PTC minutes_3.02.21 Parking and Traffic Commission March 2,2021 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 4. Discussion: Intersection Concerns,Crescent Avenue at Kernwood Avenue, and Upland Road at Kernwood Avenue—request of Councilor Todd Rotondo Rotondo calls attention to the two crosswalks in the area, expressing there are many neighborhood concerns. He asks for a consideration to install an RPS rapid flashing beacon. Mostly looking for a recommendation that does not require additional signage nor ADA equipment to assist. Benevento discusses with Councilor Rotondo, any time crosswalks are revised it has to be ADA accessible; further expanding on the process. Collins offers comments and suggests the possibility of deleting a crosswalk to focus on one.The Commission and Rotondo discuss signage, pedestrian jaywalking, and speeding traffic off the bridge. Collins suggests starting with right location for a crosswalk. what is the best location to start the process which would make the area safer. Benevento inquires about the future Kernwood Bridge redesign and other historical documents. There being no further comments or concerns. No further action required at this time. S. Approval of Minutes: December 15, 2020;January 5, 2021; February 2, 2021 Minutes tabled to next meeting due to time constraints. 6. New/Other Business: Salt performed an informal site walk at the construction site for Mission Boathouse. Reports back to the commission nothing is assembled per past meeting conditions stipulated.The pedestrian navigation is not clear.The gate is still locked. All the access is not open as it was supposed to be. Benevento asks for coordination with the Planning Department to follow up with the developer for an explanation. The BCC is tentatively scheduled to return to the Commission in May to discuss a variety of issues and concerns. There being no further comments or concerns. No further action required at this time. 7. Adjournment Binns moves to adjourn. Laracy seconds.The motion carries 8-0. Meeting adjourned 10:41 am. Next meeting scheduled for 4.6.21.