PR110322 0City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Beverly Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: November 3, 2022— 7:OOPM Place: Beverly Public Library Board Members Present: Mark Casey, Jan Jefgood, Kevin Hobin, Bill Lowd, Nancy Marino, Justin Repp, Robin DiDonato Board Members Absent: Henry Pizzo, Caroline Larson Others Present: Bruce Doig - Parks, Recreation &Community Services Director; Jon Paddol —Assistant Recreation Director; Valentino Eramo — Recreation Facilities Coordinator; Tammy Marciano, Sam Gentile and several members of the Pickleball players group Ca//to Order—7;OOPM Minutes: The minutes for the 9/8/22 meeting were approved 7-0 as written, after a motion by Bill Lowd and a second by Nancy Marino. Assistant Director's Report: Jon Paddol, Asst. Recreation Director—Jon reviewed the following in his AD report - The Last Month: We have greatly expanded our use of Camp Paradise over the last year to our advantage. In October, for example, there were only 9 days that the property was not in use. Events there stem from usage by a home schooling group, scout troops as well as Rec leagues and Rec events such as the hugely popular Haunted Forest Halloween Extravaganza which took place this past Friday night and saw somewhere between 500-600 guests. Bruce and I have begun working with Suzanne Lanzikos, our Events Director, about increasing the fees for our Carriage House and wedding offerings in an attempt to better represent the market for spaces such as these. Upcoming: November will bring us the beginning of our quiet season. The big event in November will be our second annual BevRec Toy Drive. Last year, not knowing what to expect, we held the inaugural drive and it resulted in an overwhelming participation that dropped jaws at Beverly Bootstraps. This year, if possible, we hope to have an even bigger turnout for the families of Beverly. This event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, 11.26 from 10am- 1pm. Please help spread the word. There is a list of popular kids toy donations that is on BevRec.com Although we continue offering programming throughout November and December, The Haunted Forest marks our last, large-scale event until February. It is at this point where a lot of my time will begin looking into spring and summer programming (which sounds crazy to say). I have begun the Summer Movie Series planing, scheduling for our Parks and Camps, the long-hoped-for creation of our fifth camp offering, a middle school art camp. We also begin to discuss what Camp registration will look like and how best to approach it. We currently work off of a flawed system that has been deemed the lesser of 5 evils. We are also hoping to get some volunteers from this Board/City Hall/Rotary to lend a couple of hours for our upcoming North Pole Calling program that takes place the week before Christmas. Upcoming classes and events this month include: • 2nd Annual BevRec Toy Drive • Babysitting Certification • CPR, First Aid and CPR Certification • Boot Camp • Youth Wrestling Program • North Pole Calling • Chess Night • Rotator Cuff Lecture Director's Report: Bruce reviewed the following in his Director's Report— RECENT EVENTS: (A very busy Fall) 2°1 Annual CycloCross— 2°1 year @ Dane Street Beach — 9/10/22. Another large crowd. Event went well. 1111 Annual Harbor Fest—9/11/22 — Second year at Lynch Park. Very large crowd Vintage Car Show —9/25/22 — Large group of cars displayed. Fundraiser for the Bev. Police Relief Association 22°1 Annual Momball Tournament @ Harry Ball Field — 9/16 to 9/18 - 18 teams—Very busy. Some issues with trash, recycling, parking and unattended children 1111 Annual Celebrate Life Through Softball Tournament— Harry Ball — 9/30 to 10/2 — 20 teams— Went very well Lynch Park Parking Lot Rebuilt— Lot was removed the week of 9/26/22. Lot was paved and striped by 10/21/22. Lots amazing. Great job by DPS and the contractor. Lynch Park Seawall Repaired — DPS did another great job of filling the huge trenches behind the seawall with concrete and crushed stone from the carriage house all the way out to Woodbury Beach. The plan is to put a concrete walkway along the seawall and fence for accessibility and to prevent water from washing back through the seawall. Walkway will most likely be done in the spring. Fall Frolic — Beverly Elementary Schools — 10/2/22 @ Lynch Park— Smaller than in past years but still a successful BPS fundraiser. Mtg. w/ Councilor Rand — 10/26/22 - Jon &I met w/ Ward 2 Councilor Rand to discuss Gillis Park& McPherson YC. CPC Round 10 — Pre-applications submitted for 2 projects — Birch Plains &Carriage House structural improvements. Bruce worked with Dan Richards from Gillis Park on a third pre-app. UPCOMING EVENTS: P&R Commission Dinner Meeting — 12/1/22 - Beverly Depot— 6:30 meeting & 7:15 dinner North Pole Calling — Bev Rec— 12/19 to 12/21 — Santa is fattening up for the season!! Ho, Ho, Ho!!! CORRESPONDENCE: YMCA — 2nd Road Race in April — Need to save more times for weddings, receptions and other carriage house events that generate revenue for Bev Rec. Cutting down on other events in May and September to keep dates open. Cummings Community Giving Award —A $2000 donation to the Friends of Beverly Recreation &Youth Services Inc. requested by Judy Lenz from Cummings office. Judy has been very generous in the past as well. Increases in CH and Garden Fees— Met w/ Suzanne and Jon to discuss pricing for the garden and the carriage house using data from Glen Magna and other local venues. After discussion of the proposed price increases for 2023, the commission voted to approve the updated pricing 7-0 after a motion by Kevin Hobin and a second by Justin Repp. PICKLEBALL UPDATES: Courts being built @ Birch Plains: Task Responsible Department Status Funding for Design COB Finance Dept. $200K state earmark received. Applied for $250K CPC grant. Design of the Courts Engineering Department Engineering signed a contract with Brobeck Engineering and a meeting was held on 9/9/22 with Engineering, DPS, Mayor Cahill and Bruce to discuss design process. We are waiting for preliminary design documents to show court locations and estimates for construction. Conservation Commission Planning Department Still working on proposed swap of land on Pole approval of courts Swamp Lane with Birch Plains and getting a formal license to use Birch Plains for active recreation. Project Bid Process Engineering/Purchasing Depts. Bids can go out when design is completed. Construction of Courts Engineering/DPS/Recreation Courts @ Birch Plains: - Build process (DPS): Fence height, parking, build up from cap—will be determined by design from Brobeck - Design of courts: Location outside 100' buffer zone without impacting soccer/lacrosse fields. N/S orientation Courts @ Obear Park— Repainted tennis and pickleball courts at Obear with N/S orientation ($18,000 — State earmark) Shootout Tournament—The Shootout began on Saturday, May 71" and will continue on Saturdays from 10:00-12:30 until for another week or so. Working with Jean Decesare. Lessons - Jon working to schedule more classes FY2022 State Earmarks— We have been awarded two earmarks from the Commonwealth of MA ARPA funding: One earmark is for $200,000 for improvements and renovations to the McPherson Youth Center. One earmark is for $200,000"For construction and improvements to the many parks & recreational spaces in Beverly." Still looking at how to spend the earmark for park improvements (court replacements, playgrounds, benches, etc.) Earmark for $200,000 for Birch Plans Pickleball courts has been approved by state. Bruce completed the Scope of Work for this project to complete the acceptance of the earmark via the Grants Director's office. FY2022 BUDGETS: Enterprise Fund —Will receive some of the ARPA funds allocated to the city to replenish this fund for revenues lost in 2020 and 2021 due to COVID. ARPA funds will be used to fund the new main parking lot at Lynch Park. Work was completed in October(N$300,000). ARPA funds will also be used to rebuild the McPherson Teen Center by 2024. Design process is beginning. Work to start in summer 2023 and be completed by summer 2024. City Budget— Service level funded for FY2023. So far we are on track. Park Signage: The $100,000 earmark from the state was intended to pay for the new park signage in every park, estimated at approximately $114K. We are working to get updated quotes and move forward with the work soon. Bruce has been working with Joscelyn to get this project moving again. ISLAND BEAUTIFICATION PROGRAM: Have had a few meetings with Joscelyn, Rani and Phil Klimowicz to restart this program. We have reduced the number of islands on the spreadsheet from about 90 to about 45. We will begin contacting folks about continuing in the program with a $100 annual fee to maintain an island and post signs. FIELDS: NO CHANGE: Cooney lights need to be replaced. Estimate from MUSCO Lighting for $400,000-$425,000 just for the lighting equipment. Installation could cost an additional $150,000 or more. More lights are not working at Cooney this season. Not sure when the existing lights can be fixed to get to full strength. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNNNNNN NNNNNNN NNNNNN PROJECT PIPELINE: Recreation Department- - Lynch Park Carriage House: o Garage Wall Replacement / Installation of windows ■ NEED TO GET AN ESTIMATE TO MOVE FORWARD! • Submitted a CPC pre-application for $100,000 to start making necessary repairs to preserve the building. • Concerns about resiliency of the carriage house with potential future flooding. • Use private donation funds? o Upgrade Concession Stand — Complete renovation needed to make the concession stand area a more professional facility. There are a lot of deficiencies right now. Making these renovations will open the door for more bids and higher revenue from the concession stand. • Use private donation funds? Resiliency study?? - Pete's Park— NO CHANGE o Still working on a few areas to complete project: ■ NEED TO MEET W/ PROJECT TEAM TO DISCUSS FINAL PLANS ■ Add bike racks for the large number of kids that are coming to the park daily. ■ Railings for ADA walkways — Still need to be bid out unless paid w/private funds. • Still waiting for 5 signs for LWCF educational criteria to be installed?? - Basketball/Tennis Court Repairs: (Court Inventory updated w/recent data for all courts) • We were not selected to receive the PARC grant for$400,000 to help with replacement/repairs of four courts (Holcroft, Carratu, Bartlett Gardens and Hellard-Hubis). We did not score highly due to limited nature of the project to just repair courts versus entire parks. o SporTek conducted a survey of four courts & provided estimates for repairs (Between $80K&$100K each) o Currently estimating up to $1.5M to fix all courts including six that just need new paint and backboards. o Hope to patch and paint 6 other basketball courts and replace backboards and rims ASAP (Bessie Baker, Femino, Vittori, Obear,Ahearn& Gillis), Will need to use general budget, Enterprise Fund or state earmarks, to pay for these upgrades. Estimates for these courts vary from$9,000 to$20,000 each, 2019-2020 CPA Project: (Round 7) Park Project CPA Re nest Comments Gillis Park Restoration of stone stairway leading $22,635 Quote from Murray Masonry for $17,450. from playground area to Pleasant Quote from Roger Tremblay for $9,900 View Beach. Concerns about ADA accessibility to beach? Working with Historic Districts RDA approved by Con Comm. Commission to review scope of HDC wants review the materials and scope work and materials. of work. -Met w/ the CPC on 10/20. MOU extended until 6/30/23. -Meeting w/ HDC on 11/10 with contractor to discuss project and timeframe. 2020-2021 CPA Project: Round 8 Park Project CPA Re uest Comments Wentworth Tot Completed installation of new APPROVED Still need to install the new bench and Lot equipment on 6/23/22. $20K repair the fence. -Playground is open for use!! Need to complete reimbursement -Bench pad is going in this weekend. paperwork for CPC. Bench will be installed after about 2 weeks of curing. Fence only needs some minor repairs. 2021-2022 CPA Project: Round 9 Park Project CPA Re uest Comments Replace 3 Replace tennis courts @ Cahill and $250K Looking for additional funding to Tennis Courts Cove Parks. move ahead. CC approved CPC budget. Need to put this work out to bid once we have more design info. Purchase 14 & Purchase 2 vacant lots at 14 &34 $200,000 Closing for the BHA lots was on 6/10/22. 34 Simon Street Simon Street from the Beverly Working with DPS and neighbors to Parcels Housing Authority. make improvements to the sites by next spring. We have a budget of $110,000 to make improvements to both lots. 2022-2023 CPA Project: Round 10 — Pre-applications submitted on 10/27/22 Park Project CPA Re uest Comments Gillis Park Pre-app submitted by Dan Richards $20,000 Worked with Mr. Richards to narrow focus for some new equipment, new table from large project to these few items to and new water fountain. start. Met with Mr. Richards, Joscelyn, Mike Collins and others to discuss proposed changes. Lynch Carriage Historic Preservation work needed to $100,000 Working with DPS to determine a plan. House make north exterior wall structurally The carriage house at Lynch has significant sound and prevent additional water needs. In the last several years our focus damage due to many open areas in has been on arresting the decay of the the walls and windows. building to prevent additional damage. There are areas in the building envelope that require attention in the short term. The goal of the repairs would be to prevent water intrusion and to prevent birds or other animals from nesting in the building. The repairs will be temporary and not architectural in nature. Birch Plains Adding 8 pickleball courts to the Birch $250,000 Funding needed to supplement $200,000 Pickleball Courts Plains facility. Currently in design state earmark to design and construct phase. these courts by end of spring 2023. 2023-2024 CPA Pro'ect: Round 11 ?? Park Project CPA Re uest Comments Holcroft Renovate Holcroft Park on Gage TBD in next Working w/ Councilor Crowley to Park/Gage Street with some new equipment, round??? create a wish list. Looking for grants, Street benches, tables, picnic areas, court business sponsorships, private donations, Playground improvements, pavilion, etc. etc. Additional funding from PARC/LWCF grant?, Lynch Trustees & POY budget line. Parisella family- $5000+ donation in memory of Ralph and others Commission Reports: Beverly Golf&Tennis— Bill Lowd — Costs for full renovation of the clubhouse is currently estimated at $20M. Mayor Cahill will attend the 11/17 CPC meeting to discuss the project. Community Preservation Committee— Nancy Marino — Next round pre-applications were received on 10/27/22 Meeting adjourned at 8;33PM. Motion by Kevin Hobin and a second by Bill Lowd was approved 7-0. Respectfully submitted, Bruce Doig, Director of Parks, Recreation &Community Services