PR071422 0City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Beverly Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: July 14, 2022—7:OOPM - NO QUORUM Place: Lynch Park Carriage House (55 Ober Street - In-person only) Board Members Present: Mark Casey, Nancy Marino, Caroline Larson Board Members Absent: Bill Lowd, Justin Repp, Robin DiDonato, Jan Jefgood, Kevin Hobin, , Henry Pizzo Others Present: Bruce Doig - Parks, Recreation &Community Services Director; Valentino Eramo — Recreation Facilities Coordinator; David Carnevale & Bob Eshmore (Pickleball group) Ca//to Order—7;03PM Minutes: The minutes for the 6/9/22 meeting could not be approved due to the lack of a quorum. Assistant Director's Report: Jon Paddol, Assistant Recreation Director Bruce reviewed Jon's report with the commission since Jon was not available to attend the meeting. Camps and Parks are officially up and running for three weeks so far. Everything is going smoothly with great numbers at both Camps and all of the Parks we staff. Still trying to hire a few people to round out our summer staff. The return of Camps and Parks has also brought back the first Thursday Special Events since 2019 with a very successful Jacob Brower Day and Zootopia so far. These events include all 4 Camps and the 11 Parks that we staff throughout the city. Tai Chi, Full Moon Ceremonires, CPR and First Aid Trainings, Lifeguard Certification Courses, classes partnering with The Cabot, our first Fungi Walk, and of course, our Concerts and Movies Series at Lynch. However our most impactful new program would be our Unified League Basketball partnership with the Special Olympics. So far, we have hosted basketball games with 4 individuals with Intellectual Disabilities as we have recruited a host of volunteers and children from lower income neighborhoods to play. Nancy, who has volunteered at each of the nights so far can speak further about this. Pickleball: With 2 current pickleball classes coming to an end this upcoming week, we look forward to July 27th when we launch another 5 week session of Beginners Pickleball as well as Beginners Youth Pickleball which we will offer for the first time. This is a 4-week class for ages 10-14. Local Pickleball ambassador Sue Carnevalle will be leading both classes. Upcoming: At this point our main focus turns to Lip Sync and our preparations for Homecoming at Lynch. Furthermore we also have the return of our Camps overnighters. Upcoming classes and events this month include: • Youth Pickleball • First Annual (hopefully) Polar Plunge For Wimps • Beverly Homecoming • Lip Sync • The Cabot: Session 2 Director's Report: Bruce reviewed the following in his Director's Report— RECENT EVENTS: Jacob Brower Day— Bruce cooked about 600 hot dogs for the kids at our annual 41" of July celebration in honor of Jacob Brower. A beautiful day and a great crowd of kids for our first Special Event since 2019!! Start of Summer Camps and Parks Program —Two weeks done with no major issues. Great numbers for both Parks and Camps. Jon and Val are doing a great job keeping things running smoothly with the rest of our amazing staff. Gail and Jean continue to keep the whole ship afloat by processing staff and camper paperwork and chasing down and processing camp payments. It is not an easy task!! UPCOMING EVENTS: 5711 Annual Beverly Homecoming —August 2°1 to August 71" with Lip Synch kicking it all off the night before Lobster Fest!! A complete list of events available at BeverlyHomecoming.org. CORRESPONDENCE: Completed the survey of 30 parks and fields in Beverly for ADA compliance. My sites included Harry Ball field, Lynch Park and the BG&T Club, which all took significant time to complete. Worked with the Planning Department and the OSRC to complete the survey of all 50+ open spaces in Beverly. These surveys will be included in the 2022 Open Space Plan for Beverly to be filed with the state this month. Bruce reported that the basement of the carriage house was tested for asbestos by TEST-ALL at the request of the Health Department and DPS. ALL RESULTS CAME BACK NEGATIVE. Bruce stated that the basketball court lines at Vittori Park were painted by the kids and staff at the North Shore Christian School in the Second Congregational Church and they came out great. Cahill Park— In the process of splitting Cahill Park off of Centerville School property. Plan from LeBlanc Survey, Inc. is being finalized by Planning Department PICKLEBALL UPDATES: Courts @ Birch Plains: Task Responsible De artment Status Funding for Design COB Finance Dept. Looking at possible state earmark and free cash Design of the Courts Engineering Department Engineering has provided some information to a design firm to begin designing the layout and plans for constructing the 8 courts at Birch Plains. Conservation Commission Planning Department approval of courts' design Project Bid Process Engineering/Purchasing Depts. Construction of Courts Engineering/DPS Courts @ Birch Plains - - Conservation Commission process — Still waiting to hear from Planning Department and Engineering regarding approvals and plans for court layouts. - Build process (DPS): Fence height, parking, build up from cap - Design of courts: Location away from 100' buffer zone without impacting soccer/lacrosse fields - Attempting to repaint courts at Obear Park with N/S orientation ($18,000— State earmark) —Trying to get two additional quotes to move forward. Homecoming Tournament— Scheduled for Friday, August 5th Shootout Tournament—This Shootout began on Saturday, May 71" and will continue on Saturdays from 10:00-12:30 until the end of September or October. Working with Jean Decesare to finalize the permit. Lessons - Jon working with Sue C. to schedule classes FY2022 State Earmarks— We have been awarded two earmarks from the Commonwealth of MA ARPA funding. One earmark is for $200,000 for improvements and renovations to the McPherson Youth Center. One earmark is for $200,000 "For construction and improvements to the many parks & recreational spaces in Beverly." Still looking at how to spend the earmark for park improvements (court replacements, playgrounds, benches, etc.) $250,000 Private Donation —The viewers have been installed with a 8'x 10' pad. Getting a lot of use. Full $250,000 donation has been received for use at Lynch Park. FY2022 BUDGETS: Enterprise Fund — Planning to receive some of the ARPA funds allocated to the city to replenish this fund for revenues lost in 2020 and 2021 due to COVID. ARPA funds will be used to replace the main parking lot at Lynch Park. Work to be done in the fall ($300,000). ARPA funds will also be used to rebuild the McPherson Teen Center by 2024. City Budget— Service level funded for FY2023 Park Signage: The $100,000 earmark from the state was intended to pay for the new park signage in every park, estimated at approximately $114K. We are working to get updated quotes and move forward with the work. FIELDS: NO CHANGE: Cooney lights need to be replaced. Estimate from MUSCO Lighting for $400,000-$425,000 just for the lighting equipment. Installation could cost an additional $150,000 or more. More lights are not working at Cooney this season. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN PROJECT PIPELINE: Recreation Department- - Lynch Park Carriage House: NO CHANGE o Garage Wall Replacement / Installation of windows ■ NEED TO GET AN ESTIMATE TO MOVE FORWARD! ■ Use private donation funds? o Upgrade Concession Stand - Complete renovation needed to make the concession stand area a more professional facility. There are a lot of deficiencies right now. Making these renovations will open the door for more bids and higher revenue from the concession stand. We will start designing and planning for this work this summer. ■ Use private donation funds? - Pete's Park- NO CHANGE o Still working on a few areas to complete project: ■ NEED TO MEET W/ PROJECT TEAM TO DISCUSS FINAL PLANS ■ Add bike racks for the large number of kids that are coming to the park daily. ■ Railings for ADA walkways - Still need to be bid out unless paid w/private funds. • Still waiting for 5 signs for LWCF educational criteria to be installed. - Basketball/Tennis Court Repairs: (Court Inventory updated w/recent data for all courts) Applied for another PARC grant from the state for$400,000 today. o SporTek conducted survey of four courts & provided estimates for repairs (Between $80K&$100K each) o Currently estimating up to $1.5M to fix all courts including six that just need new paint and backboards. o Met w/Mayor Cahill to discuss priorities and new PARCgrant funding. The proposed list of courts to be repaired as part of the FY23 PARC grant project include; ■ Bartlett Gardens Basketba//(Pulverize and repave,paint, new backboards&rims) ■ Holcroft Park Basketba//(Pulverize and repave,paint, new backboards&rims) ■ Carratu Park Basketba//(Pulverize and repave,paint, new backboards&rims) ■ He//ard--Hub/s Basketba//(Pulverize and repave,paint, new backboards&rims) o This PARC project will cost about $700K including the renovation of the two Simon Street lots (14 &34) that the city will be acquiring from the BHA. The goal is to receive a $400,000 PARC grant, $50,000 CPC grant for Simon Street lots, David S. Lynch Trustee funding ($80,000) and possibly some private donations. This project will need to be designed, estimated and then bid out to determine the actual cost and scope of the total project. If the FY23 PARC grant is awarded, the announcement will probably be at the end of 2022 and work will be completed after 7/1/2023. o Hope to patch and paint 6 other basketball courts and rep/ace backboards and rims ASAP (Bessie Baker, Fem/no, V/ttor/, Obear,Ahearn& Gillis). Will need to use genera/budget, Enterprise Fund or state earmarks, to pay for these upgrades. Est/mates for these courts vary from$9,000 to$20,000 each, 2019-2020 CPA Project: (Round 7) Park Project CPA Re nest Comments Gillis Park Restoration of stone stairway leading $22,635 Quote from Murray Masonry for $17,450. from playground area to Pleasant Quote from Roger Tremblay for $9,900 View Beach. Concerns about ADA accessibility to beach? Working with Historic Districts RDA approved by Con Comm. Commission to review scope of HDC wants review the materials and work and materials. scope of work. 2020-2021 CPA Project: Round 8 Park Project CPA Re uest Comments Wentworth Tot Renovated play area on Wentworth APPROVED Still need to install the new bench, signage Lot Drive. $20K and the fence and gate along Wentworth Completed installation of new Drive. Playground is open for use!! equipment on 6/23/22. 2021-2022 CPA Project: (Round 9) Park Project CPA Re nest Comments Replace 3 Replace tennis courts @ Cahill and $250K The CPC request was just for 3 tennis Tennis Courts Cove Parks. courts to be replaced. Looking for additional funding to move ahead. CC approved CPC budget. Need to put this work out to bid. Purchase 2 Purchase 2 vacant lots at 14 &34 $200,000 CPC approved the $200,000 request. City Simon Street Simon Street from the Beverly Council voted to accept the CPC budget. Parcels (14&34) Housing Authority. Closing for the BHA lots was on 6/10/22. Will be working with DPS and Planning to make improvements to the sites after the purchase. Applying for a FY23 PARC grant to help fund these improvements. 2022-2023 CPA Project: Round 10 Park Project CPA Request Comments Holcroft Renovate Holcroft Park on Gage TBD in next Working w/ Councilor Crowley to Park/Gage Street with some new equipment, funding create a wish list. Looking for grants, Street benches, tables, picnic areas, court round? business sponsorships, private donations, Playground improvements, etc. etc. Additional funding from PARC/LWCF grant?, Lynch Trustees & POY budget line. Parisella family- $5000+ donation in memory of Ralph and others The next meeting will be held on September 8, 2022 instead of September 1, 2022 due to the Labor Day holiday weekend. Meeting adjourned at 7;4OPM, Respectfully submitted, Bruce Doig, Director of Parks, Recreation &Community Services