PR05202021 o Garage Wall Replacement / Installation of windows ■ NEED TO GET AN ESTIMATE TO MOVE FORWARD! ■ Possible private donation!!! o Upgrade Concession Stand — Complete renovation needed ■ Donation? - Pete's Park— Lots of issues with neighbors and teens playing basketball (parking, noise,trash, etc.) o Still working on a few areas to complete project: ■ NEED TO MEET W/ PROJECT TEAM TO DISCUSS FINAL PLANS ■ Add bike racks for the large number of kids that are coming to the park daily. ■ Railings for ADA walkways — Still need to be bid out unless paid w/private funds. • Still waiting for 5 signs for LWCF educational criteria to be installed. - Basketball/Tennis Court Repairs: (Still need to survey ALL courts) o Contacted Vermont Surfacing &SporTek to conduct survey of all courts and estimates for repairs. COVID has delayed this survey. o Currently estimating $500K to $1M to fix all courts o Meeting w/ Mayor Cahill to discuss priorities and PARC grant funding on Monday, 5124121. 2018-2019 CPA Projects: Round 6 Park Project CPA Re uest Comments Herlihy Park/ Install some new equipment& $70,000 Phase 1 completed in October 2019 Livingstone upgrade benches, court and Phase 2 completed w/ remaining CPC & Playground landscaping. Add walkways. City of Beverly funds in 2020. 2019-2020 CPA Projects: Round 7 Park Project CPA Re uest Comments Gillis Park Restoration of stone stairway leading $22,635 Quote from Murray Masonry for $17,450. from playground area to Pleasant Trying to get quotes for work under View Beach. $10,000 to avoid bidding. Concerns about ADA accessibility to beach? Need RDA from Con Comm. 2020-2021 CPA Projects: Round 8 Park Project CPA Re uest Comments Wentworth Tot Renovating play area on Wentworth APPROVED Met w/ Caroline Larson and Councilor Lot Drive. Possible community gardens? $20K Copeland. Still deciding on designs. Starting private fundraising Need Con Comm approval due to proximity to wetlands? Additional funding from Lynch Trustees & POY budget line? 2021-2022 CPA Project??: Round 9? Park Project CPA Re nest Comments Holcroft Renovate Holcroft Park on Gage TBD in next Working w/ Councilor Ames. Park/Gage Street with some new equipment, funding Looking for grants, business sponsorships, Street benches, tables, court improvements, round? private donations, etc. etc. Additional funding from PARC grant, Lynch Trustees & POY budget line. Parisella family- $5000+ donation in memory or Ralph and other family members from Beckford St. Meeting adjourned at 8;35PM. Respectfully submitted, Bruce Doig, Director of Parks, Recreation &Community Services