1-10-22BAC Minutes January 10 2022 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING JANUARY 10, 2022 LOCATION: Virtual Remote Meeting PRESENT: Commissioners Paul Brean, Scott Dullea, Paul Trefry,Peter Gentile, Aaron Henry, Jeffry Schlichte and Matthew Mozur OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Rawding ABSENT: Gloria Bouillon PUBLIC: Craig Schuster(ASG), Jesse Shomer, Mike Fabbiano, Shari Lewis RECORDER: Christine Martin Barraford A. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Dullea called the virtual meeting to order at 6:OOPM, which is being audio and video recorded, and read the following disclaimer: Pursuant to Governor Baker's March 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §18, and the Governor's March 15, 2020 Order imposing strict limitation on the number of people that may gather in one place,this meeting of the Beverly Airport Commission will be conducted via remote participation to the greatest extent possible. Specific information and general guidelines for remote participation by members of the public and/or parties with a right and/or requirement to attend this meeting can be found on the City of Beverly's website, at http://www.beverlyma.gov/events/category/city-meetings/4. No in-person attendance of members of the public will be permitted, but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time,via technological means: For this meeting, members of the public who wish to watch and listen to the meeting may do so in the following manner; Google Meet Information: https://meet.google.com/bgs-ydfa-jcp or via phone at 1-601- 869-6064,PIN 943 932 3354. 1. Pledge of Allegiance Chair Dullea led those in attendance in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Public Comment No Public Comments at this time. 3. Acceptance of Minutes—June 14, 2021 Minutes accepted by unanimous vote. 4. Financial Report Mr. Rawding updated the Commission on the financial report. 5. Airport Solutions Group, LLC—Craig Schuster—Airport Master Plan Mr. Schuster updated the Commission on the Airport Master Plan. The replacement of the perimeter fence was started last year,but there was not enough money to complete the project. A new contract is being sought this year with assistance of MassDOT. A layout plan is being development for approval of the cold storage building by the FAA. The five-year capital plan was reviewed at the annual meeting. Mozur asked for details on how the 5% contribution on the project ($600K) will be raised and appropriated. Mr. Schuster explained the timeline from permitting to bidding to construction. The $600K would not need to be available in one lump sum,but would be paid out on invoices received on a monthly basis. Mozur asked for a detailed capital improvement plan with a breakdown on funding and cash flow with regard to design fees, construction costs, etc. Schuster will provide a detailed breakdown. B. AIRPORT REPORT—STEVEN RAWDING Mr. Rawding provided a report regarding operations at the Airport. The summary included success with dealing with first snowfall of the season and good hiring of seasonal employees to help with snow removal. C. NEW BUSINESS 24 Cherry Hill Drive Work Proposal—Abiomed, Inc. Attorney Jesse Schomer of the law firm Regnante, Sterio and Osborne, along with Mike Fabbiano of High Point Engineering and Shawna Lewis Project Manager appeared before the Commission. Mr. Schomer outlined the proposal of work to be performed on the property at 24-42 Cherry Hill Drive, which is the site for an office building and the home of Abiomed, Inc. A series of beautification and site improvement initiatives is proposed at the rear of the property. The rear portion of the property line has been used over the years as a contractors' disposal area for tree stumps and debris. This debris will be removed and replaced with clean top soil and plantings in the area. Mr.Fabbiano stated that an application for determination has been filed with the Danvers Conservation Commission since the property abuts wetlands areas.The airport fence separating the properties is now overgrown with vines. It is proposed that these vines will be removed and the area replanted with a wildflower seek mix in line with the buffer zone. These vines would be removed carefully by hand with no damage to the fence. There is a dead tree with limbs hanging over the fence that will be removed. Chair Dullea expressed concern that nothing is planted that would entice wildlife to the area. Mr. Fabbiano assured him that no shrubs or trees of any kind would be planted that may attract deer or other wildlife, and the wildflower seed mix has been approved by the Conservation Commission to be used in buffer zones. Ms. Lewis stated that there is no plan to have trash receptacles of any kind on the property.No storage boxes would be placed at the fence. She added that the perimeter fence is at the top of the slope and some distance in from the property line. The fence is secure on the original virgin land and the grade level would be maintained. Work would be done at the fence which is technically airport property. Upon motion duly made by Schlichte and seconded by Trefry, it was unanimously voted to approve Biomed going forward to coordinate the project to confirm with the town of the use of the land and have service departments sign off on their permission to proceed. A clear understanding of the job is wildflower seeding on a gradual slope and no trash receptacles or storage containers on the property. Nothing will interfere with the wildlife hazard management plan and Biomed will be in compliance with all town regulations. Trefry-Y, Schlichte-Y, Henry-Y, Mozur-Y, Dullea-Y, Brean-Y and Gentile- Y. Motion carries 7-0, unanimous. Noise Group Report Kristina Hinkman appeared before the Commission. She stated that she lives on Princeton Street behind the football field in Danvers. She is the representative for that neighborhood of residents frustrated with the level of airport noise. She meets once a month with a small group of neighbors to discuss building relationships with airport management, flight schools and aeroclubs. She reported that as a result of a meeting with the flight school, the principals agreed to reduce noise by adjusting the timing of flights at certain times of the day and weekends. She also met with Mary Parsons and Steve Rawding. She commented that in his report tonight success for the airport is measured by increased flights and increased gallons of fuel sold. This information from the point of view of the noise abatement group is "concerning and scary." She reiterated that the goal of the group is to build better relationships with the stakeholders and let their frustration be known. While nothing legal can be done to reduce noise, Ms. Hinkman stated that the group is willing to exercise good faith in learning what can and cannot be done safely at the airport to reduce noise. She is optimistic in continuing to work with the tenants and Commissioners Dullea and Mozur. Dullea reported that he had met with the owner of the flight school last week to revisit ways to reduce noise. The noise abatement group meets tomorrow evening and he will report back to the Commission at the next meeting. Ms. Hinkman asked for a list of emails of abutters to bring them up to date on what is going on. Dullea will check to see if these emails can be shared. Executive Session: Dullea announced that the Executive Session has been postponed to the next meeting, February 7, 2022. E. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion duly made by Henry and seconded by Schlichte, it was unanimously voted to adjourn. Brean-Y, Dullea-Y, Gentile-Y, Mozur-Y, Trefry-Y, Henry-Y and Schlichte-Y, Motioned passed 7-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:02PM.