CPC meeting 12-16-2021-mtg notes-FINAL_APPROVED preservation efforts. Deschamps then reports that she is in receipt of an email from Commissioner Michael Collins, Beverly Department of Public Services, requesting a 12 month MOU extension for the restoration of the inverter house at Greenergy Park and the restoration of a segment of perimeter fence locate at Beverly Farms Cemetery. Collin's email noted that DPS's workload has not allowed them to tackle either project to date but they intend to prioritize them so that they will be completed this coming year. Richter invites discussion by the members. Beckwith makes a motion to approve the request for a 12 month MOU extension for each of the three projects discussed. Bussone seconds the motion. Deschamps takes the roll. The motion passes 8-0. COVID 19 Temporary Emergency Housing Assistance Program Richter introduced Beckwith who explained that during the last meeting of the CPC he had proposed that the MOU for this program be extended to June 30, 2022 and that the CPC reduce the award from $240,000.00 to $100,000.00. He was proposing a reduction in the award because the program had been underutilized, with only two households receiving funding, and these funds could potentially be needed for other projects. However, when Deschamps reached out to Finance Director, Bryant Ayles, to notify him of the award reduction, she asked if the City Council needed to take action in this circumstance. Ayles was unsure and required time to conduct some research. Beckwith is proposing that the CPC reconsider its vote to extend the MOU to June 30, 2022 and reduce the award and vote to simply extend the MOU to March 31, 2022. Beckwith makes the motion. Wendy Pearl seconds the motion. Deschamps takes the roll and the motion is passed 8-0. CPA Plan Updates CPC Chairperson Richter would like to schedule a meeting, in 2022, devoted to discussion of the CPA Plan and its update and next steps to allow for a more in-depth discussion as to the appropriate path forward. Richter mentions that there are several policy issues that require further discussion by the CPC and this process should probably be incorporated into discussion of CPA plan updates. Richter asks the members if they would think about policy matters that they would want to include in this conversation. Approval of Minutes Deschamps noted that she was wasn't able to share draft minutes in time for members to review in advance of this meeting. Deschamps will get minutes from the November 18, December 8 and December 16 meetings to the members well in advance of the January 20, 2022 meeting so they will have ample time to review and provide comment. Adjournment Richter inquires if there are any additional comments or questions. With none being heard,Thomas Bussone makes a motion to adjourn. The motion is seconded by Marino. Deschamps takes the roll. The motion passes 8-0. The meeting is adjourned at 8:35 PM. Page 3 of 3