3_22_2021 Con Com Minutes - final Beverly Conservation Commission March 22, 2021 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: Beverly Conservation Commission SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: March 22, 2021 LOCATION: Remotely held meeting through Google Hangouts Meet MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Christine Bertoni, Vice Chair Robert Buchsbaum, David Alden-St. Pierre, Richard Grandoni, Bill Squibb MEMBERS ABSENT: Stephanie Herbster OTHERS PRESENT: Environmental Planner Jenna Pirrotta RECORDER: Sarah Scott-Nelson Call to Order Bertoni calls the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Bertoni reads the virtual meeting guidelines and notes that the meeting is being held in accordance with temporary Open Meeting Law adjustments due to the State of Emergency associated with the COVID-19 outbreak. Orders of Conditions 60 South Terrace, DEP File 45-1318 The Commission recaps the project and previous discussion from the March 16, 2021 hearing. Buchsbaum reads the proposed special conditions for the project site. Buchsbaum moves to issue an Order of Conditions under the MA Wetlands Protection Act and Beverly Wetlands Ordinance with the special conditions as discussed, as well and the standard general and perpetual conditions. Seconded by Alden-St. Pierre. Bertoni takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 5-0. 91 Lothrop Street, DEP File 45-1313 The Commission discusses the project and recaps previous discussion from the March 16, 2021 hearing. Buchsbaum reads the proposed special conditions. Alden-St. Pierre moves to issue an Order of Conditions for the project under the MA Wetlands Protection Act and Beverly Wetlands Ordinance with the special conditions as discussed, as well and the standard general and perpetual conditions. Seconded by Buchsbaum. Bertoni takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 5-0. 44 Prince Street, DEP File 45-1321 The Commission discusses the project and recaps previous discussion from the March 16, 2021 hearing. Buchsbaum reads the suggested conditions for the site. Buchsbaum moves to issue an Order of Conditions for the project under the MA Wetlands Protection Act and Beverly Wetlands Ordinance with the special conditions as discussed, as well and the standard general and perpetual conditions. Seconded by Grandoni. Bertoni takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 5-0. Beverly Conservation Commission March 22, 2021 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 33 Kennel Hill Drive, DEP File 45-1322 The Commission recaps the discussion from the March 16, 2021 hearing and discusses the proposed conditions for the project. Bertoni reads the proposed special conditions for the site and adds that drainage will be drained outside of the 25 Foot Buffer and that plantings should be approved by the Conservation Agent if they differ from those presented. Pirrotta notes that the Commission previous discussed moving one of the markers to the edge of lawn. Buchsbaum moves to issue an Order of Conditions for the project with the special conditions as discussed, as well and the standard general and perpetual conditions. Seconded by Squibb. Bertoni takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 5-0. Requests for Certificates of Compliance New: 44 Prince Street, DEP File#5-907—David Carnevale Bob Griffin of Griffin Engineering, representing the applicant, explains the project to construct a seasonal floating dock system with concrete anchors. The Commission asks about the special condition of the float being stored off-site. Griffin confirms that the applicant hauls the float away during the off-season. Pirrotta reports she conducted a site inspection and the property was stable and the float was not located on the property at the time of inspection. The Commission discusses adding the off-site storage of the float as a special perpetual condition. Alden-St. Pierre moves to issue a complete Certificate of Compliance with the conditions as discussed. Seconded by Squibb. Bertoni takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 5-0. New: 44 Prince Street, DEP File#5-910—David Carnevale Griffin explains the completed project which including construction of a house addition, relocating the garage, and reconfiguring the pool and driveway. He notes that the work was completed in 2006 and the site is stable with no signs of erosion, noting a few differences between the As-Built and the Approved Plans. Griffin addresses the presence of the Bocce court, which was not on the approved plan. There are no signs of erosion and the court is very well protected. Pirrotta agrees that the site was stable and that the Bocce court is within the lawn area. Bertoni notes that the Bocce court should be moved out of the 25-Foot No Disturbance Zone. Griffin asks that the hearing be continued so that he can discuss this issue the applicant. Buchsbaum moves to continue the discussion to the April 6, 2021 meeting. Seconded by Squibb. Bertoni takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 5-0. Old/New/Other Business Enforcement Orders Beverly Conservation Commission March 22, 2021 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Cont.: 11113 Bay View Avenue Pirrotta notes that the applicant previously asked to continue the discussion to a time in the spring and schedule a site visit at the continued date. Griffin notes that the applicant offers April 3, 2021 as a convenient time for the Commission to visit. The Commission decided to schedule a site visit once the Commission knows when other site visits will occur, at the following meeting on April 6, 2021. Tree Removals, If Any 7 Iverson Road Pirrotta explains the proposed removal of a leaning Norway maple tree. The Commission discusses that since it is leaning and an invasive species, it would be acceptable to remove. Buchsbaum moves to approve the tree removal request for 7 Iverson Road with the standard conditions as discussed. Seconded by Bertoni. Bertoni takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 5-0. 30 Wed2emere Road Pirrotta presents the request for the removal of seven white pine trees. Bertoni expresses her concern about the amount of trees requested to be removed. Thomas Curran, the applicant, explains that recently a large branch fell on the roof and branches fall on the property regularly. The Commission agrees that this proposal should be reviewed under a Request for Determination of Applicability and is not appropriate under the hazard tree removal protocol. The Commission schedules a site visit for March 27, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. Curran notes that he will be there unless he gets called into work. Tree Removal Protocol Update The Commission discusses updating the tree removal protocol. Discussion includes allowing administrative approval of the removal one or two trees provided an assessment is provided by an arborist and after consulting with the Chair and Vice Chair. This would allow approval through a letter request and adding a cap of removing a maximum of four trees at a time. The Commission also notes that Beech tree removal requests should always come before the Commission. Pirrotta will create a draft for the Commission's review at a future meeting. Other 11 Juniper Road, DEP File#5-1310 Pirrotta notes that the applicant has proposed a minor change to the approved plan which would reduce the size of the patio and there would be an overall reduction in impervious surfaces within the buffer. Edward Plummer, the applicant, notes that this plan does not change the original intent of the project and wanted to confirm whether he would need to file a modification request. The Commission does not have any objections to this minor change in work footprint and acknowledges the reduction in work. Beverly Conservation Commission March 22, 2021 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 Beverly Golf and Tennis Pirrotta reports that the Planning Department received complaints about tree-cutting and brush removal at Beverly Golf and Tennis near wetlands. Pirrotta notes that there were less than 10 trees and some shrubs which were removed. Bertoni suggests an RDA be filed which can include the additional work they would like to complete at the property. 128 Boulder Lane Pirrotta reports she received complaints about work occurring at this site near wetlands and notes that there are no plans on file with the City for any proposed work. There is no approved wetland resource area delineation on the property to and the work spans a large area. In response to Squibb's question, Pirrotta reports that there are certified vernal pools on site but a cease and desist enforcement order has not yet been issued. Bertoni stresses the importance of a cease and desist notification to the property owner and tree cutters and having a delineation before moving forward. Squibb moves to issue a cease and desist letter for the tree-cutting occurring on this parcel with the conditions as discussed. Buchsbaum seconds. Bertoni takes a roll call vote and the vote passes unanimously. Senior Center Community Walks Pirrotta describes a series of walks that are being hosted by the Beverly Council on Aging and invites any interested members of the Commission to volunteer to host a walk. Adiournment Alden-St. Pierre moves to adjourn at 9:17 p.m. Seconded by Buchsbaum. Bertoni takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 5-0. The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is Tuesday, April 6, 2021 held virtual over Google Meet.