BWRC Minutes Feb 4 2021 Beverly Waste Reduction Committee
Meeting Minutes—February 4, 2021
Beverly Waste Reduction Committee
MINUTES: Monthly Meeting, Thursday, February 4, 2021
6:30 PM, via Zoom
CALL TO ORDER: 6:41 pm
COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Susan Higgins (Chair), Sandy Burgess, Nancy Dillon,
Joyce Herman, Lisa Willwerth
COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Toni Musante, John Swain (both had technical issues
connecting to the Zoom meeting)
INVITED PARTICIPANTS AND GUESTS: Mayor Cahill, Councilor Estelle Rand, Michael
Collins, Stephanie Bilotti, Erina Keefe, Kerin Cotter, Gail Garron Bernard, Andrew Samperi, and
numerous other non-disclosed virtual participants.
Committee Chair Higgins opened the meeting with a welcome to the many guests and participants,
and spoke about protocol for remotely conducted meetings. Higgins apologized for the meeting
commencing late, which was due to numerous connection issues with the Zoom invite. It appears
not all participants that were interested in attending the meeting were able to do so because of this
technical difficulty.
For the benefit of new participants, Higgins read the following statement as an introduction to the
makeup and function of the Waste Reduction Committee:
The Waste Reduction Committee is a multi-member body with members appointed to three-
year terms by the Mayor. The Committee's authority is limited to acting in an advisory
capacity to the Mayor, City Council, other City departments, and the citizens of Beverly on
matters concerning solid waste. Committee responsibilities as defined by City ordinance
are focused on identifying ways to reduce waste and increase recycling, including
composting. In this role, the Committee makes recommendations, but has no legislative or
executive powers or duties, and the Committee does not have a role in the day-to-day
operation or administration of the City.
Higgins welcomed Gail Garron Bernard, the new Municipal Assistance Coordinator(MAC)for
MassDEP Northeast Region 2. Gail is replacing Sharon Kishida, who has retired following many
years of dedicated service to Beverly and the region.
Minutes were presented for January 7, 2021.
Dillon moved to accept the minutes as presented;Burgess seconded. The motion carried(5-
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Beverly Waste Reduction Committee
Meeting Minutes—February 4, 2021
City Update on Waste Management Goals and Priorities for 2021
Higgins provided a brief recap of Recommended Best Practices issued by the Committee
(December 31, 2020) as well as a presentation that was given to City Council (January 19, 2021;
available for viewing on BevCam). As introduced by Higgins, the recommendations are aimed at
moving the City forward with responsible and sustainable waste management practices, consistent
with the State's goals for a"zero waste" future (including a 30%reduction in waste by 2030 and a
90%reduction in waste by 2050).
The Mayor's office was invited to provide feedback on the Committee's recommended best
practices. Mayor Cahill briefly went through the recommendations, indicating general agreement
with the philosophy of several of the recommendations. The Mayor noted that the recommendation
for clear and consistent recycling practices is a contract issue. The Mayor specifically said that he
is not yet there, regarding consideration of a pay as you throw program.
The Committee requested that the City practice appropriate due diligence in assessing
recommendations, including pay-as-you-throw or reduced barrel limits, without dismissing
recommendations prior to fully considering options. The Committee also requested that the City
consider and approach waste management practices with the same commitment to sustainability
expressed publicly in other City matters. The Committee noted the need for the City to take a more
active role in waste reduction and recycling programs, citing the City of Salem as one example of a
working model. A specific example offered was the City of Salem's quarterly electronic collection
events. The Mayor noted a concern about impacting fundraising efforts of local groups that use
electronics collection events for this purpose. The Committee countered that it should be the City's
responsibility to provide the lowest-cost, accessible means practical for managing electronic waste.
Not everyone in the City has the means to pay the high fees charged for electronic collection events
that are premised on fundraising.
Continued Discussion Regarding Carry-in/Carry-out Policies
Higgins clarified the Committee's position on carry-in/carry-out. The Committee endorses carry-
in/carry-out as a mechanism to reduce waste and promote responsible, individual waste and
recycling practices, subject to unique circumstances that may require placement of public
receptacles in limited, strategic locations where carry-in/carry-out is not effective. Dillon provided
an overview of her past discussions with Councilor Ames and Ellis Square Friends, and the specific
problems that developed when the City removed all of the public barrels city-wide. Commissioner
Collins and Councilor Rand both weighed in on matters relating to carry-in/carry-out, including the
benefits they have seen with the removal of public barrels. Following a productive discussion,
Commissioner Collins suggested that he would be willing to explore possible solutions for the
unique and specific problem the policy imposed on the operations of Ellis Square Friends, which
may be a different solution than returning public barrels.
Old Business and Miscellaneous Items
No discussion.
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Beverly Waste Reduction Committee
Meeting Minutes—February 4, 2021
Upcoming Events
No discussion.
Other Updates and Discussion Items by Committee Members
There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned.
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