HDC Minutes 07-22-21 Historic District Commission July 22,2021 Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 6 surrounding design guidelines, and how design guidelines, while not required, significantly benefit a district. Hutchings will send out the existing draft guidelines for members to review. Members agree that the actions currently under consideration are sufficient in terms of workload, and they will review other priorities when they have available capacity. 5. Approval of minutes as available a. May 10, 2021 b. May 27, 2021 c. June 24, 2021 Minutes are deferred to the August 26, 2021 meeting. 6. New/Other Business LaMont asked if the letter was sent to Massachusetts Historical Commission updating them of the Odell Park demolitions. Hutchings confirms that a letter is being completed at this time, and will be submitted in the coming weeks. Finch recognizes the following members of the public: • Councilor Scott Houseman states his support of the Commission and thanks them for their work. • Susan Goganian offers her help and encourages the Commission to reach out for assistance regarding the potential expansion of the Fish Flake Hill Local Historic District. 7. Adiournment Pearl moves to adjourn. LaMont seconds. The motion carries 4-0. Meeting adjourned 9:01 pm. Next meeting scheduled for 8.26.21.