CPC Meeting 03-17-2022 Minutes FINAL-APPROVED (1) Community Preservation Committee March 17, 2022 Meeting Minutes 1 PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES CITY OF BEVERLY BOARD OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: N/A DATE: March 17, 2022 LOCATION: Remote Access Only via Google Meet MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Heather Richter; Vice Chair Derek Beckwith; Nancy Marino; Marilyn McCrory; Robert Buchsbaum; Wendy Pearl; Christy Edwards; Danielle Spang; MEMBERS ABSENT: Thomas Bussone, II OTHERS PRESENT: Denise Deschamps, Economic Development Planner; Bryant Ayles, Director of Municipal Finance, City of Beverly; William Lowd, Chair, Beverly Golf and Tennis Commission; Brian Hromadka, Senior Project Manager, CBRE Heery; Bruce Doig, Director, City of Beverly Parks and Recreation Department; Suzie LaMont, resident. RECORDER: Stacia Chamberlain 1. Call to Order Chairperson Richter calls the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Richter reads a statement regarding public participation for this virtual meeting. 2. Welcome and Introduction Chairperson Richter welcomes their new member, Danielle Spang, to the Committee and invites her to introduce herself. 3. Review and Approve Minutes i. Minutes from February 17,2022 Members offer recommended edits to the draft meeting minutes. Pearl moves to approve the minutes of February 17, 2022, as amended. Seconded by Beckwith. Deschamps takes a roll-call vote. The motion carries 7-0, with Spang abstaining. ii. Minutes from September 30,2021 McCrory moves to approve the minutes of September 30, 2021, as presented. Seconded by Buchsbaum. Deschamps takes a roll-call vote. The motion carries 6-0,with Beckwith and Spang abstaining. 4. Beverly Golf and Tennis Commission MOU extension request Brian Hromadka, of CBRE Heery, is requesting a 90-day extension for the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) for this project which is set to expire on March 31, 2022. Pearl asks about the final product under the agreement as the proposal outlines spending for the fall of 2022. Deschamps refreshes the members on the details of the project's deliverables by reading the language in the existing MOU. The CPC members suggest extending the MOU into the fall of 2022 to align with the anticipated completion of the Design Development phase as identified by CBRE Heery in their letter requesting an extension dated 2-22-22. Wendy Pearl clarifies that the Committee will need something in writing from the grantee to request the extension, and confirms that the OPM (Owner's Project Manager which is CBRE Heery) is representing the grantee's interests. Spang asks the applicants if they anticipate asking for 1 Community Preservation Committee March 17, 2022 Meeting Minutes 2 additional CPA funding, as they state in their application that their budget is `proposed'. CBRE says, no, they will not. Pearl moves to extend the MOU until November 30, 2022, with the caveat that a written request from the grantee is sent to the CPC as soon as possible confirming the revised date of the new extension expiration. Seconded by Marino. Deschamps takes a roll-call vote. The motion carries 8-0. 5. Question of whether or not to extend the MOU for COVID-19 Temporary Emergency Housing Program Beckwith summarizes his findings, informing the Committee what he has learned through conversations with the NASCAP (North Shore Community Action Programs)team. NSCAP stated to Beckwith that they are working with three households that may be eligible to receive funding from this program. He outlines three options: stopping the Temporary Emergency Housing program; implementing an MOU extension which would terminate on June 30, 2022 given that, despite the lack of program utilization,NSCAP is currently working with three potential recipients; or to extend the grant to a certain date but reduce the program funding. In his opinion, the second of the three options is the most sound. Marino and Richter agree. Pearl asks if a contract extension is necessary, and when the MOU expires. Beckwith clarifies that there is no contract with NSCAP other than the MOU so there is no other document that would need to be modified. He states further that the current MOU expires March 31, 2022. Beckwith moves to extend the MOU for the COVID-19 Temporary Emergency Housing Program until June 30, 2022. Seconded by McCrory. Deschamps takes a roll-call vote. The motion carries 8-0. 6. Request from the Beverly Parks and Recreation Department to extend the MOU relative to Wentworth Drive Tot Lot Improvement Bruce Doig is on call to discuss the project. He summarizes that they have put an order in for equipment and the delivery date for materials has changed. Due to the difficulty in acquiring materials and subsequent delivery delays, they are seeking an extension to December 31, 2022. Doig notes that it may be more practical to ask the Department of Public Services to assist with installation during the fall of 2022, as opposed to the spring of 2022, as they may not be as busy at that time. Beckwith moves to extend the MOU for the Wentworth Drive Tot Lot Improvement project until December 31, 2022. Seconded by Marino. Deschamps takes a roll-call vote. The motion carries 8-0. 7. Review of Beverly Community Preservation Act budget and review of open proiects Richter references the updated Beverly CPA budget as provided by Mr. Ayles and summarizes the remaining CPA fund balances. Beckwith asks what happens if funds awarded are not fully expended once a project is completed or if a project does not advance. Mr. Ayles replies that any remaining funds not expended return to the CPA fund from which they came and become available on July 1, 2022. Buchsbaum asks if the available fund balances being discuss factor in the recent award of funding to the Simon Street and Moraine Farm projects. Mr. Ayles replies that they are included. A member from the public, Suzie LaMont, (she did not state her address) requests to see the budget on screen. Ayles uploads the budget so it may be seen on screen. Ayles then points to the Simon Street and Moraine Farm projects' line items. Pearl has some 2 Community Preservation Committee March 17, 2022 Meeting Minutes 3 specific questions about the status of particular projects; members discuss these briefly. 8. Beverly Community Preservation Plan Update—Next Steps Richter revisits several approaches to updating the Community Preservation Plan. She solicits comments and questions from members. Edwards has several recommendations and questions including hiring a consultant for the report and presentation. Pearl seconds a desire for a professional to help them manage the public engagement process, including planning and executing a 10-year celebration of the CPA, which might take place in the fall of 2022. Committee members decide that they will seek proposals from consultants for quotes so that the plan can be user-friendly and more attractive. Marino thinks that the Plan needs to include more details; specifically to incorporate the plans from other committees and boards. Buchsbaum believes that it's important to be consistent with other committee/commission plans such as the city's Master Plan. Beckwith adds that their Plan should refer to major city plans such as Plan Beverly. Members go through each section of the Plan based on Deschamps' chart to make proposed changes. Members decide to parcel out specific sections for which each member is responsible to edit. They also discuss creating a Word version of this document in Google Docs so that the document can be shared. 9. CPC Members are invited to share items of interest i. Richter offers that the CPC needs to allocate time to discussing several topics that have arisen in the past. She recommends that policy-related issues (e.g. funding projects on school property; funding to support coastal resiliency, etc.)be taken up during the April 2022 meeting. Richter recommends that process-related questions be taken up during the May CPC meeting. In order to prepare April's agenda, she asks that members share any policy-related topics with Deschamps. ii. Beverly City Council has set a date of April 4, 2022, to discuss the final CPA project proposals. The Council will hold a public hearing on that date. Richter hopes to be available to attend this meeting. iii. CPC members have been invited to tour the new YMCA-constructed affordable housing located at 245 Cabot Street. Richter proposes that they attend together and Deschamps will work with the YMCA to arrange a tour or tours (preventing a quorum). 10. Adiournment Marino moves to adjourn at 8:52 p.m. Seconded by Beckwith. Deschamps takes a roll-call vote. The motion carries 8-0. The next regular meeting of the Community Preservation Committee will be held virtually on Thursday,April 21, 2022,via Google Meet. 3