PTC minutes_9.14.21 Parking and Traffic Commission
September 14,2021 Meeting Minutes
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3. Discussion: Developing a zoning ordinance amendment to Article X Parking and Loading
Requirements Section 300-59 Off Street Parking Requirements to add a new sub section F,
Bicycle Parking Facilities and a new sub section G.Transportation Demand Management—no
language has been formally filed.
Review parking standards for recommendations provided by the BBC NABP parking guidelines. Wynne
confirms this is a zoning ordinance amendment. Wynne reviews the processes involved for the
amendment. Members discuss the resources available for consideration and review.
There are 3 options for consideration. Wynne and the commissioners debate the scenarios as
appropriate to the standards and bike ordinance.They discuss ADPD requirements, numbers of cars
recommended per building, trends, etc. Commissioners review current parking trends compared to
inner city inhabitance and living requirements. Urban settings are decreasing their parking requirements
for a variety of reasons as climate resiliency and a younger generation preferring public transportation,
biking and other modes over owning personal vehicles. Benevento notes the number of cars
recommended per building is decreasing. Salt suggests with those numbers the required bike parking
increase per building. Salt notes from a bike perspective security is important.There are local, regional,
national examples to take direction from. Commissioners discuss the review process, approval process,
and incorporation process.
Brosnan of the BBC provides prospective on the suggested options. Members and Brosnan collectively
agree the first option appears to be the best at this point in time. Members review number of spaces for
types of facilities and requirements. Benevento cautions to not make the ordinance so restrictive it's
difficult to achieve. Members discuss other communities to review and compare with. Salt suggests
reviewing Salem. Members discuss ride share options.
There being no additional discussion points; no further action at this time.
4. General/Other Business
Members review and discuss the bottleneck parking and traffic at Pleasant and Hardy Streets. Henebury
provides the history on the area.Two councilors wanted to reduce the parking in order to mitigate the
bottleneck in the area. Benevento, Wynne and Henebury discuss.
Leslie Gould resigned from her post.The mayor plans to appoint an individual from the Chamber of
Commerce as a temporary replacement.The position will go through formal appoint in another year
when Gould's position officially expires.
5. Adjournment
Wynne moves to adjourn. Henebury seconds.The motion carries 5-0.
Meeting adjourned 9:26 am.
Next meeting scheduled for 10.5.21.