearing was paused. Order#138-7:40 PM(7:50 PM)-Transfer of$208,760 from the Water Enterprise Fund to cover Project costs associated with Standley Street water main work The motion to recess the public hearing on Order#138 to 7:55pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Order 4129-7:20 PM-Proposed Ordinance Amendment Salaries of the Mayor, City Council and School Committee St. Hilaire stated that comparisons to towns is not really equal because a mayor is a different type of role than a town manager. Flowers stated this would require more than one reading, so the Council cannot vote on final passage tonight. The hearing was closed, and the item was referred back to Committee on Legal Affairs Communications from His Honor the Mayor (Continued) Order#159-Donation for$3,000 from Bill Skillman of Velico Medical, Inc. to purchase a defibrillator for the Beverly Fire Department Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#160-Donation of$50,000 as a mitigation payment from Cummings Properties LLC to maintain and improve the Norwood Pond recreation area Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—June 6,2022 page 3 of 12 Public Hearings (Continued) Order#138-7:40 PM(7:55 PM)-Transfer of$208,760 from the Water Enterprise Fund to cover Project costs associated with Standley Street water main work Finance Director Bryant Ayles stated that back in 2015 the then City Council approved a loan order for$800,000 to do some water work in the Standley Street area. There were some delays, so most of the work has taken place in the past two plus years. At this point, the city has spent $355,000. Because only that much has been spent, the choice was made not to borrow for the amount. Over time, cash from the water fund has been paid into this fund to keep that deficit balance down. That phase of the project has been closed, and this amount remains in an outstanding balance that we are looking to transfer to close out this part of the project. The full scope of the project could not be completed, so it is anticipated that at some time it will come back before the Council to authorize the next phase of the project, which would be getting the water main either under or over 128, which is a significantly larger project in scope. Order#065-8:00 PM-National Grid/New England Power Company Petition for Transmission Line Franchise (Continued from 3/1/22, 4/4/22, 4/19/22, 5/16/22 and 5/23/22 meetings) The motion to recess the public hearing on Order#065 to 8:15pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#138-7:40 PM(7:55 PM)-Transfer of$208,760 from the Water Enterprise Fund to cover Project costs associated with Standley Street water main work Perry spoke in support of this. State regulations indicate that if there is a deficit on the books, they will reduce the fund balance each year. Perry expressed concern about the fund balance. Retained earnings over the last four years have been decreasing, so next year the administration or Council may have to consider a higher water rate, cut the budget, or have a general fund subsidy into the account to protect it. Perry recommended approval with the understanding that this will need to be monitored. There was some discussion about the possible need to raise rates next year. St. Hilaire stated if this is approved, it sounds like rates will have to be raised next year. St. Hilaire asked what happens if this is not approved. Perry stated if this is not approved it will reduce the fund balance even more next year and make it worse. By getting it off the books this year, it will improve the balance for next year. Perry strongly recommended the Council do this before the end of the fiscal year. Bowen agreed it would be wise to handle it this year. Bowen stated she would like to have a conversation at another point to talk about capital planning for this enterprise fund. An infrastructure project caused this specific deficit which is a little different from regular flow of funds. Ayles stated this deficit was because the city got a loan authorization. Ayles advised not taking the loan and paying cash for it. It is not worth spending $100,000 to borrow$300,000. The public hearing was closed, and the item was referred back to the Committee on Finance and Property. Order#065-8:00 PM(8:15 PM)-National Grid/New England Power Company Petition for Transmission Line Franchise (Continued from 3-1-22, 4-4-22, 4-19, 5-16 and 5-23 meetings) Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—June 6,2022 page 4 of 12 Houseman stated he had submitted proposals to Mr. Miyares for changes to Condition 24 and Condition 25. Houseman stated the first change in Condition 24 came from a conversation with the city arborist and would tweak the caliper size of the trees if there were replacements. The second was in Condition 25 which had to do with National Grid making a contribution to the city budget for tree planting as a payment for carbon offset. Mark Rielly, attorney for National Grid, stated this does not really belong as a condition here. National Grid does have a group that deals with these types of contributions. It is not a project impact or mitigation type request and should be dealt with separately. Houseman asked if National Grid would be open to such a contribution if it was not a condition. Rielly stated he could not speak to that because he cannot make the decision for that branch of National Grid but they do make donations. Houseman stated that he had asked for that request to be made because he does not know who at National Grid to contact. Houseman moved on to the rodent control plan. Miyares stated it was added in Condition 8 that requirements could be modified or amended and that it requires each of these plans be approved by the appropriate city official. Houseman stated that in terms of Condition 30, which deals with handling claims, what is on the website is quite short. There is a very barebones statement, no standards or procedures, and it does not refer to mediation. Miyares stated that something was also received from National Grid that outlines procedures that were used in Salem. There is a conundrum here because the damages, if any, that are caused by this project will be incurred by a contractor. Miyares stated the conditions could specify as much as the Council would like that this is the responsibility of National Grid and the contractor to get right. Miyares stated he was not sure the Council would want to get into writing that procedure themselves. Houseman stated that before a vote he would like to see in writing what roads will be included in repaving. Miyares said that statement is not in the conditions. This was drafted on the assumption that the MOA would be in place, and the MOA provides an amount of money that will be given and what will be fixed. Miyares recommended not contradicting the MOA by adding something to the conditions when the ink is not even dry on the MOA yet. Houseman stated the MOA has a list of streets in Exhibit B and he wants three streets to be added to that list, which won't really change anything materially because it was essentially a scrivener's error. St. Hilaire stated the conundrum here seems to be the balance between being so prescriptive and having a grant of location accepted or denied. Miyares stated if the Council denies the grant of location then they lose the ability to set the parameters of the conditions. One way or another,National Grid could go to the siting board and the siting board would impose its own conditions,then Beverly Council's denial would be of no legal force. Miyares advised not to issue a denial. As far as how far to go with conditions, conditions that are effectively a denial or outside the City Council's jurisdiction should be avoided. Feldman asked regarding the claims process if there is data from previous projects on the amount Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—June 6,2022 page 5 of 12 of claims filed and claims approved. In terms of looking at the protection of constituents, it would be more informative about that process to have some numbers, not necessarily the details of each claim. Rielly stated claims data for the project in Salem could be provided. Sweeney asked if there was pushback from National Grid on any of the drafted conditions. Miyares stated his understanding is that there are a number of conditions Attorney Rielly would like to express concern about. Sweeney asked where things stand on the revision to the MOA about the amount National Grid is to reimburse the city for repaving. Jesse Dole, Assistant City Solicitor, stated amending that dollar amount has been in discussions. The city would receive payment from National Grid and pave instead of having National Grid do the repaving. Bowen asked about the feasibility of requiring a bond for potential damages during the project. Miyares stated the discussion the last time suggested that NEP was a substantial business and need not post bond. The pushback was that any damage caused would not being caused by NEP at all but its contractor. Miyares stated there may be a conversation that needs to take place between now and next time and suggested sticking a pin in it for the moment. Bowen asked if language could be added that requires the cost of roadwork and the cost of the contractor to be renegotiated. Mayor Michael Cahill stated there is an agreement on numbers, but National.Grid does not want to make amendments to the MOA; they want to see those things as conditions instead. Rielly stated there is probably agreement in principle on the numbers but it is more of a process issue.National Grid wants a final global agreement to the conditions. Condition 13 was a little ambiguous. There were conditions in here that address issues of repavement. Rielly stated he does not have a problem with amending the MOA, but that he wants to do it all at once or somewhat simultaneously. Miyares stated his preference would be to keep the two documents separate. The mayor negotiates the MOA and the Council decides the conditions on the grant of location. Bowen noted other pieces such as taking another look at Condition 12 to make sure it covers the route and in Condition 19 requiring things of the consultant such as certain reports out. Bowen also mentioned boosting the communication plan for those who do not have access online and the value of storm water and dust management. St. Hilaire asked about the things that National Grid opposes. Rielly addressed National Grid's concerns. In the introductory paragraphs,there is a requirement that as-builts be submitted within 60 days. Rielly asked for more time and stated that 90 days is more customary. Condition 4 says that any city official can issue an order that National Grid would have to comply with. Rielly stated he does not foresee that being a problem, but made a statement that National Grid would not waive their rights to challenge that if it feels unreasonable or beyond the authority. Rielly stated, in regards to Condition 7 with the mandatory 30-inch depth and delta configuration, in the MOA National Grid committed to making every commercially reasonable effort to hit that depth. There are one or two places that it may go Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—June 6,2022 page 6 of 12 above that, and in those areas it would be plated. Rielly stated the rigidity of the condition is troublesome because National Grid does not know where all the city's infrastructure is. Rielly asked for some flexibility. In Condition 9, the language is rigid and does not allow for flexibility that would be needed during construction to address conditions as they arose. Commissioner Collins will know if construction runs into any issues. Rielly spoke about Condition 12. Previously the city referred National Grid to an EMF measurement protocol that Eversource had agreed to, and National Grid responded that that is agreeable. Rielly stated he did not know if this is just referencing that or if it is something different and would like some clarity around that. Condition 15, about lay down areas, would even eliminate the use of National Grid's own property on River Street. Reilly stated he did not know if that was the intent. The contractor has the obligation to manage all of that. If the desire is to not have any staging or lay down in the City of Beverly then National Grid would have to communicate that to the contractor and it could potentially lead to more traffic. Miyares stated that at the last discussion, it was understood that there was going to be a lay down area in the city and there was a conversation about if it was necessary to put any conditions on that. Then we were told a lay down area would not be used within the City of Beverly, so that was put in. Those properties would need to be identified if they will be in Beverly and the condition would need to be written differently. Rielly continued to Condition 18 regarding utility service connections and stated that would be coordinated but the idea of a month and a half advanced notice is not workable. It would lead to massive delays. Regarding pedestrian access, there are times it would have to be blocked temporarily for public safety when equipment is moving. In Condition 23, compensation of business owners,just a flat mandate if they show business has dipped cannot be agreed to because it could be due to any number of issues and not due to the project. There would have to be a process. Rielly stated he would like to see language about the tree conditions.National Grid would object to some sort of health survey of every single shade tree on the three and a half miles but is more than happy to replace and talk about it as it comes up if trees are being damaged. To do a full assessment is an unnecessary cost. Some language modification there would be warranted. Dole stated that in Condition 17,which requires a pre-construction video recording, Commissioner Collins requested a post-construction activity survey as well. Cahill asked that this not be voted until there is a signed amended MOA. Cahill asked that Condition 1 be amended to insert the name of the plan unless National Grid is able to and ready to share anything updated that allows time to look through it. Cahill spoke about the requirement to use delta configuration the whole length of the route and at least 30 inches underground, except where not viable approaching manholes, and stated that delta configuration is best practice. Condition 9 is critical. Cahill stated he had a few thoughts on an amendment to Condition 9 that he could share with the clerk that the Councilors could take a look at if they feel it is helpful. Miyares stated that Mr. Rielly has offered to communicate directly between now and June 27th. Up until now, all communication has been on the record in writing so there are no questions. Miyares stated that procedurally,the Council would have to direct him if that is what they wanted. Flowers suggested continuing the current practice. Beverly City Council Alleeting Minutes—June 6,2022 page 7 of 12 Rand motioned to continue the practice between Mr. Miyares and Mr. Rielly in writing. The motion was seconded. Houseman stated he understands the intent but it could be more efficient for the Council,the administration and National Grid to get to where everyone more or less,agrees. Houseman stated he feels if this would facilitate an efficient form of communication then the Council can rely upon and trust Attorney Miyares to not concede. Flowers stated she would err on the side of transparency. Feldman agreed with Houseman and stated that she is fine with it as long as what the Council is considering or will be voting on is made transparent to the public. Feldman stated she feels like it will slow things up to have this back and forth and she would trust Miyares. Rand withdrew the motion. Houseman motioned to authorize Attorney Miyares to speak directly to City Solicitor Stephanie Williams and/or Attorney Mark Rielly. The motion was seconded. St. Hilaire stated he would want to make sure the parameters of the discussion are clear. Houseman stated the conditions and the MOA would be the subject matter. Bowen stated she is uncomfortable with a change at this point. The confusion over this seems like a reason not to change the process. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-2, Bowen and Flowers opposed). A motion to recess the public hearing on Order#065 to 8:1 Opm on June 27 was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). A motion for a five minute recess was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). The meeting recessed at 9:45pm The meeting was called back to order at 9:50pm. The motion to take the agenda out of order and break for committee was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). The meeting recessed for committee work. The meeting was called back to order at 10:07pm Flowers motioned to use Rule 22. The motion was seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Communications from His Honor the Mayor(Continued) Order#161-Reappointment-Mr. Robert Buchsbaum and Mr. William Squibb to serve on the Conservation Commission Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#162-Reappointment-Ms. Cynthia Montalbano and Ms. Susan Feeney to serve on the Council on Aging Referred to Committee on Public Services. Order#163-Appointment-D. Scott Dullea, Esq to serve on the Beverly Licensing Board Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Beverly City Council hlleeting Minutes—June 6,2022 page 8 of 12 Order#164-Appointment-Mr. David Lang, to serve on the Board of Registrar of Voters Referred to Committee on Public Services. Order#165-Reappointment-Ms.Nancy Marino to serve as the Parks and Recreation Commission Representative on the Community Preservation Committee Referred to Committee on Public Services. Order#166-Request to waive the Residency Requirement for John Leahy Jr. - a recent appointee of the Beverly Historic District A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#-167-Appointment-Ms. Victoria Healy as Associate Planner to serve as the Planning Department representative on the Design Review Board Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#168-Appointment-Mr. Ahmed Fred Kenawy to serve as Constable in the City of Beverly Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#169-Transfer of$155,700 from the city's free cash balance to cover various fund balance deficits A motion to set the public hearing for June 27 at 7:35pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#170-Transfer $2,000,000 from the city's free cash balance to begin work associated with the renovation of the main library heating and cooling systems A motion to set the public hearing for June 27 at 7:55pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#171-Transfer of$1,250,000 from the city's free cash balance to be placed into a capital project fund for the Central Fire Station A motion to set the public hearing for June 27 at 8:00pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#172-Transfer of$50,000 from the city's free cash balance to perform an array of work seeking to evaluate, plan and document various aspects of our cemeteries A motion to set the public hearing for June 27 at 8:05pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Communications from other City Officers and Boards Order#173-President Flowers-Reappointment-Ms. Heather Richter, 9 Riverview Street to serve as a City Council At-Large Representative on the Community Preservation Committee (CPC). A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Order#174-Planning Director Darleen Wynne-A Notice of Designation of Suzanne LaMont to the Historic District Commission as Representative to the Community Preservation Committee. Ms. LaMont will complete the end of Wendy Pearl's 3- year term on the Community Preservation Committee A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion Beverly City Council Nteeting Minutes—June 6,2022 page 9 of 12 carried (9-0). Order#175-President Flowers and Councilor Rotondo-Public Statement of support for the North Shore Birth Center A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Order#176-City Clerk-Renewal Application for Pharo's Energy d/b/a Super Petroleum for a 2022 Petroleum Storage Registration A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Order#177-City Clerk-Application for Brito Corporation d/b/a Auto-Dyne at 8-10 Railroad Ave for a name change on a recently approved Second Hand Motor Vehicle Class 2 Dealers License A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Order#178-City Clerk-Application for a Temporary(21 days) Hawkers and Peddlers License for Edecio Benetati, 501 Manor Road#5510 to sell flowers A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Communications,Application and Petitions Order#179-Department of Environmental Protection Waterways Regulation Program-Notice of Application pursuant to MGL Chapter 91-Permit Number W20-5897 A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Bowen asked if this could be forwarded to Mr. Miyares to ask for his review. Order#180-Glovsky & Glovsky-Request for Extension/Modification of Briscoe Special Permit Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Unfinished Business from a Previous Meeting Order #075-The Charter Review Committee Final Report Perry recommended waiting until September to vote on this and stated he is working on another contract with the Collins Center. Perry recommended dissolving the Charter Review Committee at the June 27 Council meeting. Order#130-A request to review the Class II Motor Vehicle License of Alba Auto, 449 Cabot Street Flowers stated this would be picked up at the June 27 meeting. Motions and Orders Order# 056-Councilor Rotondo-Proposed Ordinance Amendment Regarding Bicycle Lanes to Be Created A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order# 128-Councilor Rotondo-Proposed Ordinance Amendment Regarding City Clerk, Beverly City Council Meeting Allinutes—June 6,2022 page 10 of 12 Assistant City Clerk and Clerk of Committees Salaries A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#141- Planning Director, Darlene Wynne-Proposed Ordinance Amendments regarding Possession or consumption of alcohol on public ways, public places or on private property and Sandwich board signs A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order 9147-Sergeant Henebury-City Ordinance section 270-49-Amendment to Include Handicapped Parking Space at 11 Lothrop Street (First reading) Kent read the order. Reports from Committees Finance & Property Order#138-Transfer of$208,760 from the Water Enterprise Fund to cover Project costs associated with Standley Street water main work A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Order#156-Mayor's FY2023 Budget A motion to set the public hearing for June 21 at 7:00pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#157-Grant-$64,695 from the Mass DOT—Aeronautics for Beverly Airport. This requires a match of$3,405 from the Airport Enterprise Fund. A motion to set the public hearing for June 27 at 7:15pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Order#158-End of FY22 realigning some funding within our operating budget to properly account for costs through June 30th. A motion to set the public hearing for June 27 at 7:25pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Order#159-Donation for $3,000 from Bill Skillman of Velico Medical, Inc. to purchase a defibrillator for the Beverly Fire Department. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0) Order#160-Donation of$50,000 as a mitigation payment from Cummings Properties LLC to maintain and improve the Norwood Pond recreation area. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0) Public Services Order#144-Appointment-Ms. Caroline Larson, 35 Wentworth Drive, to Parks and Recreation Commission A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0) Order#142-Reappointment-Mr. Kevin Kelly, Sr., 22 Federal Street, to Beverly Housing Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—June 6,2022 page 11 of 12 Authority A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0) Order#143-Appointment-Ms. Bonnie Dean, 10 Woodbury Street,to Beverly Waste Reduction Committee A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0) Order#143-Appointment-Ms. Bonnie Dean, 10 Woodbury Street, to Beverly Waste Reduction Committee A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0) Order 4146-Reappointment-Ms. Pam Gougian, 26 Baker Avenue, to Design Review Board A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0) Order 9154-7:15 PM-National Grid-Plan#30528185-Dodge Street A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0) A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). The meeting adjourned at 10:43pm. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—June 6,2022 page 12 of 12 Scott D. Houseman-Chair Julie R. Flowers Matthew J. St. Hilaire FINANCE AND PROPERTY/CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MINUTES Monday, June 6, 2022, 7:OOPM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting City Council Chambers, 3,d Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St. Houseman called the meeting to order at 9:53pm. All members present. Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee #024 1/18/2022 Councilor Houseman-Letter regarding the Financial Forecast Hold Committee #024A 4/4/2022 Councilor Houseman-Financial Forecast Committee Hold Councilor Bowen and Councilor Houseman-Rodent infestation #058 2/22/2022 Hold in downtown and other neighborhoods #060 2/22/2022 Councilor Houseman-A letter to meet with Finance & Property Hold for discussion on the budget #062 2/22/2022 Councilor Houseman-National Grid Cable Transmission Hold Project #064 2/22/2022 Councilor Houseman-Rodent Control Hold Mayor-A Transfer of$208,760 from the water Enterprise Fund #138 5/2/2022 to cover project costs associated with the Standley Street water Approve (3-0) main work Public hearing #156 5/26/2022 Mayor's FY23 Budget set for 6/21/22 at 7:00 m 3-0 Grant-$64,695 from the Mass DOT—Aeronautics for Beverly Public hearing #157 6/6/2022 Airport. This requires a match of$3,405 from the Airport set for 6/27/22 at Enterprise Fund 7:15 m 3-0 End of FY22 realigning some funding within our operating Public hearing #158 6/6/2022 set for 6/27/22 at budget to properly account for costs through June 30th 7:25 m 3-0 #159 6/6/2022 Donation for$3,000 from Bill Skillman of Velico Medical, Approve (3-0) Inc. to purchase a defibrillator for the Beverly Fire Department Donation of$50,000 as a mitigation payment from Cummings #160 6/6/2022 Properties LLC to maintain and improve the Norwood Pond Approve (3-0) recreation area The motion to adj ourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:59pm. Estelle M. Rand-Chair Todd C. Rotondo Brendan S. Sweeney LEGAL AFFAIRS/CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES Monday, June 6, 2022, 7:OOPM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St. Order Date to Number Committee Description Action Taken #129 6/6/2022 Proposed Ordinance change regarding salaries of the Approve 3-0 Mayor, City Council and School Committee Rand called the meeting to order at 9:53PM. Also present were Rotondo, Sweeney and Budget Analyst Gerry Perry. Rotondo explained his proposal for the ordinance change as overdue and needed for the future. Rotondo noted that the school committee salaries should go up but also thinks the council salaries should go up as well and not be the equal with the school committee. Perry wanted to let the committee know that the public hearing was not legally necessary but Councilor Rotondo thought it best for transparency for the public. Sweeney is in favor of this proposal and agreed that the budget analyst be the one who provides the reports and recommendation so that it be less political as Councilor Rotondo stated as well. Rotondo motioned to adjourn. Sweeney seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:57PM. Kathleen M. Feldman-Chair Hannah L. Bowen Steven M. Crowley PUBLIC SERVICES /CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MINUTES Monday, June 6, 2022, 7:OOPM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Beverly City Hall; 191 Cabot St. Feldman called the meeting to order. All members present. Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee National Grid,New England Power Company Petition Public hearing #065 2/22/2022 for Transmission Line Franchise continued 6/27/2022 8:10 PM Councilor Rotondo-Consideration of naming the #104 4/4/2022 Harbor Master Building in honor of Harbormaster Hold Daniel McPherson #142 5/16/2022 A Reappointment for Mr. Kevin Kelly Sr., to serve on Approve 3-0 the Beverly Housing Authority. An Appointment for Ms. Bonnie Dean, 10 Woodbury #143 5/16/2022 Street to serve on the Beverly Waste Reduction Approve 3-0 Committee #144 5/16/2022 An Appointment for Ms. Caroline Larson to serve on Approve 3-0 the Beverly Parks and Recreation Commission. A Reappointment for Mr. Paul Trefry and Ms. #145 5/16/2022 Morgan Dyer to serve on the Beverly Cultural Approve 3-0 Council. An Appointment for Ms. Pam Gougian to serve as the #146 5/16/2022 Zoning Board of Appeals representative on the Approve 3-0 Design Review Board. #154 5/16/2022 National Grid Petition for Plan#30528185-Dodge Approve 3-0 Street The motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.