PR04062017 BHS FIELDS: - There is a desire to move ahead with another artificial turf field and stadium at BHS. BHS field would require grants&fundraising. - Discussions about moving ahead with softball fields at BHS(Pit area) Beverly Recreation Department Goals — 3/20/17 The following goals for our department have been discussed by Bruce & Joscelyn and presented to Mayor Cahill: 1. Develop marketing plans for all areas of business (summer camp, evening enrichment, etc.) 2. Create better systems for waste management/disposal at the parks 3. Find easy ways analyze data (park program numbers, enrichment attendance, social media statistics), communicate our findings meaningfully, and then act on what we find. 4. Have a seat at the table/be seen as an integral presence at any/all discussions or boards that seek to improve the lives of Beverly residents and that deal with issues concerning recreation and parks in the city. 2016 CPA Applications: All approved by CPC except Cahill Park court. City Council approved CPC requests 10/17/16. Park Project CPA Amount Comments Pete's Park New Play Structure/Courts&ADA $75,000 $250,000 total cost(Rec $50K& Lynch compliance-APPROVED Trustees$20K, private fundraising) Oak Heights Park New Play Structure-APPROVED $50,000 Total cost: $20,000 (Split w/ Lynch Trustees?) Vittori Park New Play Structure-APPROVED $25,000 Total cost: $30,000 (Split w/ Lynch Trustees?) Cahill Park I New tennis court and fencing $50,000 Total cost: $75,000—NOT APPROVED!! 2017 CPA Applications: Park Project CPA Amount Comments Paddles' Park Install surfacing and exercise $20,000 $30,000 total cost equipment Determined eligible for full application. Cahill Park Replace tennis court and fencing $60,000 $75,000 total cost Determined eligible for full application. Independence VIP group no longer interested! $200,000 Park CPC pre-app not submitted? Lynch Carriage North Wall/ 10 Windows $150,000 $200K total? Determined eligible for full House Concession Upgrades—NON CPC!!!! application w/specific requirements. Colgate 25,000 $30,000 $40,000 total cost Determined eligible for full application. Cooney Field New lights on baseball field $200,000 $400,000 total cost? Determined eligible for full application. Meeting adjourned at 8;20PM, Respectfully submitted, Bruce Doig, Director of Parks, Recreation&Community Services