DRB Minutes 10.07.2021 Design Review Board October 7, 2021 Meeting Minutes rotary. Ulrich inquires about the parking lot night lighting. Ulrich has a minor comment, could not read the packet rendering for landscaping. Siemasko confirmed some of the details for Ulrich. Siemasko confirms stone wall will be brown/rusty as compared to the packet rendering which is white. Cook inquires about a UV filter for the windows, which Arcari confirms. There being no further comments or questions regarding the matter: Mason: Moves to recommend the project to the Planning Board, and they approve the modifications as presented. Margolis seconds. The motion carries 7-0. 8. New/Other Business a. Approve draft meeting minutes i. September 2, 2021 Minutes will be reviewed at the November meeting. Sidebar: Margolis brings up the orange Butterfly on Endicott College,the same structure installed at the Cummings Center. Margolis comments to these structures being considered as "public art". Per Zakas, building owners can paint murals on their buildings and land owners can install structures on their land. As long as there is no text associated, it is considered public art. Poor inquires if public art falls under DRB jurisdiction if there are no current standards. Members further deliberate the lack of standards and the obfuscation of what qualifies as "public art". Cook moves to adjourn. Margolis seconds. The motion carries 7-0. Meeting adjourned 8:25 p.m. Next meeting November 4, 2021. Page 4 of 4