BWRC Meeting Minutes July 1 2021 a. The Council on Aging reached out to the WRC to discuss this event. In prior years, Senior Day in the Park has been a successful zero waste event with cooked food served on compostable supplies, with trained people handling recycling and composting. In the COVID-19 context, the event has shifted toward boxed lunches with wrapped sandwiches, bagged cookies, and individual ice cream portions. Composting is no longer a good fit due to the ratio of packaging to food waste, as confirmed by Black Earth, and the WRC will not be involved on the day of the event. b. The WRC will work with the Council on Aging for next year's event and will help to plan waste reduction for this year's event, perhaps by leaving Clearstream bins. Burgess will follow up with Samantha Kassow. Water bill promotional insert Willwerth, Herman, and Mary Barthelmes developed a concept for a composting insert. Erina developed a second draft that incorporated textile recycling and other waste reduction messaging, and will reach out to this sub-group to finalize content. City updates on waste/recycling/composting initiatives The 5-year JRM contract was executed on July 1, 2021. Erina will send the contract to Higgins. Notably, in a brief summary: 1. General services for constituents will remain unchanged. 2. Collection costs have risen, as expected; but the City will not pay an additional fee dependent upon recycling contamination. 3. Missed collection reports and other service requests will be integrated with the City's MyBeverly-311 system (QScend) such that the City can monitor issues and JRM's response to constituents. 4. The City's exploration of food waste collection options is discussed in the contract, but any changes to collection service would be written as an amendment. The updated leaf and appliance pick-up schedule is available on the City website at: his://www.beverlyma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/1604/2021-6-month-Holiday Leaf Calendar-July---Dec-2021. Adiourn at 8:23 pm NEXT MEETING: August 5, 2021 3