HDC Minutes 11-08-21 Site Visit Historic District Commission November 8,2021 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 the building, and the value of repairing versus replacing the building. Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Hromadka discuss how the windows could be replaced using energy efficient glass and the impact such replacements would make on the overall energy use and efficiency at the clubhouse. Mr. Lowd and Mr. Hromadka review how the project might move forward, including the need for funding. Commission members ask if there is a cost estimate for the full building rehabilitation, and Mr. Hromadka responds that an estimate hasn't been made yet due to the need to establish design details. Mr. Hromadka asks how the Commission's review might differ from the Massachusetts Historical Commission's review. Hutchings describes the Commission's responsibility of determining whether the project meets the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, and states that the Massachusetts Historical Commission's review will differ due to the fact that they hold a preservation restriction on the property. Commission members confirm they have no further questions at this time. 2. Adiournment Motion: Mason moves to adjourn. LaMont seconds. The motion carries 3-0 (Pearl having left the meeting at 8:48 a.m.) Meeting adjourned 10:48 a.m. Next meeting scheduled for 11.10.21.