HDC Minutes 05-27-21 Historic District Commission May 27,2021 Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 6 Hutchings provided two documents provided by the Massachusetts Historical District, one having more detail of the requirements for the designation. Finch notes that the Commission meets the requirements as outlined in the document, with the exception of needing a full commission of at least five members. Hutchings says that she can provide the draft application for designation at the next meeting, and that the City is working actively to fill the Commission's vacant seats. 4. Approval of minutes a. April 22,2021 The minutes for April 22, 2021 are discussed and amended as needed. Motion: Pearl moves to accept the amended minutes for April 22, 2021. LaMont seconds. There is a formal roll call vote with all members voting yes: Finch, LaMont, Mason, and Pearl. The motion passes (4-0). 5. New/Other Business b. Discussion: Follow up on CPC priorities Since Mayor Cahill is not present for this meeting due to a scheduling conflict, LaMont recommends the topic be continued to the next regular meeting on June 24, 2021. Finch notes that a resident on Front Street has had their historic home designation plaque replaced; Commission members ask about who is responsible for replacing the plaques. Hutchings states that Historic Beverly has a historic plaque program, and that this plaque was replaced through that program. c. Discussion on Beverly Depot/Odell Park Historic District, following the demolition of two contributing buildings Finch states that two historic buildings in the Beverly Depot/Odell Park Historic District have been demolished to make way for the new Depot II building. He notes that these buildings went through the Demolition Delay process, and asks if buildings that go through the process are tracked. Hutchings states that yes,they are. Finch states that when buildings that go through delays are demolished, it should be noted on annual reports. Hutchings says that she can add this information to the annual report. d. Other discussion or action items related to Commission business, if any There being no other business, the commission moves to adjourn. 6. Adiournment Motion: LaMont moves to adjourn the meeting at 9:08 pm. Mason seconds. There is a formal roll call vote with all members voting yes: Finch, LaMont, Mason, and Pearl. The motion passes (4-0). 6