220203_Approved Minutes (BWRC) CITY OF BEVERLY
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 6:30 PM
Google Meet Virtual Meeting
This meeting was conducted under the `Executive Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the
Open Meeting Law G.L. c. 30A, § 20, signed on March 12, 2020. This remote meeting was held
over Google Meet. Public access information for the meeting was provided on the meeting
Call to order: 6:32 p.m. over Google Meet. Higgins confirmed that all members present could
hear and noted the remote meeting format and process due to Covid-19.
Committee members present: Susan Higgins (Chair), Sandy Burgess, Nancy Dillon, Joyce
Herman, John Swain (7:40), Lisa Willwerth
Committee members absent: Toni Musante
Invited participants and guests: Amy Henderson, Erina Keefe
Review minutes for January 5, 2022 meeting
Dillon moved to approve the January minutes; Burgess seconded. Roll Call Vote: Burgess-yes,
Dillon-yes, Herman-yes, Willwerth-yes, Higgins-yes. The motion carried (5-0).
Styrofoam collection event— recap
Higgins confirmed it was a wonderful event even for a very cold day. Data collected through
Dillon's forms:
• Vehicles: Salem-89, Beverly-59i, Unknown-4, Hamilton-3, Wenham-2, Swampscott-2,
Danvers-1, Topsfield-1 161 total vehicles
• Filled 3/4 of the tractor trailer truck, not weighed
• Load size per vehicle varied, with minimal trash and minimal rejected materials
Moving forward, there is collective interest in collaborating with Salem again for another
styrofoam collection event. The event worked well with the two cities, and the handful of cars
from neighboring communities. Next time, Higgins recommends access to a bathroom,
shortening the event to 3 hours, and staffing with 4-8 volunteers at a time, with a minimum of 4
volunteers at all times (I-log cars, 2-hold bags open, 1-pull materials from cars). Keefe inquired
how people heard of the event, and the responses varied greatly - newsletter, city website, etc. so
with more outreach and communication the cities will likely fill a tractor trailer truck. Keefe will
reach out to follow-up with the City of Salem to schedule another event.
1 Beverly's tally included the two DPS trucks that brought Styrofoam collected at the week-long drop-off at the
Beverly Public Library as well. The volume from the cities seemed comparable considering the early participation..
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Update on Green Beverly collaboration
Higgins participated in a virtual meet and greet on Sunday, January 30th for Green Beverly's
coaches and they have a great group of people covering sustainability topics. Each coach had 2
minutes to introduce theirself and their area of expertise. The Waste Reduction Committee
coaches for waste management, waste reduction, recycling and composting and Green Beverly
gave a tour of their meeting space in the Cummings Center. They intend to build it out in the
near term, and envision 8 stations around the room to cover 8 sustainability topics, as well as
meeting space for workshops and collaborations. Last year, the Committee authorized
reimbursing up to $200 to Green Beverly for raffles/giveaways/prizes related to waste reduction.
Berg advised Green Beverly did not spend any funds for those purposes as it received donations
(New Entry Farm-CSA share; Black Earth-2 annual curbside composting subscriptions). He
asked Higgins if the Committee would roll the fund authorization to this calendar year.
After a short discussion, Dillon moved to continue the funding authorization to Green Beverly
through calendar year 2022; Willwerth seconded. Roll Call Vote: Burgess-yes, Dillon-yes,
Herman-yes, Willwerth-yes, Higgins-yes. The motion carried (5-0).
City updates and discussion items
e Earthfest 4 Sunday April 24th / rain date Sunday May 1st, it will be an old-timey block
party event where people have fun and implicitly learn about waste reduction. Ideas for
the event include:
o Upcycled Fashion Show: Endicott College is hosting one earlier this year, and
will bring it to Earthfest as well.
o Swap Shop +/or Repair Shop: Salem hosts a regular repair clinic with 4-5 people
sewing, and 1-2 people repairing appliances and electronics on site. Beverly Bike
Committee could relatedly have a presence for safety checks (checking tires,
brakes, chains, etc.) and Centraal Cycle also agreed to help.
o Kids' Relay Race: get an item, bring to correct sorting bin (paper/plastic/compost)
to learn recycling diversion.
o Food Trucks: targeting trucks that already emphasize sustainable practices -
composting, growing/sourcing food locally, or in other ways. Keefe asked for
recommendations if anyone knows these food trucks.
o Diversion Presence: sufficient for 2-3 food trucks.
o Signage/Marketing: Willwerth is researching options, and found weatherproof
coating is necessary. Possible options include laminated posters made from
recycled paper or repurposing political lawn signs. Higgins inquired about the
budget, and Keefe confirmed the City is applying for a small grant for the festival.
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o Higgins suggested temporary signage through chalk lettering at places in the City
with heavy, regular pedestrian traffic (Dane Street Beach, Shoe Pond,
Downtown). Dillon suggested Montserrat college students may be interested in
helping artistically. Keefe mentioned high school seniors have required civic
engagement projects from April to May, and this may be a great project to float
on their lists, as well as any other day-of tasks, preparation tasks, or follow-up
with data afterwards. Higgins shared the Committee provided lists to the high
school 4 years ago and it was discouraging to not have any volunteers. Dillon has
seen senior projects overtime and every year is different, so she recommended
asking/giving the list while knowing the response is highly unpredictable.
o For food diversion, the general consensus was to scale it towards the types of food
the trucks will sell (LobsterFest generated a lot of compost from shells, corn cobs,
chicken bones, etc. while Pumpkin Smash generated minimal amounts from
napkins with snacking finger foods). Dillon inquired whether the City would
consider purchasing 2 large toters to have on hand for overflow at the free
composting site, and use at events. Keefe confirmed the City is adding a second
bin to the free composting site downtown, and it may be possible to move the
overflow bin to Lynch Park for this event. Higgins recommended meeting with
Black Earth to discuss a plan for event composting and whether it has models in
mind or how it may work. Keefe suggested the onus for collection could be on
the food producers themselves as well. Keefe will reach out to Black Earth to
start the discussion.
o The Committee workshopped the repair shop idea, and thought it may be too
much to include as part of the event. People suggested having a repair clinic as its
own separate event, and stressed that Salem built up its clinic over time. Strong
support for the bike clinic, and Keefe mentioned there may also incentivize biking
to the event as well.
o The Committee workshopped the swap shop idea, and ultimately no one
volunteered to manage that project.
o Higgins and Henderson discussed the Mothers Out Front project at LobsterFest,
where mothers grew seedlings in advance and then gave them away at the event.
Henderson volunteered to manage a seed +/or seedling project, with origami
paper cups to fill with compost and seeds or seedlings for kids to bring home.
Henderson can reach out to Black Earth for donated compost, or multiple
members volunteered to donate some from home.
• Enforcement position 4 Keefe is following up with Human Resources to find out how
many applications have been submitted, and if there is a need to advertise more.
• Possible hauler ordinance 4 Keefe is reaching out to other communities to find out
what is working, what is still a challenge, and what would they change to learn from
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communities who already have it in place. Goal is to have it ready once the position is
filled, so that person can enforce it.
• Possible Styrofoam ordinance -> Keefe advised this was ready to propose right before
Covid and then tabled as restaurants were already struggling through the pandemic, so
it may be reaching a better time for that now.
• Other:
o Free compost bin has been filling up, and is not tethered to the fence for now after
the lock froze and needed boiling water for removal. The City plowed the area
and Keefe shoveled a pathway to the bin, and will request DPS add shoveling to
its list. There are 64 registered participants, and adding another bin makes sense
for that participation level. Overall the pilot program has been a huge success,
and once the compliance position is filled Keefe is looking to expand to other
o Keefe presented a resolution to the City Council, drafted with the Clean Energy
Advisory Committee, to support moving the Green Future Act bill out of
committee. Discussion among City Council members followed, to determine its
role in advocating for state legislation. There are tiers to build support for
legislation the Committee may support: 1) City Council votes unanimously to
show strong support to our state representatives; 2)letter from the Mayor+/or
Waste Reduction Committee; and 3) signing onto a petition. Looking ahead,
Keefe suggests thinking about best ways to lend support to a bill like an extended
producer responsibility bill at the state level. Higgins expressed reluctance to
support a bill that may contain clauses/language she cannot support. Keefe
explained there are many stages to passing a bill, and the vast majority do not
become law. From Mayor Cahill's experience in the state legislature, he is
comfortable supporting a bill to come out of committee knowing it needs
revisions because the language will change after it is out of committee.
o Keefe confirmed the City Engineer Eric Barber or Assistant City Engineer Lisa
Chandler can come to a future Waste Reduction Committee meeting. Higgins
will extend the invitation to them directly.
o Keefe confirmed Waste Reduction Committee member terms turnover March
31 st, so it makes sense to confirm new members at that time. Willwerth seeks
renewal, and Henderson seeks appointment, and Keefe may advertise for
volunteers to fill a social media/marketing role and a data analysis role on the
Discussion on management of Committee funds
Higgins resumed conversation for the Committee to organize how it spends funds. She
suggested categories: outreach and education, services (composting), supplies (signage, displays,
gloves, aprons, t-shirts), and giveaways (compostable bags, seeds for Earthfest, Cabot movie).
Higgins does not suggest resuming a revenue stream from the electronics collection, and does
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not anticipate receiving revenue elsewhere. Dillon confirmed tracking Committee spending by
category is logical. Burgess confirmed she received a printout from Milo from 2008 to present
showing the initial funds and each expense made. Willwerth echoed that while corporations
have annual budgets, without a revenue stream she recommended pushing to spend the money in
the next few years to increase visibility and make a splash in the community with its mission.
Overall consensus to track spending by category, but not draft a budget. Committee discussed
contributing to Earthfest, and Higgins suggested discussing any composting costs, seed/seedling
costs, and to vote for any spending authorizations in the March or April meeting. Higgins will
provide additional information to the City Solicitor so the Committee knows which logo it can
use for displays, including at Earthfest.
Old business and miscellaneous items
Upcoming events
2022 MassRecycle Conference& Trade Show(Virtual) 3/31 & 4/1
Household Hazardous Waste 4/23
Earthfest 4/24
Other updates and discussion items by Committee members
Higgins plans to reach out to Sowerder Garron to follow-up on her predecessor's suggestion to
form a Northeast Region 2 group to share experiences, projects, and collaborate on waste
reduction initiatives and projects possibly not limited to municipal committee group members.
Willwerth and Higgins attended a meeting with the Manchester Waste Reduction Committee
pre-Covid to observe and share information on current projects and found it very helpful.
Keefe solicited updates to the Waste Reduction Committee website, and Higgins confirmed
Cotter has regularly offered to update their website but it always falls to the bottom of the list.
Keefe asked members to think about what else to include on the website, and will include
pictures of the Committee from prior events.
Adjourn: Willwerth moved to adjourn; Burgess seconded. The motion carried (6-0) at 8:14 p.m.
March 3, 2022 at 6:30 PM
Location: Beverly Public Library, Sohier Room
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