06.22.2021 BPB Minutes Beverly Planning Board
June 22, 2021 Meeting Minutes
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Special Permit#180-21 and Site Plan Review #151-21 — 143 Brimbal Avenue, construction
of 3-story addition,with related site improvements,with the change in use from social club/
meeting hall to retail establishment and warehouse and fabrication headquarters for a rues
and carpeting business— 143 Brimbal Avenue LLC, c/o Glovsky& Glovskv LLC (cont.)
Flannery: Moves to set the public hearing for July 20, 2021 for Special Permit 9180-21 and
Site Plan Review 9151-21 — 143 Brimbal Avenue, for July 20, 2021. Seconded by
Craft. Hutchinson takes a roll-call vote. The motion carries 9-0.
Waiver of Frontage and Definitive Subdivision Plan— 75 Livingston Avenue—Paul R.
LaPenna, Michael C. LaPenna,Nancy J. Hadley,Marie J. Hadley and Joanne Holehouse
Beckwith: Moves to set the public hearing for the Waiver of Frontage and Definitive
Subdivision Plan for July 20, 2021. Seconded by Flannery. Hutchinson takes a
roll-call vote. The motion carries 9-0.
Other / New business
Edit Planning Board calendar: Reschedule September 21 meeting
The Board moves the September 21, 2021 meeting to September 22, 2021, to not conflict
with election dates.
Hutchings notes that an inquiry to the Board of Health is still being drafted in response to
Councilor Ames' discussion of rodent control.
Bartley notes that the City is starting the process of developing an Accessory Dwelling Unit
(ADU) ordinance, and asks Hutchings to share about the process. Hutchings notes that she has
not been as involved in the process as other Planning Department staff, but that the Planning
Department received a technical assistance grant to work with MAPC to develop the ordinance,
which the Planning Board will review in the future. Miller asks Hutchings whether this is
informed by the former Great Estates Committee. Hutchings clarifies that the Great Estates /
Cultural Heritage Properties ordinance is on hold, and although it also addresses housing needs,
it is different that the ADU ordinance and would achieve different results. Hutchings confirms
that the Great Estates ordinance is also a priority, but the ADU ordinance is being developed
first. The Board asks if additional information about the ordinance could be shared, and
Hutchings states she will share the Board's request with the Director of Planning and
Craft: Moves to adjourn at 9:41 p.m. Seconded by Miller. Hutchinson takes a roll call
vote. The motion carries 9-0. The next regular meeting of the Beverly Planning
Board will take place on July 20, 2021.