20220613 City Council Finance and Property Committee Minutes Scott D. Houseman-Chair Julie R. Flowers Matthew J. St. Hilaire L Z. FINANCE AND PROPERTY/CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MINUTES Monday,June 13,2022, 6:30PM City Council Chambers, 31d Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St. Houseman called the meeting to order at 6:33pm. Members present: Julie Flowers, Matthew St. Hilaire, Scott Houseman Other Councilors present: Hannah Bowen, Steven Crowley, Kathleen Feldman, Estelle Rand, Todd Rotondo, Brendan Sweeney Order#156-Mayor's FY23 Budget-Department Budget Sessions Solicitor—Stephanie Williams Williams gave a summary of the office's responsibilities and core functions. Houseman asked if both assistant city solicitors are full-time, and Williams confirmed they are. There was some discussion of the outside counsel, litigation and settlements lines. Williams stated it is rare to need to dip into settlements. Animal Control—Matt Lipinski Lipinski presented the department's duties, including code enforcement, investigation and community outreach. A copy of the presentation-was filed with the FY2023 budget book in the Clerk's Office. There are over 50 patrol areas in the City that the two full-time officers cover. Executive—Mayor Cahill Cahill presented his department's budget. Flowers asked about lines 51141 and 55000 and the progress on hiring a new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Director. Cahill stated they are in the final rounds of interviews and hope to have someone by sometime this summer. The 55000 line will be used to start to address some of the audit findings. There was discussion on the Purchase of Service lines and how some of those were not expended because there was no response to the RFPs. Cahill stated he is hopeful that this year they will have some interest. Cahill gave an update on the McPherson Center and stated that there are a range of folks who need to come to the table soon to start a discussion on how ARPA funding could support it. St. Hilaire and Ayles discussed the reserve for unforeseen and free cash. - Houseman requested that recent annual reports be filed in the Clerk's Office. Feldman asked about line 51140 and the grant funding for the Sustainability Director position. Cahill stated the three year grant is based on the hire date, so in October the City will go from funding 40% of the position to 60% of the position. Feldman asked about other infrastructure in place for funding sustainability efforts. Ayles stated that line 55899 on page 96 has $150,000 for green initiatives. Some funding is already in departments, for example if the police were looking to get an EV, they have the vehicle line in their budget, and this line could be a supplement to help support those efforts. Bowen asked about outreach and support services. Ayles stated the grant program through ARPA for nonprofits is open for applications through the 24th. Bowen expressed her support for the money coming in for roads and sidewalks and asked about changes on page 22 to transfers. Cahill stated this shows what is being asked of the City; there is also state funding coming in and a plan to spend some ARPA money on improvements as well. Ayles stated that all three lines on page 22 are the ones that allow the City to transfer money into other funds. Harbormaster Cahill stated that hopefully the harbormaster position will be filled by the end of the month. Several assistant harbormasters are meeting basic operations for now. There was some discussion of having a civilian harbormaster versus a law enforcement harbormaster. Cahill stated that the decision was to go with a civilian harbormaster, who can then coordinate with law enforcement if necessary. Law enforcement's presence is infrequently needed. Fire—Chief Peter O'Connor O'Connor presented on staffing and gave an overview of increases, including contractual obligations like longevity, physical fitness and training/education incentives. There was discussion on mutual aid, diversity and hiring through civil service. Cahill and Ayles discussed progress on the new public safety dispatch. Cahill stated that the hiring of the dispatch supervisor is in process. There was some discussion on upcoming capital projects, like improvements to the envelope of the building at the Central Fire Station on Hale Street. Emergency Management—Mark Foster Foster gave an overview of the role of the taskforce. There was some discussion of volunteers and Foster stated anyone who wants to join can contact Emergency Management. Police—Chief John LeLacheur LeLacheur thanked his officers for their work. Calls for service are up with the increase in population and business growth. The City is constantly expanding which puts more draw on services, and people are back out and about. One of the issues that has complicated the way things are done is police reform. The unfunded mandate means reserve officers cannot be used anymore, so there is an increase in the budget. Flowers asked about training line 51581 and what the chief sees on the horizon for that and how the new station has impacted that. LeLacheur spoke about the new continuous three year certification process and the training simulator in the new station. Houseman asked if three additional staff will help with patrol coverage and reduce overtime. LeLacheur stated that is the hope. Covid affected overtime this year. There was some discussion about the expenses for the new building, since cleaning and electrical used to be under the City Hall budget. LeLacheur stated once the solar is in on the new building that will make a tremendous impact. There was discussion of the increase in details with increased construction. The details are paid by the company requesting it, but it still affects coverage. The motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:02pm. Beverly City Council Finance&Property Committee dlleeting Minutes—June 13,2022 page 2 of 2