2021 02 10 School Committee Minutes Communications (BevCam 1:17:15) Mr. Mullady asked Ms.Abell to clarify and remind, for the viewing audience, how the Citizen Concerns rules/Open Meeting Law (OML) applies when addressing or emailing the Committee. Ms. Abell explained the 48 hour OML rule and items not on the agenda. Mr. Mullady reported receiving a note of gratitude from a parent in regards to a Hannah para who had helped her child. Ms. Visnick offered a reminder to the new members of the access they have to the National School Board Association and their offerings. Ms.Abell noted that MASC is also a great resource and to contact Ms. Bergeron if they are not receiving emails from them. Motion to Adjourn: (BevCam 1:23:19) A motion was made by Mr. Mullady to adjourn the School Committee meeting. The motion was seconded by Ms. Robinson and approved by a roll call vote: Roll Call Vote: Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes Kimberley Coelho -Yes Dr. Kenann McKenzie -Yes John Mullady- Yes Kaarin Robinson -Yes Lorinda Visnick-Yes Rachael Abell -Yes Motion passed 7:0 The School Committee Meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kaarin Robinson, Secretary Beverly School Committee Documents Reviewed at the meeting: Minutes for Approval: School Committee Minutes 1-13-2021 2020-2021 Superintendent Goals Focus Indicators Superintendent Performance Goals 2021-2022 School District Draft Calendar BHS Program of Studies 2021 02 10 Superintendent Report