1999-03-17PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 17, 1999 AMENDED A Meeting of the Planning & Construction Committee was held on Wednesday, March 17, 1999 at 7 pm at the Beverly Public Library, 32 Essex Stteet, Beverly, MA. Present were: Chairman, Raymond Bouchard, Rodhey Maxner, Maareen Hobin, Cheryl Sydorko, Robert GrilTm, Timothy Brennan, Thad Siemasko and Debbie Comeau. Also present were Jearme Kuespert, Peter Searhans, Judith Mulligun, William Lupini, Ron Bouchard and parents from Hannah School. The Chainnun called the Meeting to order at 7:02 pm. City Hall Handicap Accessibility Project Mr. Brennan reported that the elevator contractor pulled out today. There are final adjustments to be made when the fire alarm system is installed tomorrow. The contractor should be back Friday to finish. Today, he received a request from the contractor for an extension of time to April 2, 1999. Mr. Maxher made a Motion to accept the extension oftfine to April 2, 1999 which was seconded by Ms. Sydorko. This Motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Bouchard reported that the Commission is in receipt of two reports from Gale Associates regarding repairs to be made to Briscoe Middle School. Mr. Ron Bouchard reported that they had a good meeting with Gale Associates in which they discussed the best way to make use of the $400,000.00 the City has available for this project. Some items included upgrading handicap bathrooms, bubblers and opening the balcony in the auditorium. They feel that most of the interior can be repainted and the plaster repaired. Ms. Hobin reported the color scheme has been picked out. Mr. Ron Bouchard stated that the exterior must first be finished before the interior is started. Mr. Bouchard reported that the bathroom window replacement project is a grant from the state and is being advertised at this time. Mr. Bouchard reports that even though the J-Wing Project is in substantial completion, major problems have arisen. The windows leak. Gale Associates are on top of the problem. It appears the glass may have been installed wrong. The Contractor is making every effort to rectify the situation. Gale Associates will not be invoicing the City any further on this job. Mr. Searoans reported on the status of McKeown School. March 19th has been reserved for the Architect and Contractor to review the status of the Punch List. Mr. Searoans reported that the Ayers School is proceeding with prep and paint in the renovated wing und plaster has begun in the new wing. There is further delay in the delivery of the windows. Shosbainian Associates is studying the fire suppression system. Results are expected shortly. The issue of the fence has yet to be resolved. At Hannah and Cove Schools, Mr. Searoans reports that flow und pressure tests were conducted. The results have been delivered to the Architect. The Civil Engineer continues his efforts to have storm water collected at Cove School directed to the proposed drainpipe planned for Lothrop Street. The City Engineer and Fire Chief request that the water service be connected to the water main at Cross Street. Minutes 3/17/99 Page Two Ms. Kuespert presented her updates as follows: 1. McKeown School - At a meeting on March 19th, Mr. Bird and the contractor will walk through the school item by item. Sub-contractors and consultants should also be present. Ms. Kuespert reported that Mr. Bird has been subpoenaed regarding the hearing before the American Arbitration Association between Mello Construction, Inc, Claimant, and International Fidelity Insurance Company, Respondent. His time will be billed per our contract with Flansburgh & Associates. 2. Ayers School Project - There are still several outstanding issues. The Castagna price on the lighting in the classrooms was much higher than anticipated. Mr. Bird is reviewing with the consultants and will report back to the Commission. Regarding the fence issue, Flansburgh is still working on a solution which Castagna will price up. A report to be forthcoming at next meeting. The Commission is in receipt of information from Shoshainian regarding the flow and pressure test. The test came back at less than originally figured. One solution is to add a fire pump. The inspector states that there is a need to loop into the sprinkler system. Shoshainian will put together a cost proposal immediately. Mr. Bouchard has asked that Shoshainian work with Mr. Killilea on the pricing. Mr. Maxher made a Motion to table this matter until the Commission can confer with the City Engineer. Mr. Brennan seconded the Motion which was carried unanimously. Regarding technology at Ayers, the School De~arlangnt asked that the Architect get back to the Commission regarding Hardware/Soth, are issues. They feel that McKeown School was not done satisfactorily. The Commission is in receipt of an original proposal from CCR Consultants listing training and soilware options. Price estimate made based on a rate of $95.00 per man hour and they will work with the School System. The budget is at $59,950. The question is whether to hire them. Mr. Lupini stated that furniture and computer items always get cut from the budget. The Commission needs to make a decision to put these items in the project or build these items into the School Budget. Mr. Bouchard suggests that the Commission walt until a decision has been made on the flow-pressure lines. Mr. Griffin asked for a cost summary and list of contingency items on this project before the next meeting. Ms. Kuespert will work on this with Ms. Mulligan. 3. Hannah/Cove School Projects - The Commission is in receipt of information regarding the "Bidding Process" for the projects at these two schools. Mr. Maxnet made a Motion to have Charette Prographics provide the drawings at a cost estimate of $7,280.44. This Motion was seconded by Mr. Brennan and carded unanimously. Mr. Maxner made a Motion to approve Betljamin Franklin Smith to provide the printing for the specs at a cost esthnate of $3,865.00. This Motion was seconded by Ms. Sydorko and approved unanimously. Regarding kitchen steamers, Michelle Gordon would like the steamers to be purchased by the project. She will then rehnburse the School Department out of her budget. Mr. Siemasko made a Motion to have steamers included in all future school projects. This Motion was seconded by Mr. Maxnet and approved by the Commission with Mr. Griffin abstaining. Minutes 3/17/99 Page Three Flow-Pressure Tests are to be performed at Hannah tomorrow by Weston & Sampson. If Shoshainian can not observe tomorrow, they will do their own test. At both schools, fire boxes are to remain with new face plates attached to them. The box will remain in the same location at Hannah but will be moved at Cove. Mr. Brennan presented a letter requesting that all future Master Boxes be surface mounted. There will not be any sprinklers in the electric rooms. These rooms will have smoke detectors. The Fire Inspector is questioning the size of piping in the specs for these new projects. Bruce Wilshire will discass this item with Mr. Brennan and Capt. Palmet. The Fire Inspector also states that any fire hydrants that are moved, need to be replaced because of the lead contained in the old hydrants. Mr. Scamans reports that the City Engineer's Code states that old hydrants can not be rensed because they are made of lead. The Commission is in receipt of a copy of "Existing Conditions" report done by the Architectural Engineers on Hannah and Cove Schools. There is a question as to whether the existing generaton will be enough to power all emergency lighting required and the smoke detectors. Ms. Kuespert will ask Shoshainian for an answer. SCI Generaton will be at Hannah tomorrow to assess the generator. The Commission asks that they also visit Cove School to assess their generator. Ms. Kuespert stated there will be a list of proprietonj items to be put in specs. Mr. Brennan asked that Unieal be used on plaster finishes instead of USG Diamond Edge. Also to be put in the spees will be a price for ramoval of VAT and VCI at Cove. The price will include total removal or partial removal. The Commission is in receipt of a draft of phasing the bids for the two schools. The Commission is asked by Flansburgh to read through the draft and give any suggestions for changes. Ms. Kuespert reviewed the exterior materials to be used at Hannah. The Commission was in agreement with the colon chosen by the Architect. Ms. Kuespert reviewed the exerior materials to be used at Cove. Mr. Brennan pointed out that the roofing on the addition should be EDPM material not asphalt. Ms. Kuespert stated she would check into it. Kalwall has been proposed for the glass area above the gynmasium. The Commission asked that this material not be used. Ms. Kuespert stated that with time constraints, she will try to come up with the best possible solution. The Commission is in agreement with the color scheme to be used at Cove and asked Ms. Kuespen to identify these materials in her minutes. With regards to the swall at Hannah School, Ms. Kuespert suggested that the Civil Engineer hold off on this issue until after the School goes out to bid. She suggested to the Commission that a private contractor be hired to work on the area after School Construction has started. Wayland Road Extention was discussed. The Commission is in agreement that the asphalt area will be left as is for now. Members of the Hannah PTO Playground Committee spoke in favor of putting all playground to the right side of the School. Ms. Kuespert presented the budget for both schools. The Hannah School is presently approximately $125,000 over budget. She feels that budget can be brought back down to $5.5 Million budget. The Cove School budget came in at $7.3 Million or approximately $750,000.00 over budget. There are several items they are looking at to bring cost down.